

Daron slowly opened the door to the house, which had been weathered down to a state which just barely held together.

*Crash* the next instant, the door collapsed into near dust.

This place, which was surrounded by that strange energy, did not receive any forms of erosion except time itself, which was therefore able to make everything just hold its shape. No wind nor rain, no human nor other living organism had come inside the energy.

This energy had some strange properties. It disintegrated anything living, but did nothing to anything non-living. However, it stopped all non-living thigs from entering from the outside like air, but when motion was caused by a living creature, like when Daron threw the rock in the first time he had come here, it did not stop it nor affect it. The system could absorb it, and so could his body, but every cell of his would breakdown upon contact. Only by using the energy to rebuild the cells could he survive. This energy would breakdown his body, however, it somehow managed to also replace all his nutritional and energy needs. In fact, even his Internal Energy was slowly growing at a visible speed.

Over the previous 20 days, his Internal Energy had grown to the point that he was now a Rank 8 knight without having even a single herb. If he had enough herbs, he could essentially reach Rank 10 in one fell swoop. However, the amount of money that would cost was astronomical. On the other hand, this was incredibly slow comparatively, however, it was completely free!

It was because of this that Daron had made up his mind to help Rachel, possibly search for everyone else, before returning back here and chilling in sleep until he reached Intermediate Rank!

This strange energy, seemed to noy just exist in this place, but seemed to be emanating from a certain location. At first, this was not perceptible. However, after the previous 20 days, Sirious had somehow managed to increase her understanding of this energy, which made her more sensitive to it.

It was due to this increase in understanding that Sirious was able to use the energy to increase not only his body, but also his Internal Energy, resulting in his incredibly speedy rise in power to Rank 8! According to Sirious, this mysterious energy seemed to be a form of higher energy compared to Internal Energy, which was why his body, the body of a human, could not handle it and would breakdown upon contact.

This was also the reason that this energy could be easily converted into Internal Energy which was instantly integrated into his existing Internal Energy. However, it seemed like Mana was an energy that was on almost equal standing to this energy, was why it could not be converted into mana. It was ether that, or the fact that Sirious did not have enough understanding of mana compared to Internal Energy, and the fact that Daron currently did not have any mana within his body, since he was still trying to learn the method of absorbing mana.

It was also this understanding and sensitivity that Daron was following, moving towards the source of the energy and the cause of the flow within the energy which seemed like it loved to remain fully static and disliked everything that was not.

After a day of slowly searching, Daron did not stop. Engulfed in this energy, he did not feel tired, hungry, sleepy, or the urge to release himself. It felt almost as though he was a machine which did not need anything that humans needed, only containing emotions and the need to complete certain tasks.

Another 2 days passed, and due to his slow speed while moving and searching, Daron had still not found the source. His speed was slow due to the fact that he had to slow his responses and ability to coordinate between his limbs to numb the pain, as well as due to the fact that he had to avoid the church and the places that were within their sight.

Now, Daron had actually narrowed the source down to a single building, however, the problem was that it was incredibly close to the church, almost directly across it!

If Daron entered normally, any little kid from the church would notice him, since it was only at a distance of 20 meters. At least, Daron had the benefit that the energy prevented any sound from entering or leaving, so even if he ended up breaking a tonne of things inside, no one would notice as long as the building did not collapse.

Naturally, Daron was not stupid enough to waltz in from the front door of that building, and instead sneaked in carefully from the window on the other side of the building, making sure to destroy as less of the building as possible during the process.

As soon as he entered the dark building, which was much like all the rother buildings in this energy space, abandoned, gloomy, and about to be destroyed at the slightest touch, Daron immediately felt like the pain he received had doubled, which was instantly counteracted by Sirious by reducing the speed of his reactions.

However, he did not stop, since his bloodline inheritance still had not felt any life-threatening situation, and was only slightly riled up.

At this point, the force of the energy had grown tremendously, and Daron's clothes and hair began slightly fluttering, as tough a slight breeze was passing by. The only difference was that it was cause by an immense and powerful force that was being exerted within the building in all directions.

With his mind even slower than before, Deron pushed open a door which turned to dust under the force, and noticed something strange.

He noticed a planet.

[That is not a rock]

He noticed a rainbow.

[Not a rainbow]

He noticed….

[It is an egg, Master Daron.]

Yes, an egg. And behind the egg…

As Daron saw what was behind the egg, his eyes seemed to be enchanted by it as he slowly moved towards it, all caution gone with the wind.

[NO!!!!!] Sirious cried out loud as she took over control over Daron's body, touched the egg that was half a meter in diameter at the longest part, and pulled it into his [Personal Space] since she knew Daron would be interested in it. There was also that fact that the egg was not the cause of the energy, and was just present there, with no links to the energy, so it would not hurt Daron in any way.

Without wasting even, a second more, she moved Daron's body and made it leave the room, then the house from the back window, and then this strange energy barrier.

As soon as they arrived outside, Sirious sighed and sent a message to Daron for when he woke up.

[Master Daron, I have exhausted my power, which is not the energy that is used by the Main system. However, I will be unable to interact with you for an estimation of 12 days. Do not worry, all the systems will still work, the only difference is that you will have to directly input information and commands into each system individually to accomplish something. All current tasks will continue without stopping. Goodbye. And Master, please do not go there again]

With those words, the connection in his subconscious, which was initially a relatively large tunnel, became much smaller, and much thinner.

With that, Daron fainted outside the abandoned city that he had named [energy site].