The Feeling Of Floating

The autumn sun rays snarl at me as they slither in through a tiny crack between the logs of the treehouse roof making me flutter my eyes open.I stretch my back against the hard , stiff oak wood and sit up letting out an unnecessarily loud yawning sound while I squeeze my eyes shut attempting to annoyingly wake Luna up.

However, with the absence of a reaction, I open one eye to see that Luna isn't there.I panic and then all of a sudden remember that she told me she would be sneaking back with the "cloaked people with yellow eyes" to not seem suspicious.

With that thought and having nothing else to do in this unfamiliar world, I start to head to the place Luna took me last night.

I gradually and carefully step off the stairs and jump off grunting in triumph.I'm blinded by the brightest of yellows and the warmest of oranges complimented by the sharp streaks of vibrant reds..Autumn is finally here.

It blankets the atmosphere with a thin fog and dewdrops that gently graze the leaves.It always amazes me how this world can rip your heart apart with its cruelty and then glue the pieces back together with its heavenly beauty.

I kick the crispy leaves and pebbles on the ground , taking my time to go the pond.At last, once I've reached , I sit on the ground near the edge of the pond rather than the bench as I feel closer to the water that way.

I slowly place my hand in the water enjoying the sensation of it dancing between my fingers and leaving me with a cold shiver as the chilly wind blows through my clothes.The same white overalls with a lavender t-shirt inside stained with peculiar shades of brown and green, "scars of sleeping here" as I call them.

I realize that I'm pretty bored of them so I decide to spice them up a bit.I find a stone on the ground, a pretty sharp one, and I scratch it across the bark of a tree to get it nice and sharp.I then slowly bring it up to my long brown hair and chop off one side.

Once I do that, one side of my hair is until my shoulder and when I look at my reflection in the water, I'm ecstatic.I raise my hands up to my mouth and try to hide my smile because, damn, I look good.

i just did that.

I just cut my hair with a stone I found in the woods, I can't believe it.

I start jumping up and down because now, I feel like a new woman.I feel empowered.Even though it's just an simple and yet to be finished haircut, I love it and I feel like I finally belong here in a weird way.I giggle and my legs keep moving and dancing to the rhythm of my happiness.

Then, I lose my balance while frantically dancing and I fall in.I fall into the water and I can't get out.I don't even know how to swim and it feels like I might die at any moment.I start flailing my hands wildly even though I know there's no one out here.My hair floats to the surface of the water and my head starts bobbing up and down attempting to breathe.

Before I know it, I habitually touch the rose sound my neck for safety and I notice that it's not there.Double panicked, I start splashing my hands in the raging monster called water and I see the rose slowly floating away.

Barely being able to breathe I shout "NO!" And everything turns pitch black , my mind is empty and my limbs are numb feeling nothing but nauseating pain throughout my body.