
With a flash, Daron arrived at another teleportation array with some flashing blue and white lights. Be it due to the fact that it was a short distance teleportation similar to the one he had used to escape from Bard, or that he had become an Intermediate knight, Daron only felt slight dizziness. This also had to do with the fact that this was a 'stabilized teleportation', compared to the 'temporary teleportation' as Traitorous called them when Daron described everything to him. Such, stabilized teleportations, also reduced the effects of the teleportation on the users greatly.

Therefore, Daron only felt the strange dizziness of a hangover, naturally, along with its pain. However, he did not directly pass out like all the times before. Instead, he just stood in his place, panting.

Sirious could have completely negated this effect on him, however, he had given her strict instructions to never do this unless his life was in danger, to prevent suspicions rising upon himself like that Advanced Knight in Ferdon, whose name he had forgotten by now.

[Lucius. His name was Lucius master.]

'You did not have to remind me. It should be fine to let me forget this.'

After a while of recovering, while a headache still buzzed in his mind, Daron stood up straight and looked around. He found himself in a rather dull-looking wood cottage. Suddenly, he noticed there was someone standing in front of him.

"Huh… So, you did not faint? You seem to have a strong body"

The man noted down with a pencil, before turning to look at Daron and asked, "You are Daron Evans… I presume?"

Daron nodded and pulled out the church's identification from his left arm. Reading through it for a moment, the person nodded and continued scribbling away on the paper in front of him.

A while later, he finally put away the paper and said, "Since you are not out cold, you can carry yourself. Come along now, the ship will be leaving soon."

Daron followed the man out the door, carrying his own luggage, instructing Sirious to slightly lower the pain he felt to allow him to remain alert.

However, as soon as they arrived outside, Daron stopped moving and his face contorted in a rather peculiar expression.

The man also noticed this and after a moment understood what was happening. Haha, kid, you are not going to be travelling through the sea.

Suddenly, inspiration hit him and Daron looked up, only to see an incredibly large ship, in the full essence of the word, blocking most of the sky. Yes, it was a floating ship, a rather odd scene to Daron, which also simply defied the laws of… well… everything.

However, Daron knew, based on all the novels he had written, as well as read, nothing in the world could be without a scientific explanation.

Mana could be considered as a new form of matter and energy, and therefore had its own rules it brough to the table. However it till had its own rules, and nothing could simply float like that!

Then, Daron understood.

'It must have a power-source strong enough to create some sort of anti-gravitational, as well as propulsive effect!'

However, this discovery only made him get more excited about magic. It was not just the boring magic where mages would yell out "FIREBALL!" at each other, and win based on who roasted the opponent first. There was a lot more to the magic in this world that he had first thought.

He thought that mages only learned spells, and some of them, a minority, put some time aside to build some magic arrays and sell them for some cash on the side, before returning to spells.

However, that was clearly different. If something like this could be built, then naturally, they clearly had advanced quite far in terms of their researching of mana!

"Alright, you should be the last newcomer. The rest are on board, however, almost all of them are still recovering from the teleportation. Let me explain the rules to you since you are the only one awake. This ship will move on its own to the destination, and it's overall structure will not take any damage from anything. However, all the decks and rooms can still be destroyed by creatures. Naturally, that will still not affect the ship itself, which will keep moving forward, leaving everyone who fell behind. Therefore, you need to protect the ship in order to live. There will be no one to protect you on this trip that will last 2 months."

"Wasn't it supposed to be 2 years?" Daron asked in confusion.

"Haha! You have a good memory. Technically, the journey is supposed to last 2 years. However, we cannot waste that much time for everyone. Therefore, as long as you can cross the distance that will take 2 months, the ship will arrive at a super-long distance teleportation array, along with several other ships from all over the continent, and will all be teleported together over."

"They are all for the Phoenix college? How rich is it?" Daron was shocked at how powerful Phoenix college is.

"No! Only this single ship is from the college. All the rest, are for other organisations. There will even be some from Pierre. Phoenix college is only a Level 6 organisation. Anyway, the rest will be explained there."

"Okay! Thank you sir!" Daron gave a knights bow to the man to show his gratitude for the information.

Seeing how grateful the kid was, the man scratched his stubble before calling the boy over once more, and whispering in a much more serious tone.

"Hey kid. You need to be careful. Out of everyone here, there is someone who had great talent, but is still only a beginner apprentice. She might attract unwanted attention from other organisations. The 2-month journey should not have anything too exciting, but just before you teleport, you will have to wait for a week, and that is the time you need to be most careful at. Since everyone will be teleported directly to their respective organisations directly from there, there should not be too much of a problem if you can stay on this ship till them. Alright then, good luck"

Daron's face gradually darkened while listening to the man with a black stubble, however, he still thanked the man once more before climbing the loose rope ladder and getting onto the ship. And just like that, they were off.