Rank 8 account

The next morning, Daron set out for the city with quite a bit of money in his hand. Bob was continuously telling Daron that this was enough money to buy a mansion in a city like Bard, and to he needed to hide it within his chest plate to keep it safe. However, that spot had already been conquered by the mighty Snowy as a sleeping spot which was warm enough to sleep.

Besides, Daron had other ideas for the 50,000 copper that Bard had handed to him in 500 silver coins.

This was the money that Daron would use to buy supplies, a carriage, as well as two horse to pull the carriage and some other important items. After Daron had explained about his 'incognito' account's existence, Bob had also given Daron a further 50 gold to put in his account, which was almost all the coins that was present in the treasury. The rest were all items of value and strange items the Zack liked and kept.

In the Maradona continent, 100 copper was equal to 1 silver, but in many cases 1 silver was much more valuable, sometimes even going up to 400 copper in some cases if the coin was old enough to be kept as an antique. But the Union Bank exchanged 1 silver for 100 copper. Naturally, it would not be willing to the opposite transaction for normal people. The Union Bank would also willingly convert 1 gold to 100 silver, but not the other way around for normal people.

Naturally, his Incognito account was not a normal account to begin with. Storing 20,000 copper in it wade it at least a Rank 10 account, which was the lowest of the account types other than normal accounts. However, being a ranked account, he would receive certain benefits from the Union.

Daron was currently in some plain clothes he found in his bag and he had a hood on his head.

Casually walking towards the Gate, Daron waited in line and finally his turn came. This city was walled by a 3-meter-tall stone wall similar to Bard's own walls, however it only had 2 entrances and one entrance that linked to the river and only boats could enter the city from there.

On the gate, his draconian form, Bob, Zack, Grey, Zoey, Roselle, and Angela were plastered with all their names on them.

Thankfully, he had been in his Draconian form with Bloodline Inheritance fully unleashed including his active mode, which made them mistaken his face. Also, the only name was Daron, which should not stop him, especially since his age on that was 6 and he had put 8 as his current age on the fake identification.

"Who are you? Open your hood and show your identification."

Daron complied and raised his hood over his head while extending his right hand and his identification appeared.

The guard read this while writing everything down. However, his hand froze as he reached the occupation.

'Damn it!' Daron realised that he had put Official Knight in the job bracket and forgot to hide it from the guard.

"I am only visiting for a day. I will be leaving by then so you do not have to worry."

However, the guard was still stuck at the job.

'An 8-year-old Rank 6 Official Knight? The kill order is for a 6-year-old named Daron, but this guy is 8-years-old and named Cage. But… are geniuses grass that they are popping out everywhere? How can this be?'

In his daze, he allowed Daron to enter and Daron simply followed the strange guard.

Once inside, Daron first went to the Union Bank and deposited the 50 gold; roughly accounting to 500,000 copper, which instantly promoted his account rank all the way to a Rank 8 account. This was an incredibly honour, especially for this isolated branch that was newly established a few hundred years ago. They had not had a single account of Rank 8 this far, with even the Intermediate knight who lorded over the city only having a Rank 9 account.

However, Daron used his newfound authority to make everyone keep silent about this event and he just took back his wooden phone and left.

After he went some distance away, he made his made, which was in contact with his face to vanish. It actually did not vanish but went directly into his Personal Space.

With this sorted, Daron moved onto finding a carriage.