Episode 30 - A Good Sister

"Seungwoo? That Seungwoo?" Yangyang forgot the teasing and his deep voice was laced with worry.

"Yeah, that Seungwoo. Minwoo and I were pretty close. He took good care of me, even though he was just a kid then."

"I heard my hyung beat the shit out of ya a while ago." Remorse clouded his energetic voice. "Jinjja mianhaeyo, hyung, since he won't ever apologize. He really is an asshole, but he's a little better than he was. He stopped all that sketchy shit and has a real job now, no cap."

Amari nodded, giving the teen an encouraging smile. "I had it coming, and now it's over." He knew talking about this still made Yangyang uneasy, so he gave the man a gentle pat on the back and changed the subject. "So, Minwoo, what're you doing with yourself now?"

"Oh, hyung, I'm going to college! I stopped screwing around and did pretty well my last two years of high school. I'm majoring in Business Administration. Aren't you proud of me?"

"Of course. You always were better than the people around you. Especially me."

"No way, hyung." It was still lively, but there was a touch of sadness in Minwoo's voice. "You're so smart. You could do whatever you want."

Amari didn't respond, not wanting to get into it right now.

"Oh, hyung, I have to go. I actually work here and my shift is starting. If I'm late again, I'll get written up." He paused and fumbled around for a moment, then stuck a phone in Amari's hand. "Hyung, gimme your number. You're not ditching me again."

He was about to hand the phone back and tell Minwoo he obviously couldn't see the screen when Yangyang took it from him instead.

"I'll do it," the man said, his tone back to normal.

"Great! Give me yours too, large hyung. If you're Amari hyung's boyfriend, then you're basically fam." Amari held a finger to his lips, trying to hush Minwoo's boyfriend talk. "Oh, mianhaeyo. Is it a secret? But hyung, you've always been so direct. Why would you hide it?"

"Yang ge just has... a family situation right now. So we're good friends, algesseo?"

"Ne, al-gess-eo-yo hyung. I get it." Minwoo took his phone back and gave Yangyang a low bow in thanks, then placed a hand on his and Amari's shoulders. "Just so you know, I highkey ship this. Hyung, I'll message you later! Don't leave me on read!"

The boy rushed off down the aisle, back the way he came, and Amari smiled wide.

"He hasn't changed at all," he muttered to himself, then he turned to Yangyang, rubbing the back of his neck. He wasn't sure why, but he felt a little embarrassed. "Sorry. That kid's got a big mouth, and he's really excitable. I don't know how he turned out so different from his brother."

"He really likes you. Reminds me of my sister." The man paused and his voice softened. "I like meeting your friends, and learning more about you."

Amari didn't say anything, frowning. Somehow, they were always running into people he knew. People who knew him and his past.

Yangyang rested an arm on his shoulder again and led him to the checkout line, paying for the food and drinks, then hurried the boy out toward the karaoke studio. A figure stood in front of the entrance making large waving motions.

"Where have you guys been?" Yinyi huffed at them in annoyance. "You went shopping and made me wait here?"

"We ran into an old friend of mine at the market," said Amari, scratching behind his ear. "Sorry."

Yinyi sighed dramatically and shoved her brother out of the way to wrap her own arms around him. "How can I be mad at my adorable Xiǎo Li dìdì?" She squeezed him tightly and then took his hand, dragging him into the building.

After checking in at the counter and saying a quick hello to the owner, the three headed upstairs to the large studio room. While Yangyang unpacked the bags, his sister headed to the catalog to look at the song listing.

"What are we feeling tonight boys? We have two vocalists, so I want to do some duets. How about some Americana? You can hear Xiǎo Yang play the banjo." The thought made her giggle lightly to herself.

"Yang ge, you can play the banjo?" Amari looked toward him in surprise. "You didn't say that before."

"Because I can't really," growled Yangyang, obviously not pleased at her for bringing it up. "Not well. I just went through a phase... A phase that has long passed."

"Ah, please. If you put an instrument in his hands, he can play it." She sounded aggravated. As a musician herself, Amari guessed it wasn't easy to have her talent surpassed by her younger brother. She looked through the songs a little more and sighed.

"Fine, he can just play the fiddle then. Xiǎo Li can play or just sing, and I'll play lead."

"But, now I wanna hear Yang ge play the banjo..." Amari flashed the man a sweet smile. "For me?"

Yangyang groaned loudly. "Alright. But don't get your hopes up."

He nodded, still smiling, and the man handed him a large acoustic. Yinyi chose a few songs, checking with the guys to be sure they knew them, and a few moments later the intro beeping started.


After an hour of playing and singing, Yinyi cut them off and sat back onto the floor, surrounded by food and drinks. "This jiě is too old to keep up with you two. I want to hear Xiǎo Li sing something."

"What do you wanna hear?" asked Amari, leaning his guitar against the wall.

"Whatever you want to sing. I just like listening to my Xiǎo Li's voice."

Amari scratched his head, thinking of something he could sing with Yangyang. After a moment of thought, he waved the man over and whispered "Have A Little Faith In Me?" into his ear. With a quiet "Alright," Yangyang sat down at the piano without making a selection.

"Oh? Just playing piano?"

Amari smirked and nodded, pulling a stool over to sit close, and Yangyang's fingers struck the keys, energetically playing the eight bar intro. The boy closed his eyes and smiled. It was a warm, genuine smile he couldn't keep inside, too absorbed in the sound vibrating from the piano strings to care about anything else.

Like most of the songs he chose, as he sang the lyrics, he realized he was singing intentionally. To tell someone that through all of their troubles, he would be there and be strong - was this the message he wanted to send? Was he already that deep into this? If this was his message, could he actually follow through on such a promise?

No. He wasn't sending a message or making a promise. He was hoping he was capable of being that kind of person. He could hardly depend on himself and had definitely never had anyone depending on him. But now he almost yearned to know the feeling of being there for someone else.

As Yangyang finished playing, gently moving his fingers down the keys and quickly lifting them to let the notes ring, Amari opened his eyes and lowered the mic from his mouth. Looking toward Yangyang, his smile softened.

"Damn... How does a kid like you have a soul like that?" Yinyi let out a short laugh and Amari heard her shift. "But, shouldn't you have replaced 'girl' with 'boy' in those lyrics? How long has this been going on exactly?"

Her question was lighthearted and mischievous, without much surprise in her tone. His body tensed up in an instant, but Yangyang only chuckled. "Jiě, I don't know what you mean."

"Yeah, right. I have never seen you look at someone the way you were looking at him. You better watch yourself, if you don't want to get caught."

"Wait, so you know?" Amari asked, baffled at the reaction.

Yangyang said he hadn't told anyone, and he seemed so nervous that someone might find out, but now he was bantering with his sister like it meant nothing. Yinyi stood and walked over to the boy, putting her arm around his shoulders the way her brother always did.

"Of course I know. He's my baby brother. I know everything about him." She leaned down and spoke softly in his ear. "Though, even if I didn't, the way he looks at you makes it pretty obvious." He blushed and she giggled, letting him go. "Don't worry. Mā is too dense to figure it out, but you should watch yourself around everyone else."

Yangyang sighed. "Yeah, thanks for the advice jiě."

"Well, I don't want to impose anymore." Walking over to the bags, she stuffed the leftover food inside. "I'll take these home for you and leave you two lovebirds alone."

Amari still felt a bit awkward with how casual the siblings were acting. "You don't need to leave... We're the ones who invited you."

"Honestly, you're making me remember how single I am, and now I'm feeling sad." Yinyi sighed and raised a hand high above her head. "Xiǎo Li, you really should come sing with the band sometime. It would be fun."

She turned and left, closing the door behind her, and Amari smiled wide, realizing for the first time what a supportive and loving sister Yangyang had.