Episode 80 - Mini-Amari

"What're you gonna do until this evening?" Amari mumbled, trying to pull on his jeans as he brushed his teeth.

He hopped over to his closet, searching for his blue and black striped sweater, feeling the fabric and labels until he found it. After tossing it on the bed, he hurried down the hall to rinse his mouth, then hurried back to his room.

"You could come with me if you want. People're s'posed to be screened before working with the kids, but you're family, so Nisa'd probably let you in."

Yangyang grabbed the sweater out of his hand before he could put it on and an arm circled his waist, bringing him in for a kiss. "Nah. I think I'm going to take a long shower and then wander somewhere to clear my head."

Snatching the sweater back, Amari threw it over his head, asking, "Still nothing from Yin jie or your ma?" through the fabric. He stuffed his phone into a pocket and then put on the headphones Yangyang had bought him. "I guess you're not the only one who's gotta clear their head."

They walked together down the hall, then Yangyang pulled his black knit hat over his head while he put on his coat. Still holding the edges of the thin, weaved yarn, Yangyang yanked him forward, giving him a long kiss. The two ignored the noises coming from the kitchen table where Ziggy sat watching. Amari hated giving the old perv a show, but he was in a hurry and didn't care right now. He was just glad Nicky wasn't back, still preoccupied with his 'wife's family thing.'

"I'll meet you at the center later," said Yangyang, moving his head back just enough to speak. His breath was warm against Amari's face, making him smile. "It starts at seven?"

"Yeah," he nodded, pulling away to throw his wallet and keys into a coat pocket. "I'm done after five-thirty, so let's meet at six and get some dinner. There's a good Thai place just across the street."

Yangyang kissed him again and his smile turned to a wide grin.

"Alright. I'll message you when I'm close."

"Yeah, okay." Taking Yangyang's hands, he removed them from his cap. "Don't overthink things while you're wandering. I don't want you out there getting all anxious without me."

Yangyang chuckled and squeezed his hand before letting go. "I'm a twenty-six, no, twenty-seven-year-old man. I won't fall apart in the next six hours."

"Then I won't worry about you." Amari opened the door and gave him a small wave, then leaned to the side, looking toward Ziggy. "I won't worry about you either, you old perv."

There was a small huff from his friend and Amari took Yangyang by the collar, getting a final quick kiss before heading down the stairs to the street.


The smell of sandalwood and his own shampoo grew stronger in Amari's nose and he smiled, looking up from his spot on VIBE's outside stairs at the figure looming above him.

"You made a new friend?" Yangyang asked, sitting a step higher and stretching his legs out, his thigh brushing Amari's arm.

"This's Franklin." He gave the child next to him a quick pat on the back. "He's in my guitar class and he helps me study braille. Franklin, this's Yangyang."

Franklin huffed, slouching forward. "This one is an idiot." Amari imagined a finger pointed in his direction, since that's what he would do. "It's really not that hard, but he's such shit at it."

"Hey, mouth," he scolded, more out of frustration that he always had to watch his own language than any actual concern. "That's true, but you learned when you were young. It's hard to just pick up as an adult."

"Pfft... Adult." Amari punched the kid lightly in the arm. "Anyway, you're just an idiot. You didn't even graduate high school and can only teach children to play the guitar or help them with stupid art projects."

A light chuckle interrupted their banter. "Sweet kid," Yangyang commented and Amari smiled, nodding in agreement. "So, no dinner then?"

"Oh, yeah." Reaching into his pocket, he pulled some pre-counted cash out of his wallet and handed it over. "I ordered takeout from Thai Lotus, just across the street. I've gotta wait here with him. Will you go grab it?" He checked the time on his phone. "It should be ready now."

Yangyang grabbed the cash and hurried off across the street. Once he was gone, Franklin nudged Amari in the arm.

"That's the guy?" he casually asked.

"That's the one." Leaning back on his elbows, he smiled again. "His voice, right?"

Franklin made a low noise in agreement. "Really deep, but friendly."

He gave him a nod, even though he couldn't see it, and the two sat in comfortable silence until Yangyang came rushing back to the large stone steps.

"How much did you order?" he asked, unpacking the bag. "Can we eat all of this?"

Amari pointed his thumb toward Franklin. "Some of it's for the kid and his mom."

He felt the through the bag and handed a fork to Franklin, then opened each container, smelling the contents.

"Curry for me, garlic eggplant for your mom, pad thai for Yang ge... So, this's the fried rice for Franklin."

He set a box of rice and the eggplant back in the bag and then grabbed his own rice. "Màn man chī! Enjoy!" He dumped the rice into his curry and mixed it around, then shoved a heaping forkful into his mouth.

"Ugh, chew with your mouth closed," Franklin grumbled, picking at his food. "You're such a pig, making those gross noises."

There was a chuckle, but Yangyang didn't say anything, and Amari sighed. "Nothing wrong with enjoying your food," he stated matter-of-factly, shoving in another large bite, then poking Franklin in the side, making the kid twitch. "You've gotta eat to grow big and strong."

"Didn't work out so well for you, did it?"

Yangyang snorted and then coughed, choking on the food still in his throat. With a frown, Amari reached to pat him on the back.

"I really like this kid," Yangyang said, still coughing. "He's like a mini version of someone I used to know." Amari huffed and kept eating. "So, I guess we're waiting for your mom to come and pick you up, Franklin?"

"Yeah," Franklin mumbled, taking a few bites of his rice. "So, you're the boyfriend then?"

Amari felt Yangyang flinch next to him.

"He talks about you all the time. It's so gross." Franklin took a couple more bites. "You have a deep voice, so you must be large."

"Yeah?" Yangyang clearly wasn't sure how to respond. "I'm only six-one though. My back is kind of broad, I guess."

"Well, Amari's the size of a girl," Franklin casually pointed out, still picking at his food. "So that's probably huge to him."

Amari punched him in the arm again, but he didn't react and just kept eating his rice. "This kid, seriously... I'm five-seven. Most girls aren't that tall. And I've got muscle. It's just lean."

"Okay then." Franklin waved a hand toward Amari's face. "I'm sure you're very pretty."

With a long sigh, Amari resigned himself to defeat, going back to eating his food. The three sat and ate quietly for another ten minutes or so, until they heard the sound of heels clicking on the concrete.

"I'm so sorry!" cried out a high-pitched voice, light and out of breath. The woman rushed up the stairs and then leaned forward, inhaling deeply. "My meeting ran late and I missed the bus and... I'm sorry."

"No problem." Amari gave her a friendly smile. "I'm always hungry, so we ordered Thai while we waited. I hope that's okay." He reached behind him and handed her the bag with the rest of the food. "I ordered you some garlic eggplant. I figured you hadn't eaten, and I know you like that."

She let out a small breath and he felt Yangyang quickly shift beside him, then reach for something. "You're such an angel, Amari." Her voice was soft and it sounded like she would cry at any moment.

"I was ordering anyway," he said, patting Franklin on the back. "And Franklin helped me with my braille, so I owe him." Stretching to his other side, he felt for the kid's backpack, handing it over to him. "See you Thursday?"

Franklin grunted and grabbed his bag, leaving the rest of his rice on the stair and heading down toward the road. Amari closed up the food container and handed it over to his mother, who thanked him again before rushing after her son. When he was sure they were gone, Amari sighed and rested his head on Yangyang's shoulder.

"I've been that parent many times," Yangyang admitted, his tone laced with guilt. Amari searched for his hand and grabbed it, giving it a peck. "He seems like a good kid."

"Yeah. Grumpy little shit who says whatever he wants, but really nice."

"That description sounds so familiar." Yangyang laughed at his frown and kissed him on the forehead. "So I'm sure he'll turn out just fine." He packed up the leftovers and then paused. "You gave his mother the bag."

"Oh. I'm sure there's one inside." Standing, he held out a hand for Yangyang, who grabbed it and lifted himself up. "We can go and set up the room since we're here early."