
Walking out of the tunnel, Daron found himself in forest, just like the forest which he was in during the expedition, except for the fact that it was less dense. The trees were shorted and more spread apart, creating more empty spaces as compared to the tightly knit canopy that he was in while in the expedition to kill beasts.

Snowy had finally decided to wake up and was now leaping around in joy as it barks and rolled around on the ground, circling around Daron.

"Hey Snowy. We are not here to play. I need to move fast, and I doubt you will be able to keep up. Come along now."


After barking for a few times in a voice that seemed to be more of a 'Owa' instead of 'Bark', Snowy rushed towards Daron as though he understood what he was saying.

Daron stood there with a slight smile on his face. Seeing the adorable behaviour of Snowy, which seemed to be at the level of the friendliest puppy he had ever seen, all of Daron's worries simply melted away.

After pitting Snowy back into the pocket of cloth within his Chest plate, Daron also picked up his back of supplies and clothes with his left hand and held the sword with the right. He could not take the chance of being unarmed in this forest that was clearly much further away from the city that the forest that he was in earlier.

Along the ground, he could barely make out some footsteps, however, with Sirious' spare processing power, he was able to get accurate information like the number of people, which direction they were travelling in, the speed of travelling, and other useful information like the weight and height of the people.

With this information, he was sure this was the group Knight Fals had told him to find, and so he followed behind them as Sirious gave him the instructions.

Soon, knight arrived as Daron did not set up a campfire nor cook any food.

Instead, he ate the dried meat and bread that he had packed along with some water he collected on a stream that he had passed by.

This was naturally not enough for his daily needs; however, he was now an Official Knight. His physique was at a level that had already gone past that of normal humans. Although such a boy would require more energy to survive, this energy was no longer limited to food. Although food was the most efficient method of gaining energy, the other method was the circulation method that knights used in order to grow their Internal Energy, Recover from wounds, as well as gain energy for the body.

However, Sirious was still working on it, and now he had even allowed it to use 40% of the processing power. According to Sirious, it would take another 4 days to fully complete. Daron had done this after learning the miraculous effects of the method.

Therefore, Daron had to sustain his daily needs while rationing the little bits of food he had brought with him, either until Sirious finished the improvement of the method, or until he reached Bob, Zoey and the rest of Zack's family.

After eating the measly food which he had packed up in a rush, Daron decided to go to sleep within the trunk of a hollow tree he found after Sirious scanned the trees around him.

The next morning, Daron was awoken by Snowy just like always, however, he no longer had the nightmare he had been having before. Instead, it was a sweet dream which he could not remember.

After waking up and quickly washing his body at the stream he had taken water from before, Daron continued along his journey once more. By now, he had realised that the path Bob and group were travelling was along the path of a river, going down stream.

'They should have left just a few hours at best before me. Why is it taking so long to catch up?'

[That is because they seem to have begun moving 2 hours before sunrise and keep on moving until sundown.]

'I see. And I am here, chilling along my way, stopping my travelling at night and only waking up after the sun fully rises. Alright then. We will move during the night for once. I have you to help me no lose my way, and I don't feel too tired as well. I can just eat while moving. Once I catch up, I will have enough food.'

After Daron decided, he did not stop jogging.

Since Bob and all were also moving while eating, somehow maintaining their speed even for 2 whole days, Daron also decided to eat lunch and dinner on the move.

Soon, night arrived once more, but Daron did not stop.

Around 3 hours after sundown, Daron found a campfire in the distance.

'They indeed needed to rest during the night. For normal humans, the speed they were moving at was already incredibly fast. Especially so during the cold weather here since winter was yet to come to a end.'

As Daron was thinking, he did not stop jogging, and move closer towards the campsite.

However, he suddenly stopped as Sirious gave out a series of warning, and finally just decided to ditch involving Daron and just took control of his body and made him dodge.

The next instant, there was a deep fist mark on the ground where Daron was on, with a figure in full body armour within.

It was Bob!