
My ears are killing me…

I've been hearing this aggravating buzzing noise ever since we've been heading down to the bottom of the cliff. I look on both sides of me to check if Luna or Luka hear the same thing but they seem to show no prominent sign of annoyance.

Im probably hallucinating.

I should keep walking before I let it get to me, just fight through everything like you always have Jem, it's fine.

But I can't ignore it, I feel like ripping my ears out since the noise is making me insane.

"Hey guys, my ears really hurt 'cause I keep hearing this annoying buzzing sound.I really don't think I can keep walking."I finally say while moving towards a wall.

"Thank goodness someone said it- it's killing me Jem. We should probably stop for a break before we continue."With that, Luna and Luka both follow me towards the wall.

As I'm walking I start to get dizzy.Really dizzy and I can't keep myself together anymore so as soon as I reach the wall, I collapse on the floor.

I lean my head back in agitation as I groan in pain.Luna and Luka catch up and sit beside me trying to calm me down.I guess this sort of pain is tolerable for the people who live here.I can't focus anymore and everything turns into a series of blurry, miscellaneous lines merging together.

The last thing I see is Luka's worried face trying to console me.He's looking at me with the most concern anyone has ever looked at me with.It's like he really cares and right now, I would've been a flustered mess if it wasn't for this noise.

This noise that sounds like death.

Its running through my mind and I'm slowly loosing consciousness….


falling deeper….

and deeper…..


I shift around a bit and the buzzing noise is gone.

Thank god.

Unfortunately, the relief slowly comes to an end as I gradually open my eyes to see myself surrounded with nothing but darkness.

The darkness engulfs me in its eerie presence and I shiver.

I've always hated the dark.It's sinister undertone always gave me cold feet and now it's the only company I have.I attempt to get up but I can't.


I'm chained.I turn back and see that my hands are tightly cuffed by rusty, old chains and they're tied to a hook on the wall.A wall with millions of red roses.

Not romantic, sweet red roses.

Blood red, malicious roses which could kill me according to the amount of thorns they have.Thorns which have a very close proximity to me.I try to scream but all I get is a small whimper.

i'm whimpering now.I'm so tired and I just wanna go home.

I'm tired of this menacing world.

Congratulations world, you win. I lose, I've finally given up and the light that was once in me has now faded and I have no hope left at all.

I look around the darkness and there's no sight of both of them.Luna and Luka , my only trusted companions are gone too.I'm completely hopeless now.I let out a lifeless sigh as my head droops towards the floor in surrender.I can't take this anymore.

The chains are stopping my blood flow and I look back at the rose wall and it seems closer than before.It's almost as if it moved closer to me so I try and arch my back to protect it from the razor sharp poison thorns.

Just when I have that thought, the wall that I'm still staring at moves and inch closer to where I'm sitting.

Im screwed…..