
After calming down a for a while, Daron finally came to a decision and directly entered a command into the main system.

'Remind me to never go to this place if I come near it.'

The chill he had felt when that smile appeared on the crack was still fresh in his mind, and Daron decided to just leave this place and not return. He could simply wait for the main system to recover enough energy over time and unlock new things slowly. Instead, he could spend his time learning magic.

With Snowy back in his pocket, he decided to return to the city where he had found Rachel once more. Since it had been 41 days already since he had left.

Sirious had reminded him a lot that instead of learning how to absorb mana, he should instead focus on learning a beginner spell first. Since that was what the old man had told him before. He needed to only learn how to caste a beginner level spell as well as comprehend the basic understanding of mana, which had already been done by Sirious, to become a beginner Apprentice.

However, Daron knew one thing. The mana within his body was 0! Which was lower than even the mana within a normal human. Therefore, even if he learned a beginner spell, he would not be able to cast it.

It would be a complete and utter waste of time. Instead, learning the mana absorption method could actually help him greatly. Daron had already planned it all out in his mind. He would first learn the mana absorption method, before beginning to learn the beginner spell. This way, while he was learning the beginner spell, he could try and increase the level of mana within his body to 1, and possibly even 2!

Without Sirious, Daron needed to physically control the main system to project map of the area he was in. Unfortunately, he still had not received a GPS system which would allow him to determine his exact location to the closest meter, and also give him directions.

Currently, Daron was stuck with estimating his location with the amount of distance he had travelled and continuously referring to the map.

Naturally, in between the stops he took along his journey to refer to the map, as well as the stops to kill off some of the magical beasts he had found along the way and feed them to Snowy, Daron was still reading the mana absorption method using the main system, patiently scrolling down slowly, pixel by pixel.

Only now did he realise what a pain-in-the-a*se the main system was. It was like the world's fastest CPU, but having to use binary to input commands, without having a UI of any sort. Essentially, Sirious played the role of the UI between Daron and all the systems, and without her, Daron had to slowly enter each command in a systematic way. If the order of the instructions was wrong, the result would also come out wrong. [1]

Slowly, time passed and within 3 days, Daron reached the city and entered the church to find Rachel walking around in the small garden the church had, along with the few orphans that were being raised by the church. Over the past nearly 40 days, she had slowly recovered enough for the church's priests to use divine arts on her and fully heal her.

"Rachel!" Daron exclaimed when he saw her all healed up and looking almost completely fine. Except with an eye-patch.

Hearing her name being called, Rachel lifted her head from the kids she was playing with and looked at Daron.

While Daron was swiftly walking over to her, she fell into a daze. A torrent of emotions ran though her mind once more.

By the time Daron reached her, she had somehow calmed herself, and smiled at him.

However, Daron could clearly see; that although she was smiling, she did not feel happy at all. In fact, her expression resembled someone who was lost.

However, Daron himself was at a loss on what to do at the moment. Instead, he just embraced her in a hug, similar to one he would give his sister is he ever had one, and just waited, and waited.

After nearly 10 minutes of just staying in that unmoving position, almost as though lightening had struck her, Rachel's body, which had considerably thinned after such a long time of not having enough food, began trembling ever so slightly.

Soon, Daron could feel his right shoulder and back being soaked, however, he still did not move and waited some more. He remembered seeing his teacher doing this to one of his classmates who was crying for some reason he failed to comprehend.

'I still don't get why he was crying over his friends telling him that he was not invited? If they were really close friends to him, they would not do that to him. Which meant that they were 'fake friends', meaning that he did not need to bother with them. Why was his thinking process so childish and inefficient even though he was 7 years old!' Daron thought to himself as he recalled him memories from Earth.'

[1] A CPU is something everyone should have learned in school. A UI is a User-Interface. Basically, everyone should know how computers worked before right? Or at least, you should have seen those movies where 'hackers' would slam their keyboards to type out intense lines of green coloured codes on a black background right? PS. That is all bullshit hacking just for dramatic effect. Anyway, that black background and green text is how computers worked before UI was created. UI is essentially the stuff in between the green text and you, to make it so that you understand that 'A file exists here' instead of 'wkhbqih3rcobwovihvbwv%EW' XDXD. I think that is right, cause that is summing up what I remember from high-school. Anyway, if you still have questions, just search up UI on google, you should get a correct answer.