Parasite and Old man

At this moment, the old man went through a series of varying expression which clearly showed on his face, unlike his usual cold expression.

Soon, he simply sighed and calmed the mana raging within him.

"I guess you have some explaining to do." Traitorous sighed once more as sat down on a chair and pointed at the other chair for Daron to sit down.

"I am actually someone who has already died once. I was called Daron back then as well, and I lived a rather fulfilling life till I was nearly 60 years old, before I died. The next moment, I was inside my new mother's womb, being born a few months after I awakened inside."

"Some shit happened after I was born and my mother was killed along with everyone else present when I was born except for a single lady who took me to a remote city where I grew up in an orphanage."

"…" Traitorous just stared at Daron who had truthfully revealed most of the truth, keeping the part about Sirious hidden. He knew he had to reveal some of the truth, however, his reincarnation, although his biggest secret personally, was not his biggest trump card he had, and that was Sirious. In this world where the weak are bullied by the strong, he needed to keep trump card a secret until absolutely necessary, and it didn't seem like the old man was going to be attacking him anytime soon. Therefore, Daron had decided to reveal a partial truth without going into too many details, hoping it would be shocking enough for him to get out of this situation.

"So, you are a transferred soul. Then there should be no problem."

"Huh?" Daron was shocked at the nonchalance of the old man. If he did not mind it, then why was he trying to kill him a few second ago? Was it all just an act to get Daron to spill the beans?

"Hehe. Brat, transferred souls are not too uncommon. I have already met 2 in my 200-year life, with you being the 3rd. Don't need to be so confused and shocked. The reason I was on guard was because of the possibility of you being a 'parasite'. Unlike transferred souls who enter large world like the word of mages upon death, with a slim chance of integrating into a body which has died at the exact same time as you and is compatible with your soul, 'parasites' are completely different. Transferred souls are phenomena of complete coincidence, while 'parasites' purposefully take over the bodies of people within the world of Mages for purposes including gathering information on our strengths and weaknesses, sabotaging us, and even causing chaos within this plane."

Daron thought for a moment and nodded, "So 'parasites' are essentially scouting from other large planes like the world of mages, while people like me are caused from coincidence of things just happening to fall into place."

While traitorous nodded Daron could not shake off the feeling that Sirious was a 'parasite', or at least, the 'parasite' took up the form of Sirious.

[This has a 21% chance of being true due to the fact that all my information is stored somewhere unknown and many things are hidden which I am unable to tell you, and some are even hidden from me.]

'Even if you are a parasite. As long as you don't harm me or those I care about, it does not matter.' Daron firmed himself. He did not have too much of an attachment to the world of mages other than magic itself, and the few friends and family he had made during his 7 years in this world. Although it may seem selfish, he frankly speaking did not care if the entire world was completely incinerated as long as he had his group of people he wanted to keep safe with him in some safe corner of the universe… now it should be called the multiverse since apparently there were multiple planes and dimensions.

"But old man… What if I was a 'parasite'. Shouldn't you be on guard against me in case, and not casually sitting down for a chat…?"

This was something that was rather confusing to Daron the more he thought about it. Why did the old man act like that?

"Haha! Brat. You should know that a mage never lets his guard down. You better ingrain that into your mind. Not against beings from foreign planes, not from other mages, not from normal humans, and especially not from those you trust the most." He then proceeded to hold up his hand, and point his index and middle finger at him, before bending them slightly and looking to the right in the direction they were pointing.

Daron followed his sight and found that there were symbols similar to the ones he saw at the teleportation arrays.

'Was this old man planning on teleporting him into a pool of lava if he was an invader or something?'

"Brat, I will explain what these symbols are next week. For now, go and rest for the day. I will begin explaining all the possible paths you can take as a mage then. But don't forget you still have to do all the chores of the house."

"Old man, I am nearly 70. Stop calling me brat and I will start calling you Sir Traitorous."

"You can call me that, but a brat will always remain a brat to me. I am already 200, and still growing. Haha, you will never catch up to me!"

"Tch, Old man, I think you are slowly losing it."

'Oh right, you can't lose what you never had…' Daron though in retort in his mind as he went back to work.

On the other hand, Traitorous, who was left along in his room, sighed deeply as he wiped sweat from his head. Sending over some mana into the array in the wall, a cool breeze began to flow from it, cooling him down.

That was a mere temperature regulation array in case he had materials sensitive to temperature in his room. He was actually reflecting upon his behaviour just now. It was highly unlike himself to completely led down his guard to someone, especially someone who he had only seen for a months or two; even more so for a potential 'parasite'. It seemed that the comfortable life he had been living for the past 20 years had worn don his edge.

'I should go back soon.' After not thinking about anything for a few seconds he thought to himself again, 'Maybe after a few years,' as the image of that brat came to his mind. Quickly, he shook the thought of that brat's face lining up with his third disciple's face and went back to making the calculations he had stopped for Daron's lecture.