Episode 16 - Fighting Siblings

"Ah, j'ai le feu au cul, là!"

This was only the second time Amari had heard Cate raise her voice in anger, and to say she was pissed, even in French, made him wince. He was well versed in Quebecois slang by now, but he didn't know the sweet woman was capable of saying those words.

"I have always supported you and your 'free love' attitude, tsé? Even when we were kids and father was violent, I stood by your side. Moi là, j'm'en câlice! But you are not a kid anymore! Osti, we are both too old for this!"

Huddled in a corner of the living room, Ziggy was slouched on the floor pouting as his sister screamed at him. She had already thrown every pillow, book, and other non-breakable small object she could find. Amari retreated to his room once it was safe, but the apartment wasn't soundproof, and the door did little to muffle the fight. Hearing her blasphemously shouting "I don't give a fuck" and "Fuck" was enough to make him cover his ears like a child.

"Je suis navré! He didn't seem like that kind of guy!"

Ziggy finally shouted back a serious apology, but the whole situation made Amari feel a little sick. The siblings never argued. The man was too carefree to be concerned over much and the woman was too kindhearted to be angry, especially at her beloved brother.

"They never seem like that kind of guy to you," said Cate, her voice finally lowered. "You meet them who knows where and bring them home without knowing anything about them. Franchement... They could be any kind of guy, tsé?"

She sighed and Amari heard both walking around the living room. After a few moments, they stopped.

"Ch'te dis, Zig. You are in your late forties." Cate sounded more like a concerned sister than an angry one now. "You have no lasting relationships except for me, a young boy, and some random people you stay in touch with because of business. I know you. I know you do this because you get lonely. But it would be better to have a solid relationship. Something long-term, tsé? Then you wouldn't need to worry about being lonely."

There was no response for a while, just quiet, until he heard more footsteps and the door creak open.

"Ah, je m'en fiche... You are paying for my window." Her final words were cold and then she was gone, closing the door firmly behind her. To say she didn't care - it was a lot for her to speak such words to her brother.

Amari didn't want to leave his room, but he also knew his friend would be out there alone, probably crying and depressed, and he let out a long sigh as he pulled himself off the bed and opened the door.

As expected, when he reached the end of the short hall, Ziggy rushed over and threw himself over his shoulders, his lanky frame almost knocking the boy over. Tears and snot dripped down onto Amari's neck, and his friend choked out how sad he was through his sobs. Between heavy breaths, he questioned how that man could have done this - how he didn't seem like that kind of person, so why was he like this? The boy pat Ziggy's back gently until his tears slowed and he was quiet, his hold still tight.

"You don't know how to find him? To report him?" Dropping his arms to his sides, Amari hoped his friend would take the hint and let him go.

"Qui sait? How would I know that?" The voice was muffled, wet face pressed between his neck and shoulder. "What was his name? John? Or Jim. Jack?"

"Jesus Zig. You don't even know his name?"

Ziggy started to sniffle at the comment and he sighed, patting the man on the back again. "You're more than twice my age, but you're crying like a baby while I comfort you. Don't you feel any shame?"

"You're my family, mon petit frère. There is no shame within family."

"Yeah, there is... T'es ben épaisse, tsé?" Forcing his grip loose, he pushed Ziggy off his shoulder and led him to the kitchen table.

"I am not an idiot. You really only know how to swear and insult me in French."

"Sit. Asseyez-vous." Amari grabbed the coffeepot and poured a cup, putting it on the table. "Drink. Bois ça."

After chugging the liquid down, Ziggy slumped into his chair. "I really love you Scotty," he said sweetly.

"Yeah, I know." Amari sat down at the table and sighed again. "I love you too, you crazy pervert. But that doesn't mean you aren't wrong. You need to go apologize to your sister. I don't care how you live your life, but that woman is a fucking angel. Stop making her sad."

"Je le sais..." agreed Ziggy, timid and guilty, picking loudly at his fingernails. "I know, but later, after she has cooled off."


Amari felt like he was scolding a child. Though Ziggy was almost a father or older brother to him, he often had to act more mature to take care of the man. They had a strange relationship of mutual protection, each there when the other needed an adult. It seemed like a good thing on the surface, but he worried it was unhealthy for them both. Right now, they didn't need anyone else. If one ever did have an outside relationship, what would happen to the other?

"Hey, Zig?" he asked softly after a few moments of silence. The crying was finally over and the man was sitting motionless across from him. "I know there've been multiple people who've genuinely liked you and wanted more than a one-night stand. Why'd you still push them away?"

"Hein? Look at you, getting all serious and mature." Ziggy chuckled and then sighed loudly. "Relationships are such a hassle. It's not possible to spend that much time with a person and have those feelings without also fighting and hurting, and all of the other awful things that come with it, tsé? Ce n'est pas agréable. It's not fun."

Amari huffed out a laugh. "So you're gonna miss out on all the good things to avoid the bad?"

The boy scratched the side of his head and knew it all boiled down to fear - fear of being rejected, fear of being used, fear of getting attached and then being left behind. He had the exact same fears.

"Maybe it's worth the risk..." He trailed off, not convinced himself.

Ziggy leaned over the table to get close. "Hein? This is new." His voice was back to sugary-sweet and teasing, and Amari rolled his eyes.

As he tried to think of a sarcastic comeback, his phone vibrated, and he thanked the universe for giving him an escape. Answering, the deep voice on the other end made him smile. Ziggy chuckled at his response, but Amari just flipped him off as he walked out the apartment door.

"Hey," he said as he skipped quickly but carefully down the stairs. "Your call just saved me, so thanks."

"Saved you?" Yangyang sounded out of breath on the other end.

"Are you okay? Why'd you call if you're in the middle of something?" Reaching the street, he leaned against the brick building, eyes closed and head down away from the sunlight.

"Ah, I just finished my morning run." There were a few deep breaths in his ear before Yangyang continued. "What do you mean, saved you?"

"Oh, Ziggy's friend from last night caused some trouble." He wasn't sure if he should tell the man everything, but wasn't good at keeping secrets from him. "Before he left this morning, he stole Zig's wallet and some things from the apartment, then smashed a coffeehouse window and stole any money and small stuff he could carry."

"Shit... Does that happen a lot?"

"Nah. Sometimes? Enough that Ziggy doesn't keep anything too valuable in his wallet anymore." Remembering the time his friend's wallet had been stolen and actually contained his cards and identification made him smile. "There's a reason my bedroom door locks."

"Isn't that scary?" Yangyang seemed concerned, his voice deeper and more serious than usual. "It doesn't sound safe."

Not intending to make the man worry, Amari chuckled uncomfortably. "It's okay."

"Doesn't sound okay." Now his tone was almost angry and there was an awkward pause in the conversation.

"So, why'd you call me?" asked Amari, casually trying to break the tense atmosphere.

He heard Yangyang take a breath before speaking, probably to calm himself. "Do you think you can meet me at the noraebang tonight? Instead of outside the station? I have some errands I have to run first, so I'll be walking from the other direction."

"Yeah, okay. I know my way there. What time?"

"Seven? We can grab some food first."

A voice shouted in the background and Yangyang's hand muffled his response. After a few seconds, the man sighed in frustration.

"I have to go. I'll meet you outside the door at seven, yeah?"

"Yeah, okay."

There was a beep as the call disconnected and Amari put the phone back in his pocket, leaning his head against the building, eyes still closed. After a few moments, he rubbed at his neck, a headache forming from being out in the sun, and pushed himself off the wall toward the coffeehouse. Through the open door, he could hear Cate sweeping glass, then her shouting at him.

"Watch out! There is broken glass everywhere, hein? You'll get hurt."

Amari smiled and lifted a foot in front of him. "I'm wearing boots." He walked into the shop and turned toward the direction of Cate's voice. "Need any help?"