
"Traitorous! It is Traitorous! You ignorant brat!"

As soon as the voice spoke, the entire space trembled slightly as though affected by his emotions.

"Yes, yes. Traitorous man. You are the one we are looking for!"

"You BRAT!"

"Call me Daron and I will call you Traitorous."



"Touché" The voice sighed as he continued. "Alright then Daron, why are you looking for me?"

"Uhm. I don't know"





Times passed by in this awkward silence before Bob finally woke up.

"Knight Bob!" Daron sighed in relief as Bob finally woke up. He could now answer traitor's questions.

"Huh? What is happening? Daron? Where are we? What is happening? Young miss, Lady Angela and Madam!!! What happened to them!?!?"

"Calm down. Everyone is fine for now. Look behind you, they are all there. As for where we are… I don't know. But supposedly this place seems to be controlled by that Traitorous we were searching for. Apparently he brought us here to investigate us for investigating him. He should he hearing us right now. Just talk to him and figure it out."

After saying that, Daron just laid down and closed his eyes while allowed Sirious to slowly bring his nerve speed back, as he got used to the pain little at a time, to bring himself to peak performance once more, in case a battle broke out.

"Oh! Mister Traitorous is here? Where?"

Bob smiled even though he had a severe headache.

"What do you want with me. This is the last time I am asking."

Since the voice echoed form everywhere, Bob just looked in some random direction before speaking.

"My Master, Intermediate Knight Zack Bard, told me to escape, and take his family here and find you in case he was caught in a tough situation. Currently, we do not know what has happened to knight Zack, but he is most likely on the run from those knights in black armour that attacked Bard City"

"That is enough. I do not care about the whole story." Traitorous spoke as the black world around the group fragmented into pieces like a layer of glass and vanished into nothingness, revealing an old and dusty library like place. Books were everywhere and so much dust had piled up on the books that one could make dust balls and play snowball- ahem, dust ball fights with each other. Just standing on the ground made it feel like your legs were ever so slightly sunken into the grey ground, only different was that the ground was not grey, but was actually woo based on the rest of the room. What they were standing on half a centimetre of dust!

"It turns out that brat Bard send you over. So, it seems it is time for me to uphold my end of the deal."

In front of Daron and the group stood an incredibly old man wearing a brown dusty hooded robe, with an incense box in his hand which had clearly been just closed.

Daron felt disappointed. The man was clearly using some sort of illusory drug which had caused Daron to see what he was seeing. What disappointed Daron was the fact that this Traitorous was not a mage. However, Daron suddenly had a thought and asked Sirious.

'Hey Sirious, how come you did not realise that I was in an illusion made through herbal means?'

[Note: This is not my fault]

'Hey, hey! Explain more. What is it with you?'

[Master Daron, this is not my fault. I scanned but did not detect anything wrong, as though the entire space had been separated from Maradona continent. This cannot be something done through herbal means since I cannot be affected by herbs. The Mana energy that brought us here must be the cause of this. Mana energy must have been used by this man, or some third party to prevent me from breaking the illusion.]

'Just call it Mana, not mana energy. But wait. Show me the logs up till I woke up first.'

A second later, Daron's face was covered with absolute joy as he exclaimed in his mind.

'He is a mage! He is a mage! He is a mage! He is a mage! He is a mage! He is a mage!'

"Hehe, I will hold up my end of the deal. But there must be a price for everything!"

The old man spoke softly at this point, but both Daron and Bob felt a shiver run up their backs.