Guardian Angel

Am I in heaven?My frozen, numb body lays on the floor motionless.I'm shaking intensely and shivering uncontrollably.

I slowly lift my eyelids and I can now confirm that I am in heaven.An angel stands before me, looking at me hopefully with his big, alluring pearls for eyes and long silky eyelashes fluttering.He has long, smooth, flowing white hair with bangs that are perfectly parted and rest right on top of his eyebrows, aligned to perfection.

His cheekbones and jawline are flawlessly sculpted like he belongs right here in heaven.His lips are plump and cherry red, with a slightly defined Cupid's bow.He's dressed in a white t shirt and white pants which is not the attire I would picture an angel to be dressed in but he still doesn't fail to suck me in with his beauty.

He has wings.Beautiful, milky white, translucent wings dusted with shimmer.He's for sure and angel.

"Excuse me, are you alright? I'm sorry to have startled you, I don't know if you recognize me."

Even his voice is charming.He talks in cursive and his words melt as they reach into my ears.

I finally open my eyes completely and he's now sitting in front of me still anticipating for me to speak.I look around at my surroundings and see the pond a couple of feet away from me and I see the same colour dusted trees with fallen leaves.I'm not in heaven , I'm still at the pond.

"I don't…I don't understand.I thought I drowned." I say while a weak cough interrupts each word.

"You we're drowning and I pulled you out." He says, still concerned as if me gaining consciousness meant the world to him.

"You saved me?"I whisper , touched by his actions. " who are you, where did you come from?"

He reaches for my hand and grips it tightly while placing his other hand on my back for support and slowly helps me sit up.I holds me as gently as if I might break once a little pressure is applied.

"That doesn't really matter right now.All that matters is that you're safe now." He says while taking a breath of relief and still staring into my eyes.

I stop staring at him and as soon as I notice that I've been doing it for an uncomfortable amount of time, I shake my head to knock myself out of it and attempt to stand with my shaky unstable legs.

"No, no you mustn't stand up, it'll take time for you to regain strength.I'll help you walk little by little but for now you must sit." His words are like magic and they make me walk with him towards the bench where we both sit down.

I don't know what else to say so I start of with an introduction.

" The name's Jem. I don't really belong here and I don't even know how I ended up here.Everyone in this world gets scared of my eyes and the only friend I've made is a girl named Luna."I take a pause and then look from the ground towards his face still startled by his angelic presence "umm…so what's your name? How long have you been here?"

"Luka.My name's Luka.I also am not sure how I came here and I was a human until I got these wings.I've been here for 6 years and I live In that."He says the latter sentence while pointing to the white rose on the ground still strung on the vine.

"Wait, you were in there the whole time? I can't believe it, that rose really had something to it."

"I've been keeping you company this whole time."He quietly says as his lips form into a smile and his eyes turn into crescent moons.

I'm speechless since I have so many questions.Starting off with, he has white eyes.There were only supposed to be four eyes colours in this world so how come he has white eyes.He's definitely special and I can't wait to talk with him for the next few hours.

As soon as I have that thought, A loud voice roars through the woods,

"Jem! I was worried sick! How could you just leave the treehouse without telling me you were going to go somewhere ? I searched everywhere for you and now you're sitting here, alone , cold ,wet and you look like a mess."A voice that belongs to Luna echos through my eardrums.

"Relax I'm not alone I have...him.Where did he go?" I look from Luna to beside me and Luka's no longer there.My cheeks flush with embarrassment and I scratch my head flashing and awkward smile."never mind, let's go."

Luna drags me off the bench and as soon as we're about to leave, I remember the rose on the ground and go to fetch it and tie it tightly around my neck so I don't lose it again.