

Suddenly, he heard the familiar sound that Snowy made and turned to that direction, but he saw nothing.

Thankfully, there was an established connection between the two, and he quickly found the little pup.

'Well, he is no longer a little pup'

After picking up Snowy, Daron tried to view his surroundings, but his eyes could not see anything. He even tried with his Internal force, to try and enhance his vision, but still, all he saw was darkness, and the result was the same with mana vision.

'Sirious, can you sense anything?'


'Are you ignoring me? What the hell? Was I not your master?'


'Sirious, answer me damnit! … Wait, why am I getting to frustrated? It was the same back then when I shouted at Sirious. Could it be because of my age? But Sirious, you should have reduced the effects of that. Then why?'

Finally, Sirious responded.

[Although I suppressed the effects of puberty, I did not stop it completely. It appears you will likely be incredibly moody for a few years to come.]

'Wow. Well, at least we know I wasn't shouting on purpose'

[…It appears so]

'…Anyways, can you sense anything?'

[No. It appears we are inside some sort of chamber which suppressed all sorts of energy, including Internal Energy, Mana, and even Chaos energy.]

'Holy sh*t. Then it must have some sort of material or energy of a higher rank than both Chaos energy and mana?!' Daron thought to himself.

[That may not be the case. At the same level of power, higher ranked energy such as Mana and Chaos energy can overpower lower ranked energy such as Internal energy. However, If the power level of the individual using the mana is at beginner apprentice level, and the one using the Internal energy is at Advanced knight, the different in ranks of energy becomes meaningless.]

'So, what you are saying is that someone incredibly powerful is suppressing me?'

[It could be a product of technology, since we are in a box, not in front of said individual]

'Could they have found out about you?'

[There is between a 2% and a 74% chance for that to have happened, but I cannot give a more accurate result due to the lack of variables]

'I see'

Daron sat back down and began stroking Snowy's now 2-inch-long silky white fur with one hand while thinking about what to do.

However, within just 10 minutes, the entire box that he was in began o vibrate faintly, before a clicking sound was heard, instantly lifting the restrictions on his senses.

It was similar to how one would feel if they had been blindfolded for a long time, and suddenly someone came along and removed the blindfold for them.

Before Daron could get the chance to survey his surroundings, one of the walls suddenly formed an opening in the shape of a door, through which a person in a black hood walked in, looked around before setting his gaze on Daron.

"Since you are awake, get up and follow me." He spoke in a rather rough voice, which hurt Daron's ears to even listen to.

Daron was completely unaware of what was happening and just stood up following the man's instructions, as they left the cube cell he was in. He was not sure what was going to happen, but the place he found himself in was similar to a dark and damp dungeon, with the only light source being a few tiny gems giving off a faint blue light, which reminded him of Energy Cores from Rank 1 and above Beasts.

The two did not walk for long in the dungeon, that surprisingly did not have any stench, despite his enhanced senses of being an Intermediate knight.

As the door to the black box that Daron was in slowly closed, another door opened just as the man had reached its location. After pushing it open, the man walked in, followed closely by Daron, who had a suspicion that one of his team members were present.

Inside, it was pitch black as well, just like the one Daron was in, and lying on the ground was a familiar face to Daron; Patrice.

"Wake her up. If she does not wake up, just drag her along. Your body seems pretty strong for a mage apprentice, it should not be hard." Said the man in a cold voice before turning and walking out.

'Does he think I'm free labour of some kind?' Daron could not help but keep his frustrations within his heart, since he was not sure how strong this person was, not what standing he had in this place he had been brought to. After all, knowing your opponent was half the battle, and not knowing anything was basically setting yourself up for failure.

After patting her check a few times to get her to wake up, but no visible reaction, Daron was surprised.

'Is she dead??'