Ship (2)

Standing on the upper-most deck, Daron stroked Snowy's back as it slept in his arms, gazing upon the magnificent ship. It had a total of 3 decks; however, it did not have a single mast or sail, clearly moving due to some other forces.

The upper deck, which was fully exposed to the air, had nothing on it besides a railing to prevent people from falling off, and stairs that led down to the lower decks. After a while of walking around, Daron had fully explored the entire place.

There were 2 lower decks, with the middle and lower decks having living quarters for everyone on board, and based on the number of fainted people piled up on the upper deck, they would all have to share a room with another person.

Thankfully, the lower-most deck also had a kitchen, a food storage, as well as a room that was locked.

'That should be the engine room. But I don't think I can get in unless I try to destroy the entire ship, and even then, based on what that man said, it would still not be possible.'

After thinking that far, Daron simply gave up, and took an apple from the food storage, and a knight from the kitchen, and began peeling slowly on the upper deck, staring into the horizon.

Back on earth, he had been on countless flying devices like helicopters, planes, jets, hot-air balloons, and a few more. Most of these were not done by his own choice, but rather his clients wanting to meet him in such 'odd locations' to discuss any new novels he was willing to write.

After all, novels were a big thing back on earth, with nearly 80% of the population reading novels online, making it even more of a hot-topic than anime when he was nearing his later years.

Due to these experiences, he did not feel any discomfort from this method of travel, in fact, he felt more alive than ever before. The cool night breeze brushed against his slightly long hair, as he popped pieced of the apple into his mouth.

Soon, the first passenger with him finally came to their senses. After groaning for 10 minutes and rolling around, the person finally opened his eyes and sat up. Looking around, he saw Daron, still eating the last bits of his apple, staring into the night sky.

"Your awake? Good, good. Find your luggage from the pile there," Daron pointed at the mountain of boxes containing the belonging of the passengers.

"Then go to the lower deck, and take one of the rooms. Remember, everyone will have to share a room with another person, and there are already 2 beds. There is not running water, but there are washrooms which have holes on the lowest deck. Everyone will have to share the 3 washrooms."

The person who just woke up had blonde hair with deep blue eyes, almost making Daron remember the 'super handsome, ultra-reverse harem novels' he had written about at a rather odd time in his life. He also seemed incredibly feeble, with almost no muscle on his body, just having the bare enough, clearly from losing vitality while meditating.

This guy was a clear contract to Daron himself, who was incredibly well built, even more so compared to his previous self. He now looked like a buff 12-year-old, even though he was only 9 years old. The kid in front of his looked like he was also 10 years old, one that had not been fed for years.

However, the kid did not move, just looking at Daron intensely.

"I'm Daron by the way, Daron Evans. Once you finish with everything, the lower deck also has a food storage and a kitchen, you can make your own food."

With that, Daron threw out the core of the apple with had the seeds off the ship, and went inside to make himself some dinner.

As he walked, he heard a second pair of footsteps following closely behind him. Turning around, he saw the blonde kid following him without saying a word, his box in his hand, struggling to carry it.

Sighing, Daron extended his hand and picked up the box with one hand, due to his Intermediate knight strength, and just swung it behind his shoulder, walking all the way to a lower deck.

Then, he opened his own room and placed the box inside.

"I'm sleeping here. You can stay with me for the time being."

Then, he walked away to the food storage.

"I'm Douglas, but my teacher calls me Doug."

"Alright then Doug, do you know any of those people above on the upper deck?" Daron asked while pulling out some meat and preparing it, while heating up the pan on the alchemic fire.