Spacial Fluctuations

As the airship broke through the sea of mist and finally entered clear airspace, Daron and the others were finally able to see what was at the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain was flat, more like a plateau rather than a mountain, and at the centre were 28 people, each of them carrying an incredibly powerful aura, clearly, all of them had long since reached Rank 1 mage level.

Among them was an incredibly old and frail looking man, but the feeling he gave off was that of a being that was incredibly powerful. If all the participants on the airships were considered to be cockroaches, then the 27 mages would be humans with an unlimited supply of bug-dray, while that old man was a T-rex with armour that made it immune to all weapons made by humans. A wolf in a heard of sheep.

Instantly, Daron knew that the voice he had heard multiple times already directly in his mind was likely from this old man.

Suddenly, the old man lifted his hand, and a ray of light exited from his palm. Fallowing the beam of light that travelled incredibly slowly for light, Daron was horrified to find a crack in space right above the mountain. For soe reason, no one had noticed it before this.

But what had actually horrified him was that the crack reminded him of another crack that had formed in a certain abandoned town that he had later renamed as Energy Site, only later to learn that it was actually a crack in the space boundary of the World of Mages, created by an incredibly powerful chaos being, that was slowly losing its energy to the World of Mages through the crack.

However, as soon as the beam of light hit the crack, it cause changed to occur. Although he could not understand why and how it was happening, but the crack was slowly morphing, turning from a crack into an oval, before settling at a circle, with a spinning tunnel on the inside.

[Law of Space Energy detected]

[Attempting to analyse]







[Unable to analyse any further]

'Uhm… Change the name. Law of Space energy is a really odd name. Just call it Spacial Fluctuations or something.'

[Ok. Rename confirmed.]

While the airships were moving together towards the new spacial tunnel in the sky, Daron had a strange feeling about what Sirious had done with the name, and so opened the database and searched for Spacial Fluctuations.

[One result found:]

[Spacial fluctuation or something]

'I knew it… Sirious, I know that you can comprehend my emotions and the like. You should know what I meant when I said this. Why do you act like a stupid machine?'

[I am but a machine]

'Cut the crap. Some super-powerful creature was the one that created you, and just used my memories of Sirious, the AI I had before I died, as a blueprint for it or something. Stop acting dumb and just do things properly for once.'

For reasons he too did not understand, a sense of irritation had overcome him and he vented it out on Sirious, only realising it after he finished berating the system.

'Forgot it. Just change the name to Spacial Fluctuations'


'Are you even listening to me?'

[Hmph. It's done. Bye]


Soon enough, they entered the tunnel, however, Sirious did not numb his senses, nor help him resist the energy, causing him, and everyone present on all the airships to lose consciousness.

After a while, Daron opened his eyes, only to find himself somewhere completely dark.