
"Come on Jem, it's time to get up…gosh you're so difficult to wake up."Luna's tired voice enters my ears as she shakes me.

"I'm up , I'm up."I grunt as I stand up, my body still aching with pain.

"We need to get something to eat…I'm starving."

"Same…you have any plans?"

"Yep, we have to get out of here first, oh,by the way, where's Luka?"

"Oh…he must've hurried before us."I say while I shrug my shoulders.

"Alright , let's go then."Luna starts walking before me as I stay back for a bit.

"Good Morning…"I smile as I hold my rose and smile at it fondly.

Gosh.This is awkward.

I look crazy.

I should probably stop.

I shake my head and quickly catch up with an anxiously waiting Luna.We stroll through the forest as the morning sun rays shine brightly through the spaces between the trees.

Luna waves her hands towards a lake.

A huge lake….wow.

The waves are crashing against each other and water spits onto our faces.It feels really refreshing and the calm, cool breeze dances through our hair.

"Ok , the lake is amazing but I'm still starving…"I sulk as I look at Luna

"Yea, lakes have fishes and fishes are food.Dummy."She nudges me a little as she rolls her eyes and walks closer to the lake.

I was about to ask her if she knows how to fish but I I got the answer to that question as soon as I thought of it.Luna pulls a fish out of the lake straight with her bare hands and looks back at me smirking cockily.

damn, she does know how to fish.

Luna walks closer to me and pops the fish onto the ground beside me.

"It's called experience my dear, don't ever underestimate me."She arrogantly boasts as she goes to the lake and catches a couple more fish.

By now, we have enough fish to feed a small town and my mouth waters just by looking at all of them.

Luna sets up a fire while I go into the forest attempting to 'summon' Luka.

Do angels even get hungry?

I don't know but I'm still worried that he's starving so I take my necklace off since that's when he mostly comes out.

Expectantly, he comes out and is standing right in front of me.He smiles that crescent moon smile.

That darn crescent moon smile, it gets me every time.

My face turns slightly red but I hide it and I drag him towards Luna.

"Look who's back!" I say a little too enthusiastically while Luka and I both sit down next to Luna who's already grilling the fish.

It smells heavenly and I can't stop staring at it , anticipating for it to finish cooking.

A little while passes and now we have a bunch of grilled fish laid out in front of us.

Luna and I are starving so we go straight in, stuffing our faces with the fish like we have been starving for years.It sure feels like that.

Embarrassed, I look over to Luka who hasn't taken a single bite and offer him a fish which he declines.I guess angels really don't feel hungry after all.

I turn around and continue eating when I hear a grumble sound coming from where Luka is.I look at him but his face is buried in his knees and his ears are maroon red, which could only mean one thing.He's hungry.

Luna and I amusingly laugh at him as he hurriedly eats the fish I just gave him.

After we're stuffed, we remember that we have a goal and we pull ourselves together and prepare to get on the road again.

Luna pulls out a map that I had never seen before but it basically had the route to the river of youth so we huddled around it . We followed the route to the river of youth which was much nearer than we thought.

Or so it seemed…

We treaded up steep hills and it tired the hell out of us.

It feels like we aren't reaching anywhere and it's really annoying since it feels like the loophole I fell into when I first arrived here.

horrible memories drift past me again and I feel like I'm in that situation all over again.

But the only thing that gives me hope are the two people beside me.The two people who are always on my side.

They're my only motivation and now that I'm so attached to them I get even sadder thinking that they'll disappear from my life once I get out of here.

That's the bitter reality of life I guess….the people you love the most are bound to part ways.