
At this moment, back in Bard City, Arthur was cursing under his breath.

A little while ago, Turk, who he had sent to retrieve the item he required from Zack's territory had returned, with a terrified expression on his face, while yelling,

"Master! It is a Draconian! A Draconian was the one advancing, and even though he just reached Rank 6, he was able to battle me and Alan simultaneously, and was even able to kill off Alan! Waster you must avenge Alan!"

With those words, Turk collapsed on the ground. Although he was not dead, he was still close since he had lost an incredibly amount of blood, since he did not dare to slow down to recover and instead used his Internal energy and kept running until he reached his master. Once he reached here, he collapsed from exhaustion, but was still able to circulate his internal energy to slowly recover his wounds that had caused him to reach this condition.

At this moment, Zack smiled as he turned around for barely a second. Since it was his own city, he knew everything like the back of his hand, and he saw the destroyed teleportation array and the main building in the castle that only had insignificant servants.

With a satisfied smile on his face, Zack turned around and grabbed onto Grey, who was panting from dodging the attacks of the Rank 2 magical beast.

With Grey in hand, Zack ignored everything and dashed into the horizon, leaving behind a few words of goodbye for Arthur.

"See you. And don't worry, Arthur, I will be back for revenge. Haha, Haha!"

Arthur knew that in terms of speed, as well as striking ability, he was no match for Zack and could not catch up to him. That was the reason why he had brought along the Rank 2 magical beast.

However, all his plans had failed complety. And seeing the grin on Zack's face, it was highly likely that not only his family members, but also his entire treasury had escaped. And the item he wanted was also missing.

In all reality, it was not an item he wanted, but an item that a mysterious man had ordered him to get.

Although he was an Intermediate knight, he did not dare to offend such a mighty existence after that man had produced a tiny flame on his finger from nothing.

This mighty figure was naturally a mysterious mage who had appeared in front of Arthur and his disciples when they were wondering this region of the Pierre kingdom.

Since the mysterious mage had also offered him a method that would allow him increase in rank if he successfully brought the item that Zack had 'stolen' from his prestigious self, Arthur had not hesitated in agreeing to him.

To help Arthur with the mission, the mage had even given him the Rank 2 magical beast.

However, since he failed, he would face the wrath of a mage. However, that was better than facing the pursuit of a mage, since wasting a mage's time was a far greater time than angering them.

This was what led to Arthur's current predicament as he cursed under his breath at Zack, resigning himself to his fate to come in the next few days once he returned to the location set by the mysterious mage.

On the other hand, since there were no other people in the tunnel, Daron had decided to unleash his Bloodline Inheritance to the maximum, to increase the speed of his travel and to reduce the chances of coming across beasts that would slow him down.

Somehow, his armour had been able to stretch and barely fit his increased body size even after unleashing Bloodline Inheritance.

With his increased speed, and the fact that Daron decided to just dash his way out of the tunnel, he arrived at the exit within 4 minutes. It could have been faster if he used his Internal Energy, but for the moment, he did not wish to do that.

'Internal Energy?'

Suddenly, Daron remembered that he had just advanced to Rank 6 and he quickly took a few steps back into the darkness within the cave to enter his subconscious.

The Internal energy that was initially formless, continuously beating with every heartbeat of his, had not condensed into a dense ball. This ball was about the size of Daron's fist, but the power emanating from it was palpable, nearly double of what it was before he advanced to Rank 6.

Realising this, Daron remembered and opened his status.


Name: Daron Cage

Age: 6 Years (59 years)

Vitality: 20/20 (+6) [-10]

Strength: 21/21 (+6) [10]

Intelligence: 27/27 (+6) [-10]

Stamina: 21/21 (+6) [-10]

Agility: 20/20 (+6) [-10]

Sense: 20/20 (+6) [-10]

Toughness: 21/21 (+6) [-10]

Internal Energy: 500/600 (+60) [-10]

Blood Force: 20/20 (+6) [-10]

Soul: 4.1/4.1 (+6) [-10]



Official Knight Rank 6 (500/600)

Novice Blacksmith



Bloodline Inheritance

- A power which is transferred from one generation to another, whose origins are unable to be uncovered through simple analysis of currently available information.

- This power has a passive effect of increasing all stats by 6

- This power has an active effect of increasing damage dealt by 20% unconditionally, reducing damage received by 20% unconditionally, and providing the ability to reflect 2% of total damage received.

- This power's strength depends on the bloodline of the individual, as well as their age. The older the individual, the stronger the power becomes.

- The active ability uses the power hidden within the ones blood, which recovered over time. It has been temporarily named 'Blood Force', and it recovers at a speed of 4 Blood force per day. The active ability uses 10 blood force to activate, and lasts for 3 hours, before the effects wear off and the individual is left in a state where all stats are reduced by 10 for 2 days.

- Bloodline Inheritance is a talent that grows automatically with time, as well as in dangerous situations

- As time passes, the Soul of the individual will grow along with Bloodline Inheritance.



Soul Fusion

- This is caused due to the fusion of a fragmented or dead soul with your own soul, growing it exponentially

- Int + 3, Soul +1

Soul Subordination

- This is caused when an existence submits completely to you and offers a part of its soul, or core being to you, which not only allows you to control that existence to the fullest extent, but also grows your soul by 0.1

- Soul + 0.1



- Rumbling Embryo: Advancement method: Allows you to advance to the Official Knight Rank. However, in the process of doing so, you must first pass through the test/tribulation that the world and its laws throw at you in order to test your resolve to become an official knight and break the restraints of a human.

o Improvements: from 90% chance to activate the tribulations and 5% chance to pass the tribulations to 100% chance to activate tribulations and 20% chance to pass the tribulations.

o Optimisation: Increased the chance of passing from 20% to 60%, however, this change will only be effective on you and will not affect others using the optimized method.

- Fury Fist: Martial technique: Allows you to utilise Internal Energy extremely effectively by using t to strengthen the skin, flesh and bones within your fists and hands. The martial technique follows a set of steps which utilise Internal Energy to deliver the most damage possible.

o Improvements: Increased from +5 to all stats to +15 to all stats.

o Optimization: Reduction in the Internal Energy used per minute from 30 to 10

- : Sun Effect circulation method:


'Since I had activated the active ability of the bloodline inheritance, I will have to suffer a backlash of -10 to all stats for 2 days. However, it is not too much considering the amount of extra power I got in that fight. Else, I would have too been in a grave like Knight Fals.'

Daron was still feeling slightly awed by the way Sirious had perfectly used his body to the maximum. Since It was her that had killed Alan, and not himself, he was not feeling disgusted or shocked. In fact, the only emotion he was actually feeling was regret for not being able to kill the other dude in black armour, and at the fact that he was not able to be the one till kill the one that killed Fals.

However he made a remark in his mind that the next time he would meet that guy, he would definitely avenge Fals.