Breaking through (1)

When he woke up, he felt an odd sensation of being refreshed, and noticed that he had received a few notifications from Sirious.

[Vitality has been increased by 5]

[A month has passed]

'I slept for a whole month…' Daron thought to himself as he pulled his now energised body out of bed and into a fresh pair of clothes.

Just at this moment, he heard Traitorous' voice in the air around him.

"I have prepared the stuff you wanted. It is outside your room. But make me a promise that you will not waste too much time on it."

Hearing this, Daron's eyes lit up for a brief moment and he replied "Sure." And ran to his door.

Outside, there were 6 boxes! 6 whole boxes of the 'herbs' he had 'ordered'!

'Sirious… How far can I reach with all of this?'

[You can reach Intermediate Rank. There will be a box of extra 'herbs'. But before that, I would suggest you to wait longer and regain all your vitality, or else this will backlash and instead harm your body and Internal energy instead of increasing it.]

'Ah…' [1]

Daron dejectedly left the stuff at the door and went back into his room, eating another Vitality pill and going off to sleep.

Another month passed, and his vitality had recovered by 10, only 6 lower than his original. However, he could now safely use Internal energy with no risks, and he felt it was time to increase his strength.

Taking in one box at a time, Daron swallowed the disgustingly enormous pills with no water, and within just 5 days, he had finished 5 boxes! And his Internal energy had reached the point of another breakthrough.

But before breaking through, he went to meet the old man and explain his plans.

"Hey old man, I am going to go through the breakthrough to reach Intermediate knight now"

"You…!" However, instead of being utterly shocked at Daron, or shouting at him for taking things too fast, the old man just sighed this time.

"You spend too much time on Internal Energy"

"I spent only 5 days on it. The rest of the time I was recovering. I have already regained 10 Vitality"

"…" This time, the old man was speechless at the ability of this kid to unknowingly brag about himself. Even as a mage himself, he might feel jealous if someone else were to get a knight could increase his rank by 4 in just 5 days, and even wish to advance to Intermediate, without a period of stabilisation. Such a talent, if given the time and money, would most definitely reach the advanced knight rank, and possibly, even the legendary Blade Master rank, that was on par with Rank 2 Mages! [2]

"So, what do you want?" Traitorous asked after some time.

"It will take me some time to do this, and I have around 4 months left before I need to leave. Hopefully this does not take too long. But that does not affect my plans. All I need you to do is to take care of my body, and also help me re-register the Blaze company in the capital. It was a company I had created back in Bard, and if any of my family see this, they might recognise it. This is one thing I must leave behind in the capital, and I hope you will take care of it. Thanks. Also, sell this box of 'herbs' and put the proceedings into the account of the company as starting capital."

With that, Daron left the room, and ran to his own room, and began the process of breaking through.

[1] [adult swim] [We keep your information secure, cause we never store any of it]

[2] Just for the sake of it, I will make the power system clear

Knight in training- Basically a normal well trained special-ops level soldier

Beginner Mage Apprentice- Can kill a Knight-in-training or other normal human, and can hold of Novice Knights for some time.

Official/ Novice Knight- Can now begin to wield Internal energy

Intermediate Mage Apprentice- Can fight equally with Novice Knights as long as they are far away, with a 70% chance to escape an Intermediate knight's pursuit as long as they start far enough from each other

Intermediate Knight- Can now project Internal Energy out of their body instead of just suing it for strengthening like Novice Knights

Advanced Mage Apprentice- Can kill Intermediate Knight, and can safely escape an Advanced knight's pursuit, but cannot battle them.

Advanced Knight- Can fully form weapons using Internal Energy, and can kill Advanced Mages as long as they can get to them before they escape

Pseudo Mages: Can equally battle with Advanced knights no matter their distance until their mana runs out, but can easily escape.

Rank 1 Mage: Can kill off Advanced knights like killing wild boar

Blades Master: Can battle equally with Rank 2 Mages (Powers unknown as of now, will update this as the story progresses. But I already have an idea)

----More to come soon----