Breaking Through (2)

The advancement method for becoming an official knight was actually rather simple. One needed to compress his or her Internal energy, forming an Internal Energy Core, while facing the pressure from the will of the world. If they successfully pulled through, they would advance, while if they failed, they would die.

The advancement method given to Daron by Traitorous, and improved by Sirious, was different. This method used to become an Intermediate knight consisted of using the now condensed Internal energy within the Energy core to build a single channel from the core within the centre of his body, to one of his limbs. As you Rank increased, you needed to build a new channel to a new limb for each rank, ultimately leading to building 5 channels; one to each of the limbs and the head, by the time you reached Rank 15.

The only difference between those and now, was that he would be facing the full power of the will of the world.

Entering his subconsciousness, Daron opened up the seal on the Bloodline Inheritance. Looking towards the internal energy while his body underwent changes from the Bloodline Inheritance, and asked,


The Internal Energy Core shivered slightly, expressing its agreement to Daron directly through their connection.

Daron's soul extended his hands into towards the core, and as though building a symphony, began waving then elegantly in the air.

Following the smooth movements of his hands, his Internal Energy began to move, forming a single thin tendril to one side.

However, Daron did not allow it to fully form, and instead, changed its shape. While trying to do so, dark clouds covered the sky above the capital of the kingdom of Pierre. Lightening snaked through the dark cover, while thunder echoed in everyone's ears. Suddenly, an enormous pressure, completely unstoppable in nature, smashed onto Daron.

It felt similar to when he was advancing to Official Knights, only that it was at least 20 times stronger!

However, Daron faced this pressure head on, and put more of his focus onto making his Internal Energy channel. He increased its radius, and then made it hollow. Then, he allowed this tendril to extend all the way to his right palm.

While this was happening, the pressure on his did not stop, only continued to increase at a rapid pace.

In a large manor in the inner city for nobles, a knight wearing no armour or weapons looked up at the sky with an odd expression on his face. He was an Advanced knight, and could sense the energy coming from one particular house of an Official Knight trying to reach Intermediate.

However, the will of the world was so strong that it reminded him of the force he had faced while trying to advance to an Advanced Knight! This is what was confusing him, leaving that strange expression on his face.

Since the channel had now basically formed, anchored to his right palm, Daron did not need to pay too much attention to it anymore. His Internal Energy would be slowly consumed to increase the durability of this channel, widening and hardening it with time.

Instead, he turned his focus towards the pressure he was facing from outside. His muscles were taught to the limits, bulging veins could be seen everywhere. His long blue and golden hair, which reached his shoulder, was flowing freely in the pressure caused by the will of the World.

This test was still incredibly hard, but having gone through it once, it still felt slightly easier than last time to Daron. Without waiting too long, Daron began borrowing power from the Bloodline Inheritance, and began facing the unstoppable force.

It was similar to how a human wanted to stop a tsunami, only that human had suddenly turned into a giant wall.

However, Daron suddenly had a thought, and instead of forcing the force to stop, why not allow it to flow around him, without being stopped?

The flat wall meant to completely stop the tsunami suddenly turned into a circle, with a point at the front, parting the water in two, allowing it to flow without stopping.

Daron's body, which had been bulging with veins and shivering from the amount of force it was bearing, shifted slightly. He was no longer stopping the Will of the World like he had done during the first time he had advanced. This time, he was instead allowing the World of the Will to simply flow around him, effectively deflecting most of the force away from himself.

Just like that, the night passed, the morning came, and the dark clouds dispersed from above the skies of the capital of Pierre, Ferdon.