If you laugh in the face of danger, danger smiles back at you

A few hours later, Daron opened his eyes to the incessant smearing of some liquid which gave of a putrid stench onto his face.

The first thing he saw was an enormous monster's nose, while the liquid was still being smeared on his cheeks. A moment later, the monster noticed that Daron was awake and started barking, only, it was not a deep earth-shattering Bark that Daron was expecting but a soft little squeal of a bark.

Only now did Daron notice that the monster was actually his little Snowy, which was only too close to his eyes, affecting his perception.

Sighing, he removed the stinky liquid from his face with some water from his [Personal space], where he noticed the stone that took up 1/4th of the total space inside.

'What happened? Sirious?'

Daron suddenly noticed the tiny message at the corner of his vision and opened it.

[Master Daron, I have exhausted my power, which is not the energy that is used by the Main system. However, I will be unable to interact with you for an estimation of 12 days. Do not worry, all the systems will still work, the only difference is that you will have to directly input information and commands into each system individually to accomplish something. All current tasks will continue without stopping. Goodbye. And Master, please do not go there again]

'What happened in there?' Daron began wondering as he got to know that Sirious had lost some of the energy that kept her running, which is different from the energy that sustained the main system and the other systems. At least it was not some sort of permanent damage and she should recover in 12 days.

Daron opened the main system and opened the folder where all the recordings are stored before Sirious sorts them out. Essentially, he went directly to the raw data storage, since the person who sorted everything out, removing the unimportant bits and compiling it together had temporarily applied for a leave.

Going back a few hours to just before he entered that room, Daron played the video.

He entered the room, which was dark and gloomy, just like most of the houses in the energy sphere.

As soon as he pushed on the door, it turned to dust like the rest of the doors he passed by.

All of a sudden, the energy flow increased by triple of what it was before and his hair and clothes began fluttering in the force created by the energy.

Somehow, this flow did not affect anything except himself.

This was where Daron had begun to lose consciousness, however, for some reason, his body did not fall to the ground. Instead, it kept moving.

Inside, there was the egg that was in his [Personal Space]. However, that was not the source of the energy, and was instead absorbing the energy.

The source was behind it. As Daron's body moved around the egg, he saw what was behind the egg.

It was a crack. A crack unlike any Daron had ever seen. It was a crack in the reality, a crack in the space of that particular location. Inside the crack was something that Daron could only describe as complete chaos, light and darkness, colour and monochrome, straight and curved, 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional, and some other dimensional concepts that went beyond Daron's understanding were continuously existing and being erased from existence within the crack.

However, what was more terrifying was that Daron's body, was trying to reach out to the crack, even though Daron himself had already lost consciousness.

Suddenly, almost as though the crack detected Daron, is shivered slightly before it began to change. The initially random crack slowly morphed.


For the first time in the entire recording noise began playing, which sent caused goosebumps to form on Daron's neck.

The crack kept morphing and finally turned into a shape resembling a mouth, before stretching to nearly double its current size in a half crescent shape as though it was smiling at something.

The ends of the opening, were cracking even more space, however, there seemed to be something that was forcing the crack to go back to its original size. Some sort of power that Daron did not understand, was suppressing the crack that too, he did not comprehend.

However, that smile felt like it was directed at Daron, as though the mysterious crack, or whatever was on the other side of the crack, had completely seen through Daron.


Daron exhaled slightly as the recording was forced to shut down there since the crack had somehow affected the main system and distorted everything that conspired within the room. However, just as it shut, it switched on for a brief moment, where Daron could see that Sirious took over control of his body and brought him out of that energy zone.

'WTF. That thing was smiling at me! And it possessed the energy that sustained the systems. It also directly affected the recording function without even actually being here.'