Sneak Peak

'Sirious. Save this location as (Energy Site). Once I get all these people to the capital, I will return here and spend some time in this city. Upgrade the system a few times.'


Within half a day, Daron arrived back on the other side of the river. The little bridge he had taken to come here had collapsed, and going to the nearest crossing would take another 2 days, as waste too much time. By then, those people would have already left him.

Fritting his teach, Daron dived into the freezing cold river and arrived on the other side. But he was struck by intense cold the moment he got out. Although Knights were resistance to heat and cold, that was only to a certain extent based on their ranks. Daron would not feel cold normally in the current weather which would make normal humans shiver in cold if they were naked, but at this moment, he was shivering in complete cold.

'Sirious, make me feel slightly less again.'

Instantly, his body felt heavy, not too much, but he did. And with that, his feeling of pain from the cold also vanished entirely, since it was just mild pain.

With this done, Daron began running, and not jogging towards where the group had set camp, in order to recover some heat.

In this process, he lost his balance a lot and fell over into the wet mud at multiple occasions, making his entire armour covered in mud. Thankfully, he had already placed his sword in his [Personal Space] preventing it from getting too wet, especially the leather sheath.

Once he returned to the temporary camp, it was already reaching night time, since he had spent quite a bit of time at the 'Energy Site'.


Bob, who was once again about to attack Daron was astounded at seeing the face of Daron once he wiped all the mud off his face.

"Yup. And don't worry, I solved the problem of entering the city."

As he said that, he showed Bob his identification card, which left Bob's mouth open wide in utter shock and disbelief.

"Y- Y- Y-"

"What did Daron do uncle Bob?" Zoey interrupted curiously.

"He- H- He-"

Seeing that Bob could not complete his sentence, Daron decided to explain.

"I fooled a God."

With that simple sentence, Daron walked a little closer to the camp-fire and removed his armour before washing it with water and putting it aside to dry. Next he removed his shirt and washed it in the bucket of water that the people at the camp had procured from the river nearby, before wringing it dry. He did the same for his pants, but left his boxers on. Naturally, this was not something men in this world wore, but he had forced Joanne to stich this for him ever since he was young. Naturally, back then he did not get too many pairs, but now he had a few. With this done, Daron just emptied the entire bucket onto himself to get rid of the mud, and immediately the colder night wind made him shiver. However, this time he did not make himself clumsy again and instead went to the fire to dry off, mostly naked besides the lone wet boxers he had on. Naturally, to protect his manhood from being shown through the wet cloth to others other than the ones who he wanted to in the future, he took out a piece of dry cloth from inside his bag and wrapped it around his waist.

Naturally, Snowy, who had been left behind at the camp for safety reasons, had also come out at this point and was eating the bits of food that Daron was giving it.

Just as the group was eating their dinner, Daron remembered that the fire would disclose their location and he hurriedly looked over at the solemn Bob.

Sensing the gaze at him, Bob simply smiled as he turned his head to the East.

Daron followed his sight wordlessly and noticed 5 other camp-fires not too far away from themselves.


This was perfect for Daron and their group. They could just act like all the refugees that must have escaped from Bard city after Zack Bard vanished and the city was attacked by a Rank 2 magical beast, until Daron could get them a carriage from inside the city.

With that, his heart calmed down greatly and he began heating heartily the first cooked meal he had eaten in a long time.

While Daron was busy eating mouthfuls of the delicious rabbit stew, Zoey was eating her own food, sneaking glances at Daron every now and then, curiosity beaming in her eyes.