
As soon as the group crossed the 4-meter-tall wall through the gate that required them to show their identity, the group all suddenly felt the world rapidly saturate.

The normal sun became bright orange, then turned into crimson red before turning into. Complete darkness.

Just as Daron was fainting, he could faintly hear Sirious' warning as well as Bloodline Inheritance blaring in alarm as it cautioned him of danger everywhere.

[Master Daron!]

[Threat detected, entering maximum efficiency mode]


[Use of Mana detected!]

[Cannot be resisted]

[Cannot be misdirected]

[Cannot be redirected]

[Cannot be slowed down]

[Cannot be….]

[Unable to can] [1]

[Changing method to probing the mana energy to understand it since resistance is futile]

[Scanning of mana energy at 0.01%]

[Scanning of mana energy at 0.02%]

[Scanning of mana energy at 0.05%]

[Unable to scan any further due to how dilute the mana energy is]

[Entering life preservation mode]

[A copy of host's soul has been recorded into the database in case of host's body being destructed. Beginning preparation to create a new body for host.]

[Host has not been killed]

[Pausing preparations for construction of a new body for host]

[Host has been moved to a space which restricts connection with the rest of Maradona. Host is unharmed. Vitals are stable and host will regain consciousness in 24 seconds due to external stimulus.]

[Taking countermeasures from host's mentality receiving great shock after reading certain parts of the reaction process to this threat.]

[Removing reaction logs related to copying the host's soul and creating a new body as well as this log and the deletion completion log.]

[Deletion complete]

At this moment, Daron regained consciousness as he began to groan. A splitting headache had assaulted him as soon as he came to.

A few moments later, his headache subsided after Sirious slightly slowed down his nerves, so slightly that it would barely affect his daily functioning, just inhibiting his combat abilities since knights relied on quick responses and the power of the Internal Energy to defeat opponents.

"Oh? You are already awake? What is it? Some sort of body structure?"

An unknown voice resounded in the utterly black space that he was in. Daron looked around but only found the sleeping bodies of Bob, Zoey, Roselle and Angela.

His emotions were once more intensified. A feeling of fear and grief crossed his mind before Sirious interjected.

[Master, you emotions are going out of control once more. It appears that with time, the effect on your emotions is worsening, especially when paired together with stimulants like horrible scenes and memories.]

[Master, they are only unconscious, not dead.]

Hearing this, Daron's lost face suddenly shook slightly before Daron regained himself and cursed.

'Damn it! Why would it be worsening? What the hell.'

"Hey brat. Answer me." That voice from earlier echoed in the space once more."

Daron just decided to put everything aside and figure out what this person wanted from him the rest.

"I don't know. What do you want anyways?"

"Tch. Keep your secrets then. I can just dissect you and your brain to find out the answers later on."

Hearing this, Daron's hair stood on end, while his bloodline inheritance was warning him of malicious intent.

'So, this guy can sense something like malicious and killing intent also huh? Maybe when it becomes stronger, I can sense this stuff which only exists in novels for face slapping and plot armour from miles away!'

However, Daron shook his head to get rid of useless thoughts and focused on how he could get out of here.

"As for what I want… Nothing"




"… Well, it was you guys who were searching for me, and you even went to the extent of buying information on my whereabouts."

Daron remained in an awkward daze for a moment before exclaiming,

"You are Old Man Traitor?!"

"Traitorous! It is Traitorous! You ignorant brat!

[1] You know what I mean. Lol. I was unable to resist the temptation to put this here.