
"Let's have dinner first. We can go to District 11 tomorrow." Bob decided after talking with Daron, Roselle, Angela, and Zoey.

After looking at the map for a while, Bob found a good enough inn within the city which also had a restaurant within, and walked in, spending 200 copper for a one-night stay for 2 rooms.

The dinner was well cooked meat with some fruit juice. The taste was rather incredible compared to the 'normal' Daron had eaten in Bard city, almost comparable to 'tasty' food back on Earth.

This was something to be shocked about, since the food that was served at Blaze: Food 1 was only at the level of great food, only slightly better than this food. And this was not even the best food within the capital, since the best food would naturally find its way into the royal grounds.

Which meant that if he were to use the same food items he used in in Bard for his Blaze: Food 2 that he intended on creating here, his business would not be as much of a success. Not only was there food almost equal to his own, the fact that most people in the capital are not as poor as Bard will also come into play, which means that unlike Bard, a majority of the market will consist of wealthy merchants, nobles and people of high status with a lot of wealth since the poor would not be able to afford living in the capital for too long.

What Daron was in need of was a steady flow of high income, and that could only be created from a business if he did not want to participate full time in its working. However, if he wanted to build his business back up here, he needed to up his game and make better food.

Naturally, he would not be the one to make it.

'Sirious, we should cross three food markets on the way to district 11 tomorrow in the morning. Based on the ingredients we come across there, make up the best food dished you can.'

[Ok, Master Daron]

With that done, Daron and Bob went to their room and went to sleep.

Daron had money, but that was not his own. He wanted to have an inflow of money, and not just use reserves which were actually Zack's and not his.

Naturally, he would be taking up some of Zack's money that Bob had given him to hide in his account to stat off his business here, since to make money, you first need money.

The next morning, Daron and the rest of the group departed to go towards Outer District 11.

After passing through a bunch of districts, markets, residential areas and teleportation arrays which had people continuously entering and leaving.

It had to me known, that when they were teleporting back in Marcel, they had had to wait for enough people to enter so that the cost of teleporting would be spread out over many people, which was why the cost of teleporting to the capital was so low. However, many of the teleportation arrays were only transporting barely a handful of elegantly dressed men and women, who Daron assumed to be nobles and incredibly rich merchants willing to spend around 4 gold to use the teleportation array without outsiders entering with them.

One the other hand, Daron also noticed the high inefficiencies within this seemingly efficient system of the capital.

Roads had been built to and from the Royal grounds till the city walls to allow ease of traffic, however, only high nobles were allowed to use these roads into the inner city, while the common people had to travel all the way around the inner city. There are many other similar cases of inefficiency caused due to the 'egoistic' nature of those in power wanting to display their superiority towards the commoners.

Daron was rather disgusted by this.

[Master, your emotions are showing signs of being amplified]


His normally calm emotions had unknowingly begun to change from his cold and distant self after he had advanced to become a Novice Knight of Rank 6.

Previously, he had also shown a bit too much hostility towards that Lucius. Even though he was threatening to kill him, he did not actually go to the extent of using a killing blow, since if he wanted to, Daron would have died a long time ago.

Now that he thought about it, that Lucius was trying to figure out why Daron was still conscious despite being teleported such a long distance. It was just that his method of doing things was rather brazen and forceful.

'What is causing it?'

[It seems that after you advanced to an Official Novice Knight]

'Don't call it that. Bob told me that normal people call us official knights. But to the higher-ranking knights, we are actually called Novice Knights.'

[Yes. After you advanced to Novice Knight, the effect that your Internal energy has on your subconscious has increased, amplifying your emotions greatly.]

'So, my Internal Energy is taking control over me?' Daron was slightly shocked, but the effect of amplification of his emotions made him feel scared for the first time in a long time.

[No, Master Daron. That would be incorrect. Your Internal Energy has given you its core, it's very being. Which means that not only is it under your control, but is also a part of you. For example, imagine the Internal Energy as being a symbiotic parasite for most knights. For you however, it has become an extra limb of sorts. It means that it is part of you, submits to you, and shares your fate. This means, that in essence, it is not controlling you, but doing a function that many other organs like the brain do. It is affecting you ever-so-slightly, which would not affect you in any way, since it 'is' the way you are.]

'So my emotions becoming this riled up is not because of it, but it is me from now on?'

[Yes Master Daron.]

'Can you reverse it? Like you did for my appearance?'

[Such a function is not currently available.]

'But it could be? In future Upgrades of the Main system?'

[This possibility is 91% true based on the number of upgrades left till you fully integrate with the main system.]

'Alright then. We need to get that as soon as possible. I can't keep getting pissed off at anything and everything. Put that Lucius guy on a 'stay away from' list. Also, warn me like just now if my emotions are getting too wild.'

[Alright Master Daron]

While Daron was in thought about the changes to not only his body but also his mind, the group finally arrived at District 11 after nearly half a day of walking.