Episode 27 - The Date

The ringing was loud in Amari's ear and he groaned as he searched around for his phone, finally finding it stuffed beneath a pillow.

"Uh, yeah," he grumbled low, still only half-conscious.

"Of course you're still asleep." The voice on the other end laughed sweetly and a smile spread across his face. "Do I need to come over there and help you? I feel like I could be there before you manage to crawl out of bed."

"Shut up." Amari cleared his throat, still groggy. "I'll be ready in twenty minutes."

"Yeah? Alright then, I'll believe you. Are you taking the L?"

"Yeah." He scratched his head and slid out of bed with another groan.

"Then let's meet at Jackson Square? In about an hour?" There were voices shouting in the background, but he couldn't make out what they were saying. "I have something I need to do first, but I can be there by then. That'll be... around ten-thirty."

"Yeah, okay."

Amari hung up the phone and went through his daily morning ritual, making his way from bedroom to kitchen, the smell of coffee leading him along.

"Well, look who we have here," a voice said playfully and he jumped, only now realizing he was wearing nothing except his boxer briefs. "I think someone forgot I would be staying."

::Shit. Nicky.::

"Uh, sorry." He didn't bother to turn back, already exposed, and shuffled to the counter. Feeling for a mug and the coffeepot, he held the mug carefully under the lip of the pot and poured until the liquid touched the tip of the finger he had placed inside.

"Doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you," said the man, still playful.

Amari sat down across from him, sipping gingerly at the hot coffee. He tried to give a subtle glare, hoping Nicky would realize he didn't want to talk, but the man ignored it and kept speaking.

"Hopefully we didn't wake you last night. I didn't expect to come back that late."

"I'm a pretty heavy sleeper." He tried to drink faster, but the liquid was scalding and he was trapped at the table.

"So, it looks like things have been going well for you," Nicky continued cheerfully. "You always looked so grumpy or angry when I saw you before, but you look almost happy today."

"Really?" He doubted he looked that happy, since his expression was naturally blank. He certainly wasn't pleased to be making small talk with this man.

Nicky chuckled. "No, not really. But definitely not as unfriendly as usual. Sometimes you can look quite scary."

"Yeah, I've heard." That was the most he could take for the morning and he gulped down his coffee, resisting the urge to cough from the burning. "Is Ziggy still sleeping?" he croaked out.

"No, he had to go help his sister with something, leaving me here to fend for myself." There was a dramatic sigh, then a pause as Nicky leaned over the table. "I know it's your day off. Do you have plans?"

"Yeah." Amari stood, rinsing his empty cup and leaving it in the sink. "I'm running late, actually, so I'm gonna shower and change."

After giving the man a small nod, he hurried to the bathroom, glad to be free from meaningless conversation. He quickly washed, de-frizzed his curls, brushed his teeth, and then slowly shaved his face, fingers meticulously searching his skin to be sure he didn't miss anything. It had been a while since he cared.

Over the years, he found that not seeing himself made him worry less about how people saw him. It was a weird thing, the feeling that looks didn't matter to him, so his own appearance shouldn't matter to others. Of course that wasn't how the world worked, but there was never anyone to impress anyway. Until now.

He stood in front of his closet and contemplated what to wear. Everything was black, but he didn't know what type of look he should have for this date. Casual was probably best, since he didn't want it to seem like he cared that much, and it was what he was most comfortable with. He smiled for a second, realizing he had never actually been on a real date, but then shook the thought from his mind. This wasn't different than any other time meeting Yangyang. He threw on a pair of jeans, black belt, black fitted t-shirt, and heavy black sweater, then searched for his wallet on the dresser.

Back at the entryway, he grabbed his winter parka. After checking the pockets for gloves, he put in an earbud, letting it pair automatically. Nicky was still sitting at the kitchen table, not saying anything, so he gave him a reluctant wave.

"Zig probably went ingredient shopping with Cate. Stuff runs out fast, so they should be back soon."

Throwing his keys and phone into a coat pocket and putting on his sunglasses, he opened the door, hearing Nicky tell him a quick "thanks" before leaving the apartment.

He tried the coffeehouse door, but it was locked, so he sent Ziggy a quick message as he continued toward the subway station.

'Heading out. Be gone all day. Call if you need something.'

A few minutes passed before the reply came back.

'Have fun on your date. I hope you stay out all night.'

He groaned, wondering if Yangyang had said something or if the man had just guessed. Knowing Ziggy, he figured it out himself. Not that it was a farfetched conclusion to make, since Amari had no other social life.

As he crossed the street to the station, he sent a message to Yangyang as well.

'About to get on the train. Be there in thirty or forty minutes.'

The response was immediate.

'I'll be waiting.'

Hearing it made him flush and cringe at the same time. This was only their second day together, after knowing each other for just a couple of months. How could the man be so sweet and sappy? Though the speed was frightening, it still made him grin like a fool and gave him a disgustingly warm feeling in his chest.

Following a path he knew well, he rode the G and walked to the L, so only after getting off at Eighth and Fourteenth did he bother to turn on directions toward Jackson Square. He checked the time, wondering if he was too early when he heard a loud shout.

"Lili!" In only seconds the man was next to him, throwing an arm around his shoulders. "Good timing. I saw you exit as I was walking."

Yangyang pulled him in closer and raised a hand above his eyes to block out the sun before pulling down his sunglasses. "Yeah, you definitely need more coffee."

Amari grumbled as he let himself be dragged down the sidewalk and into a small coffee shop. As they inched up in line, Yangyang read the specials to him, pulling out his wallet.

"Anything sound good? Maybe the pumpkin latte?"

"Yeah, okay. You're paying?"

"Yeah." They took another couple of steps. "Is that alright?"

Amari nodded, frowning. "But only because I'm completely broke right now."

"Ah. I've only dated women, so..." The man cleared his throat and Amari couldn't stop the corner of his mouth from curving upward.

"It's okay, but I'd prefer an equal relationship." He nudged him and smiled. "So next time, I pay."

Yangyang cleared his throat again and leaned over to the boy's ear. "Don't make me blush in public," he said in a whisper, and Amari pulled back.

"What? Why?"

They were close to the counter and Yangyang didn't answer, ordering their drinks and paying, then gently moving the boy to the waiting area. After a few minutes, they grabbed the large, paper cups and headed back to the street, walking leisurely toward the start of the High Line. The man rested an arm on Amari's shoulder, as he always did, and sipped at his coffee.

"I blushed because you said 'relationship.' And 'next time.' And you smiled. And it was so casual." Yangyang's voice was deep and sweet, and he didn't sound shy or nervous at all. "I think this is still a bit surreal to me."

Amari giggled at the outright confession. "You can't be five years older than me."

The man elbowed him hard in the arm, then returned to leaning. "Don't make fun of me," he grumbled. "I just don't have any experience with this."

"I don't think that's it." He was sure Yangyang would act this childish whether he dated one man or a hundred. "My only relationship experience is two months of secret make-out sessions in the seventh grade. At least you've dated."

"Yeah, well, it was different with those girls. It wasn't like I was really interested in them..." He trailed off and Amari sipped at his latte, not sure where to go from there.

He wanted to ask why he hadn't dated any men, even in secret. No, that wasn't actually his question. He knew why. The man was anxious and didn't want to risk being caught. What he really wanted to ask was why this time was different.

Instead, he tried to change the subject, asking, "How'd you know I like pumpkin?"

"Because you tasted like pumpkin when we kissed." Amari felt his face warm and Yangyang laughed. "There. Now it's your turn to blush. This is the way it should be."

"Shut up," he mumbled, scowling at the man, and Yangyang just laughed again, leaning in a little closer.