Episode 17 - Old Friends

It had become a Monday night ritual for Amari and Yangyang to meet and jam at the karaoke studio, and in the last month and a half, Amari had become more comfortable around the man. He even allowed Yinyi to accompany them once. It was fine in the studio, since they were only interested in making music, but he instantly closed up during breaks and when they stopped to eat afterward. He continually told himself this was Yangyang's sister and he should make friends, but in the end, change was too difficult. She didn't seem offended, but that didn't make it less awkward.

As he exited the Thirty-fourth Street station, Amari wondered what errands Yangyang could have in that area. The man would probably tell him, but he wouldn't ask. Even after spending the last six Mondays together and exchanging frequent messages, he felt their relationship was still only superficial. Yangyang didn't pry into Amari's personal life or past, most likely thinking he would end up answering questions he didn't want to answer. He was grateful for the consideration, but part of him wanted the man to force him to be more open.

Unlike him, Yangyang was talkative and friendly, but their conversations were ultimately just small talk. He knew the man worked various part time jobs - at a guitar shop, a studio, and tutoring music majors at his old college. He had also majored in music, but dropped out before finishing. His sister had an M.B.A and worked for some fancy insurance company, and both lived at home with their mother. His father had died when he was in high school from lung cancer, but had been sick for years before that. His favorite color was green, he loved spicy food, and he wasn't a fan of anything sweet.

Though Amari had a long list of hobbies, likes, and dislikes in his mind, in reality, most of it was shallow. He had no right to complain, since there were very few things he would willingly share about himself. He couldn't tell the man about his family, or his school life, or really anything from before they met. Yangyang was sociable, kind and generous, and had many friends, but Amari was solitary, barely even living. The only things he had were bad memories, insecurities, and a lot of mistakes.

He blew out a heavy sigh. Relationships were too complicated, and he didn't want to ruin a potentially good thing, so maybe superficial was better than non-existent. Rounding the corner toward the karaoke studio, he kept along the wall of buildings to avoid oncoming pedestrians. Although he said he hated relying on someone, he missed the comfort of Yangyang's arm on his shoulder when he walked a busy sidewalk alone. He was accustomed to being on his own, but lately, going out by himself felt a little lonely.

His phone buzzed, but the streets were busy for a Monday night, so he stepped into the entrance of a nearby alley to check the message.

'Be there in a few.'

Before Amari could respond, there was a strong tug on his collar, throwing him back-first into the side of a brick building. He groaned loudly, rubbing the base of his skull where it had collided with the wall.

"What the fuck," he growled out, but before he could say anything else, he felt a fist slam into his face. His lip busted against his teeth, and the force pushed his head into the wall again.

Keeping a shoulder against the brick for support, he used a thumb to wipe away some blood and stared out at the figure in front of him. It wasn't taller, but it had a broader chest, and from the power of the punch, it was much stronger.

"Well, look who we have here," said a high-pitched voice, playful and menacing at the same time. "I heard rumors you've been hanging around recently."

"Uh, fuck..." His head was ringing and his cheek throbbed. "Seungwoo hyung."

"Aww, you remember my voice." Seungwoo let out an arrogant laugh. "I'm touched."

"Just go ahead and beat me," the boy said with a frown, feeling more aggravation than fear. "I haven't got any money."

"Ne, I figured after almost five years, I wasn't getting any of that back."

The man calmly grabbed the front of Amari's shirt and flung him across the narrow space, slamming his small frame into the opposite wall. The impact took his breath away and he slid to the ground.

"No no... I'm not even close to done with you yet."

Seungwoo kicked Amari in the side repeatedly, then dragged him into the middle of the alley and stomped a heavy boot into his stomach. The boy coughed out in pain and a satisfied laugh drifted down to him. Kneeling down, the man put his mouth close to Amari's ear, whispering gently.

"Mian, but it's been so long... You know I have to charge interest." His breath was hot, and smelled of cigarette smoke and liquor. "Don't worry. I'll leave your pretty face alone. Wouldn't want to ruin that, would we?"

He pat the boy's cheek lightly before standing, a leg positioned on either side of his chest. Moving his arms away to give the man easier access, Amari didn't resist, and a boot came down hard onto his ribcage.

After what felt like an eternity, Seungwoo finally had his fill of beating the boy, breathing heavily from the exertion. With one last heel to the stomach, he laughed, lifting Amari to a seated position and giving him a soft kiss on the forehead.

"There. Our business is concluded. I know you don't like owing a debt, so you're welcome."

Leaving his body slumped on the ground, the man stood and casually walked out of the alleyway to the street, whistling cheerfully. Amari collapsed onto the dirty pavement, feeling heavy, as if he would sink down below the concrete. He laid still for a long while, taking slow painful breaths and staring into the darkening night sky. With a loud groan and multiple curse words, he rummaged around for his phone, but it was cracked down the side and wouldn't turn on.

"Uh, fuck..." Amari sighed, dropping the phone on the ground next to him. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

He was sure he had a least one broken rib, and his head was still ringing from multiple hits against the wall. He couldn't call anyone, didn't have the breath to shout, and didn't have the energy to move.

::I'll just pass out here. Someone'll find me eventually, or I can crawl home after some sleep.::

This wasn't new. It wasn't the first alley he had been left to pass out in, but it had been many years, and he hadn't missed this feeling.

::What a shitty fucking day.::

He closed his eyes and shifted into the most comfortable position he could find, trying to steady his wheezy breathing. He thought about Yangyang, wondering what time is was and if he was outside the karaoke studio waiting. He hoped the man would just think something came up and go home. He hoped he wouldn't be worried when he couldn't contact him, and just assume his phone battery died.

There was shuffling in the street, and then he heard footsteps coming closer.

"Xiǎo Li?"

The voice was quiet and difficult to hear through the ringing in his ears.

"Shit! What the hell happened? Are you alright?"

The voice was closer now, deep and familiar. Amari smiled as everything faded away, thinking it would be nice if that was Yangyang, but also hoping it wasn't.