Patrice... Who is she?

After returning, Daron made everyone introduce themselves to him for future reference and during any possible battle than might come up. He knew that not knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your allies was even worse than not knowing your enemy.

As it turned out, on the ship, there were 5 children below the age of 14; including himself, Doug and Patrice, all of whom were Beginner Apprentice mages. There were 8 of the children who were knights in training, somehow having reached Rank 4 already, most likely due to the influence of their rather rich families. While the last person was actually an official Knight at Rank 6, having just advanced a few months ago!

Clearly, their families had no shortage of money, and spent a shit tonne on high level herbs, allowing them to reach Level 4 before the age of 15. The one who was a knight in fact looked quite young, but was already 16, an adult in this world! However, he clearly had no idea about anything in life except knighthood, chivalry, and swordsmanship, and was most likely someone from Patrice's family or something, sent to protect her.

Daron had come to the conclusion after repeatedly seeing this guy next to Patrice like glue, never leaving her side, and also the fact that Patrice was the leader of the group of ducks. She should be someone important in Pierre. But clearly one of the princesses were named Patrice, neither the daughters of the dukes. Were the lower nobles rich enough to have so many people follow Patrice to Phoenix college? Technically speaking, whichever family brought Patrice here, clearly bought out 12 of the 14 seats on this ship, leaving only Doug and himself out.

However, he could ask them on the way. For now, Daron taught the bunch how to use alchemic fires and the other utensils in the kitchen without killing themselves.

Then, he taught then a few recipes that were not confidential for the business of Gourmet, like how to make rice and how to heat up the bread that was pre-make in the storage.

"However, listen here. Even you Rudolf." Rudolf was the name of the kid who had become a knight at the age of 15.

"Since you guys destroyed half of the food reserves we had, everyone will only get 3 meals a day, and a limited quantity, or else we will have to starve during the end of the journey, which can also be considered the most dangerous part of the journey.

With that, he took the depressed and drenched Doug and went into his room after dumping a small bag of food into the kitchen, which was the total amount of food they were allowed to use for their dinner tonight. The more they wasted, the less they would have to eat.

"Alright, you should dry yourself and change your clothes." Daron said as he let go of Doug and sat on his bed, which was on the other side of the room to Doug's bed, where he was currently changing.

Being kids, and on top of that, boys, there was no shame in changing in front of each other. Despite this, Doug's face flushed slightly for some unknown reasons while he was changing. On the other hand, Daron did not notice this since he was lost in his own thoughts, while Sirious did not comment on this on bit, as though it never happened, when it clearly just did.

Daron began thinking…

'When I was learning Internal Energy, the second prince, called upon as the most talented knight in the younger generation of the kingdom, had only reached Rank 6, at the age of 19. But these kids… the one at 15 is already at rank 6, while the others are not too far behind, all of them at Rank 5!'

At this moment, Sirious finally spoke up.

[There is a 52% chance that new advancements have happened in the field of Internal Energy since then. After all, it has already been 3 years since then.]

'What about the other 48%?' Daron asked, apprehensively. Hoping his deductions were wrong.

[There is a 45% chance that Patrice, and everyone else here does not have a simply background. Probably a far more terrifying background than that of even the second prince]

'But that would not make any sense… what could be more terrifying that the prince of one of the three kingdoms?'

[Possibly the descendent of a mage?]

'That… that actually makes a tonne of sense' Daron felt like a dense fog had been lifted, and his mind was clear once more as thought he had understood everything there was to understand.

However, in the next moment, he found a contradiction in that judgment.

'Then why would she take this risky mission…'

[Her enemies could have made this as a plot. However, it is more likely that she came from the heritage of a long dead mage, only having certain books and the likes to help knight development. Over the years, her family slowly lost their magic inheritance, however]

'Suddenly, she appeared, having the natural gift of magic. Therefore, taking the first chance they could, they decided to send her off to the Phoenix college. Hoping she becomes a mage and saves her family from fully forgetting their magic roots.' Daron completed Sirious' analysis, but then sighed.

'No. That seems too much like a fantasy novel to actually happen.' Before closing his eyes.