On the way

With a random thought in his mind, Daron left the capital through the teleportation array using some of the coins he had saved up from the housework he did at the old man's house.

He naturally had enough for a return trip as well as quite a bit extra that was enough to return to the capital, return to Marcell, and back a few times over! This was all his wealth he had accumulated instead of spending it into 'herbs' as the old man had instructed him to. His plan was to stop his knight training using 'herbs' for the time being, and instead focus on the mage path until he began to earn money from being a mage.

Once he reached the city of Marcell, which seemed like a meagre collection of buildings compared to the enormous capital, he left the city in a rush and once he was out of site, he allowed Sirious to fully activate the senses of the system, which would cause his right eye to glow a strange colour of blue.

Naturally, he also activated his draconian blood in order to faster, and began running with the fastest speed that he could maintain over long distances.

4 days later, he was at a smaller city with similar size to the city of Bard, and went in to take a break from running, as well as buy new clothes and shoes since what he was currently wearing had been worn down.

However, it was definitely worth it, since what had taken Bob and the rest a week to cover was covered by Daron in only 4 days.

Within the city, while he was walking, he was naturally reading the absorbing mana method given by the old man. Mana, unlike Internal energy, was present everywhere. However, the restrictions needed to sense it were even harder than Internal Energy. In theory, every single human had the potential to sense Internal energy. However, they could not become knights due to various reasons, most importantly; the lack of resources and opportunities.

On the other hand, mana had certain restrictions that needed to be completed in order for someone to sense mana, mainly their talent and opportunity. Daron, was a special case of rather abnormal proportions.

Once he got the training method, and after failing to even fully read through the notes for the fire spell, Daron changed his mind towards learning the mana accumulation technique. Since Sirious could not improve it, she just scanned all the information. However, just like before, he still needed to spend his own time to actually memorise the stuff.

In essence, Sirious was still not part of his mind, body or soul, and was more like a super-computer that was there with him everywhere. And just like when he had a computer, he still needed to spend time on his own to read, understand and memorise something if he wanted to learn it. Naturally, if he wanted something to just be saved in the computer instead of learning it, he could create a folder and store it within, calling upon it to look at it at any time. But that was still different from learning it.

And so, reading the 200-page book slowly was all he could do.

However, to prevent anyone from understanding what he was doing, or stealing the book, he had already put away the book into his personal storage, and was instead reading the virtual copy Sirious had made. This made his hands free from holding the book. Instead of entering his subconscious to read the book, which he would have done in safe places, he instead remained in his body and made Sirious project the contents of the book into his right eye so he could read it slowly, while his left eye would maintain his vision allowing him to move around in the city.

It was a rather efficient method, that many people on earth did not like; multitasking. People often said that 'If you do more than one thing at once, you cannot put your full effort in either task,' and they often promoted something called 'time-management'.

Naturally, Daron thought rather differently. If you could, if you had both the mental and physical capacity to, then why would you not multitask?

That was why, even back on earth, he liked to listen to other's novels through some apps that read out the novels online, while he would do any task, like cooking food, cleaning, jogging, etc.

Generally, while writing novels, he would listen to music, or just sit in the silence of his room to boost his thought process and make the writing faster. However, he sometimes liked to challenge himself and listen to a novel while writing his own while preventing him from writing what the novel he was listening to was saying.

To Daron, it was like a fun break from the constant serious work in his house.

As he walked in the 2-inch-thick snow that was gradually growing in height from the snowfall, Daron noticed a dark figure with corner of his eye and curiously turned to look at it, but was shocked from what he saw.