Desperate situation

"Brat come here and drop a drop of your blood onto this paper. Remember, this stuff costs 2 magic crystals, so remember to pay me back if you get your hands on magic crystals in the future."

Daron hesitated for some time. The reason was simple. He was a lone draconian. If this was revealed to this old man, although he behaved genial for now, who knew when he would turn against him to get his hands on Daron's blood.

Traitorous noticed Daron's hesitation and laughed,

"Good, good. Brat, remember, in the world of mages, never trust anyone. With this thinking, you might just survive longer than I expected. Remember, curses exist which can instantly kill you with only a drop of your blood if casted by a strong enough mage."

Daron suddenly remembered the blood he had left on his registration of his company.

"Don't worry. Old blood cannot be used. Only blood that is collected recently can be used within 24 hours of its extraction, and only when certain preservation methods are used."

"However, you will need to put a drop of your blood on this paper in order to know what your talent and affinity is. Don't worry, the paper, along with your blood will incinerate into nothingness within 20 seconds of the result coming out."

Daron simply sighed and used a dagger to slightly cut his skin and squeeze out a drop of blood.

The blood landed on the paper and instantly diffused throughout the entire paper, turning the entire thing blood-red. Suddenly, strange symbols appeared on the paper, which were slightly similar to those that were on the teleportation gates in Bard and in Marcell, as well as on the walls of the Capital of Pierre, Ferdon.

These symbols were written in some sort of black ink and quickly absorbed the blood that had spread through the entire paper before shining. The next moment, a ball of light the size of a football appeared, and it was giving off a strange assortment of colours which were mixed together yet could be clearly distinguished.

'Red, Black, Gold, and White!'

Traitorous' expression became incredibly grave as he looked at Daron with certain amounts of hostility and caution that he had never shown before.

"You, what are you?"

"… A draconian"

"Huh… That explains the red and black. But the Gold… Unless you are…but that still does not explain white!"

"Why is white important?"

"Listen carefully you creature, in case you do not know what you are. The World of Mages is not the only world that exists, in the vast multiverse. There are countless other planes, weaker than the world of mages, however, there exist some that are stronger than the world of mages. Each colour represents affinity to a particular element corresponding to a particular law within the world of mages. Red is fire and Black is Space, both of which are likely to originate from your draconian bloodline. I do not know what kind of technique you have used to hide your appearance, but never mind. Even the gold ca be explained as you having some true dragon blood within you. However, white means that the world of mages is unable to recognise it. It means that this affinity corresponds to an element and law that originates from a world that is at least equal to the world of mages. This means that you are not a part of the world of mages, but from an unknown world."

'Sirious, is that white colour your fault or is it because of me from Earth?'

[80% likely that this is caused from the main-system's interference with your body, and 10% chance that it is due to your soul coming from Earth.]

'Damn it. How do I fix this.'

"Hey old man! Don't get so nervous!" Daron said as he smiled in a mocking tone while preparing himself for battle.

"I think I understand what you are talking about. Don't need to get so nervous. Calm down and we can talk things out."

However, Daron was still on full alert, and had already entered his subconscious the moment he finished talking, to unleash Bloodline inheritance the moment the old man acted, to at least give him the chance of escape. He knew that unlike that Advanced knight Lucius, for this old man, being a Rank 1 mage, the rules would never limit someone of this status. He had to either die or try his best to escape.