Episode 20 - Eavesdropping

"I'm leaving," said Amari, placing the last set of silverware on the table. "Message me if you need help after the show."

"Franchement... You're seriously not staying?"

Ziggy had been pestering him the past two days about the show, but it only made him more determined to keep his distance. The man sighed and made a large sweeping motion with his arms from across the table. "Okay, bien, go. Don't wait up if you get tired, hein?"

With a nod, the boy rushed out past the bar and up the stairs. It was already November and the temperatures had dropped rapidly. He took a deep breath in and wondered if it would snow soon. It smelled like it. Snow was such a hassle. Not only did it cover potential obstacles in his path, it reflected the sun and made blinding white spots in his vision.

He hadn't brought a coat and slipped quickly into the coffeehouse, shivering and hugging his arms to warm them.

"Mon chou! What are you doing, wearing so few layers? You'll freeze to death."

"It's just between here and the apartment." He smiled at the woman, and she rubbed his back affectionately. "I just stopped in for something warm to take with me."

"Sure. Juste une minute."

She headed to the kitchen, humming as always, leaving Amari to sit and wait. Resting his head on his arms, he couldn't stop hearing Yangyang's guitar ringing in his ears. It would be perfect if he could have stayed for the show, listening without being noticed or forced into awkward conversation, but of course that wouldn't happen. He was selfish and rude, but even he couldn't completely ignore someone right in front of him.

"Here you are," said Cate, placing a warm takeout box in one hand and a tall paper cup in the other. "Pumpkin pie and a cinnamon latte."

He thanked her and scurried to the apartment, shivering as he pushed the door shut with his foot. Collapsing onto the couch, he took a sip of the hot latte and exhaled in relief, feeling it warming his insides as it flowed down his throat. He dug into the pie and finished the coffee quickly, then lay staring at the ceiling, an earbud streaming music into his emptied mind. Though he wasn't particularly tired, it only took a few minutes for him to doze off, thinking of nothing but the current song.


A hard knock on the apartment door woke him with a jolt and he was up in an instant. Pulling out his phone to check the time, he realized he had been sleeping for hours. It was already close to one in the morning, but the apartment was dark and there were no signs that Ziggy had returned.

::Maybe he forgot his key?::

That seemed unlikely, and Amari remembered there was a spare hidden at The Basement, plus Cate had an extra set for emergencies. If that was the case, who would be knocking at this hour? Now would be a good time to be able to see through the peephole, but instead, he quietly snuck to the door and placed an ear against the wood. He could hear heavy breathing, then a man groaning.

"Come on, Ziggy. I know you're not sleeping. Answer the door already." The voice was low, grumbling and shuddering in the cold of the unheated stairwell.

"Who is it?" Amari asked forcefully.

"Oh? You're not Zig. Scotty?"

He didn't recognize the voice, but his friend was always going around bragging about his little brother, so it wasn't odd for a stranger to know of him.

"It's Nicky... But you probably don't remember me. I came to see Zig. Is he there?"

"He hasn't come back yet. Check the club."

"Really?" The man's surprise was genuine. "I was just there, but it didn't look open."

Amari wasn't sure of this situation. Ziggy might be working late, cleaning up after the show, but he didn't usually lock up until he left. He hadn't come home yet, though, so he didn't know where else he could be. Was this Nicky someone who had visited before? Ziggy didn't have repeat guests. Besides, who visits at one o'clock in the morning?

"Umm, Scotty?" Nicky called after a long pause. "Can you let me in? It's kind of freezing out here."

It wouldn't be the first time he was left alone with some random stranger, so he unlocked the door and let the shaking man into the apartment.

"You can wait at the table, or on the couch. There's coffee and tea on the counter, if you wanna make some." He grabbed his keys and coat, then stuffed his wallet and phone into the pockets.

"You're leaving?" The man sounded sad to be suddenly abandoned.

"You didn't come to see me." Lifting his hood, Amari stepped out the door. "I'll go see if I can find Ziggy."

"Oh, okay..."

Not waiting to see if Nicky had anything else to say, he stepped into the stairwell and shut the door behind him. Speeding down the steps and out into the street, he groaned as the winter air hit him, feeling like sharp needles in his nose. Then something cold landed on his cheek, melting against the warm skin.

::Fucking Ziggy and his fucking friends.::

He hurried down the stairs to The Basement and found the door closed, so he unlocked it and slipped in, immediately hearing familiar voices. Without thinking, he crouched down to hide behind the ticket counter.

"He'll tell you if you ask," said Ziggy, in his usual sweet tone.

"Yeah. Maybe that's what I'm afraid of." Deep and kind, but less calm than usual. "He's always honest, but the expression on his face and the tone in his voice... I feel like he's telling me things he doesn't want to, just because I ask."

Ziggy sighed. "Yangyang, you know that kid likes you, hein? I mean, really likes you."

::Shit, Amari. What're you doing here...?::

"It would be weird if I didn't know." The man chuckled softly. "That face of his is like an open book."

Another sigh. "My point is that he isn't an open book, tsé?"

Someone shuffled around, moving things on the bar counter.

"On the outside, that kid has always been tough and independent. If he isn't expressionless, he is frowning. He is rude, and sometimes just mean. I love him, but he is still a punk. And all of that covers the most kind-hearted, gentle person I've ever met. Because of that, en fait, he is timid, and naïve, and fragile."

"I know that. I could see it the first time we met."

"Cate and I, and maybe his shūshu and āyí, are the only people that have seen it, because we've spent years together. Even now, he's still hard to read sometimes." Ziggy's sweet voice had turned a little sad. "I still don't know that he will ever completely trust me, tsé? But he willingly shows you that side of himself. As someone who feels like a father to that kid, it scares the hell out of me."

"Isn't that a good thing? To just keep himself hidden... He can't do it forever."

"I agree. But maybe you aren't the best person to help him with that, hein?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" It was a tone Amari had only heard once from the man, when he was angry with him in the hospital.

"Yangyang, I don't know what your intentions are, hein?" Still playing the part of the concerned father, Ziggy sounded unusually serious. "I know you well enough to know you have your own issues. Ch'te dis, you need to seriously think about what it is you want from that kid, because you know exactement how he feels about you. He'll act strong, but if you get close and then leave him, it will shatter him." His voice grew low and threatening. "If that happens, I won't forgive you. Comprend moi?"

A stool was forced back from the bar, legs scraping across the floor. "I don't need to think about it. I've already thought about it, and I don't have those intentions."

Amari felt his heart sink in his chest. ::I definitely should've left.::

"Then how about you stop fucking around and act like an adult, hein?"

A set of footsteps headed toward the back and then a moment later, another set headed in Amari's direction. He panicked and began scrambling behind the counter, but quickly realized there was no way for him to sneak out without being seen. Holding his breath, he huddled in the dark, hoping he wouldn't be spotted, but that hope crashed as the footsteps stopped next to him and a man gently coughed.

"Is eavesdropping a habit of yours, or is it just me?" Yangyang said the words playfully, but his tone wasn't light. He leaned over the counter so his head hung above the boy. "Come with me."