Chapter 37

Before anyone could miss me I slipped out and went to the dressing room I was previously shown and grabbed my cluch with my phone I was happy the new purse was big enough to hold it along with the shirt that I had left as well.

It then slipped back into the conference room without being noticed and went to my seat.

The cameras were finally set up and ready around the room and the production team finally arrived we were ready to start.

I wasn't particularly happy with the crew here so I was the first one just say something, I cleared my throat and then slamming my hands on the table saying, " I am not happy with any of you right now other than Jungkook here and the other idols. You do not ever kidnap a person who has been through the trauma that I've been through ever you're lucky I'm still here and that's only because of Jungkook."

This took everybody by surprise I never lose my cool I never yell, and I never do anything to seem aggressive. The producer came up to me and asked "what do you mean?"

At this point I didnt care about the cameras.

" what I mean is is you kidnapped me knowing full and well a year ago I was kidnapped and tortured and put in the hospital don't you think that my PTSD might have gone a little over Drive it took Felix, mark, and Amber to calm me down. If you ever want me back on this show ever again, you will show me some common courtesy and treat me like I should be treated, I'm not asking for a lot but you will never kidnap me again you'll not ever let your staff put their hands on me like that again. I know the men who grabbed me are just doing their job. But I'm still kind of happy that I fought and I hurt them."

The producer let out of a gasp and said, "they were supposed to tell you what they were doing I am so sorry we didn't mean to scare you or add to any of your emotional trauma."

" well you don't have to reprimand them I see them right now those claw marks and bruises are from me that one guy looks like he has a particularly nasty black eye."

Everybody looked over to where I indicated with my chin and there stood there a group of battered men among the production crew, some staff members all big and burly kind of looking ashamed.

Jae Suk and Se Chan started to laugh hard, and then Ji Hyo and So Min, with Kwang Soo, Jungkook Suk jin, haha, and all the rest of the idols joined in Jae Suk blurted out "that itty bitty tiny person did that too you?"

Haha chimed in with "I guess that kitty has claw and knows how to use them."

The bigger of the three with a black eye and claw marks all over his arms said, "her claws were not as bad as her donkey kick. She took the air out of me a few times."

The shorter one with scratches down his face said,"no she almost took my eye with those she devil claws she wasn't playing around now I know why she fought so hard. She was playing for keeps."

The last one in a small voice said, "I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you or make you relive past trama."

"I forgive you if you didn't know, that I didn't know."

After a few more apologys and can I get a copy of the recordings we all settled down.

Jungkook who was sitting next to me took my hand to get my attention and said, "you look scary when mad remind me not to anger you."

Mark who was on my other side, "you have no idea she was being tame just now. I have seen grown men cry from just one of her choreography lessons. She is no joke dude."

I gave myself a small smile in victory maybe people might not take me so lightly after all.

Jae Suk went in front of everyone next to the board and said," now that we all know that our sweet angel baby Anna can kick some butt, let's play The Wheel of Fortune... there are four destinations here four different camping grounds, you will each choose a person on your team to spend the wheel to know where your team will be going there is a chance of more than one team go to a destination. You will just stay for how ever long it takes you to complete the task givven. Who would like to be the first to spin the wheel?"

Stood up and smiled saying "I will,  because I honestly don't care where we go as long as I get to camp."

I walked over there and spin the wheel. It landed on Yeouido hanging Park, I never been to this park.

He then told me to pick a bag that was on the table next to the wheel.

so, I did and the card said, "extream package." He then said" don't show anyone what you have and go to your seat you can share what you have with your partner. "

I went and sat down,handing the bag to Junkook, he took a look and smiled saying "I can work with this it seems fun."

I nodded in agreement with him it did sound thrilling I then joked with him showing my 6 pack and asked,"you think you have the abs for it?"

He lifted his shirt and smiled then said, "I was built for this." We we did a high five and turn back to who what's next it  it was kwang Soo's turn he got the same as us he high fived mark.

Krystal went and got Seoul forest also she gave big nose a high five.

Amber and jessi got Noeul camping ground se Chan and jae suk.

Vernon and haha got Seoul Forest Felix and somin got Noeul camping ground.

The last couple was Ji hyo and Joshua they got Noeul Camping ground also.

I then asked one of the production team "wont this stretch your budget and resources?"

He shook his head saying, "we got a Anonymous sponsor for this show."

I nodded then started to listen to Jae Suk "well we will now play for equipment I herd there was pocky sticks on someone."

I grabbed them out of my bag and handed them to him.

He smiled and said, "thank you." he then explained the game to us.

We needed to make the smallest piece in order to get the most supplies which included a fishing pole. With tackle a pair of tents a survival backpack with flint food, pillows, blankets, and a pair of flashlights.

Jungkook lost the rock paper scissors game and went first since we were both very competitive we got ours to be a little less than 8 millimeters

Then it went down the line

We came in 4th getting the fishing rods survival back pack with flint and blankets.

krystal and big nose won by 2 millimeters

When everyone got their equipment poor felix And So Min just got the survival back pack.

They ushered us to the awaiting vans.

I grabbed a key to one of them from a crew member.

Their were eight different vans so, I was guessing that we were all going to different parts even if we were going to the same place.

Jungkook carried our supplies other than my fishing rod and backpack I had put our blankets one in each.

I used the key fob and opened the trunk of our van. Putting in our stuff we waited for our camera crew to place thier stuff all around the front of the van to record us then we got in after Junkook took the keys from me saying, "a gentleman doesn't a lady Drive specially when she's tired. Why don't you just take a nap, I know you probably need one I'll take care of everything."

I went up to the main producer and asked, "is there a rule that we can't buy our own supplies?"

"No, no one has asked to do that before they are too cheap or cant afford it."

"Ok thank you." I then skipped over to the van and got in with a big smile saying. Lets go shopping first before we go camping."

He nodded and he drove us to a market that was close by.

I went up to a atm and withdrew some money just in case they didn't take cards.

We then went in our camera people following us.

The first stall I saw was clothes since they wouldn't let me take my suitcase I went in there and found 4 pairs of high waisted skinny jeans that fit and a couple of running man novelty shirts in red that fit me and Jungkook though i had him get a size smaller so he could show off his muscles.

Then we went and got some cooking supplies with a portable stove a tent each and flash lights,

I also grabbed a cooler we then I saw on display cheese-covered lobster tails, potato tornado, fresh pomegranate juice, ham and cabbage omelets, strawberry mochi, fried hot dogs, and fresh churros I ordered one of everything then made Jungkook sit with me.

"I know you dont eat stuff like this but your a gentleman and wont let a lady eat all by herself. Plus we will burn it all off later."

"Fine only because I am a gentleman."

He said in a huff.

We ate in a comfortable silence enjoying our meal.

When we were done I patted my tummy and said, "I feel so much better!"

We then went to the fresh food market and I let hem have fun grabbing what he wanted I saw two jars of kimchi and grabbed them.

When Junkook was done picking out the food he wanted, we paid and made our way back to the van both of us weighed down with bags and the camera people too.

Once on the road I snuggled into my seat and took a much needed nap.

When I woke up the sun was on full blast and we were stuck in traffic. Jungkook was quitely humming to himself I yawn and stretched making a small kitten meow noise, this caught his attention and he looked at me giving me a smile saying, "good morning princess did you have a nice nap?"

"Yes I slept better then I have been for a few weeks. Thank you for letting me take a nap."

"Honestly the way you sleep is so cute I wouldn't have missed it for anything. So, are you ready for what ever they have in-store for us?"

"Yup! I am just excited that I get to camp. I haven't in such a long time it was my favorite thing to do back in the states. Just you and mother earth the calmness and fresh air. Are you ready?"

"Umm you have never been to Yeouido hanging Park have you? Its not really that kind of camping as you americans like to say it more like Glamping."

"So its for people who don't like to ruff it... I don't think it will be as fun as I thought... Atleast you will be with me."

When we got there it looked just as I imagined a tourist type place. It had swan rides a fenced in area for tents a walking track, and bike track a bunch of stalls and restaurants. I was most interested by the outdoor coverd stage.

The fishing area was crowded

The tent area was crowed also it wasn't what I imagined when I thought we were going camping....

To say I was disappointed was the understatement of the year.

Jongkook and I packed all of our supplies to make it easy to carry and followed one of the crew members that had already set up, to our location.

People were crowed around taking photos and asking for autographs.

I just smiled and did what was expected of me waving when it was necessary.

The crowd disbursed eventually letting us get to our final destination.

They had set up an obstacle course for us the Rope Tower was at least two stories high with no hand holes just a rope I inspected it and saw that hand holes around the other side there is also a zipline that you had to climb a light pole to get to at the end of it was the Swan Boats we had to ware life jackets and paddle to get to a floaty that had a flag you with the Running Man symbol on it I guess we needed come back. I'd know more once the producer explained it to us.

The producer came up to us and then said, if you can finish this obstacle course before the other group you can leave and spend the night at a hotel or go to a different campsite and do their obstacle course it is your choice. The other team has to stay here and sing and dance for the next 2 days. Then do a Seoul Grand Park Natural Campground name tag hide and seek.we feel like that is going to take a couple of days in its self you people are competitive."

"Oh.... that sounds fun! I don't know about kookie but I would like to go to Seoul Grand Park Natural Campground have a advanced look. plus It has the word natural in its name that means its a little ruffer than this place. This place looks like it would be fun for a date or day trip but not really for camping like I am imagining. This place looks like you cant make a camp fire its not camping with one of those and marshmallows chocolate and gramcrackers for Smores."

"Ahh that's my girl not afraid to get a little dirty for fun."

We gave each other a high five and then looked at kookie he rolled his eyes saying, "what ever she wants I follow."

I gave him a hug and said,"really thanks Oppa!"

He was taken off guard by the sudden skinship and blushed his eyes became smaller as he smiled goofy like.

Kwang Soo and Mark were waiting for us.

I went up to Mark and asked, "how many times have you two rtried and failed this?"

He gave me a smile and said, "twice we then figured that we would wait for you and make our 3rd time the charm."

"I will make you a deal if you make it I will give you a tent and a fishing pole."

"And if you win?"

"If I win you pay for your girlfriend and I to have a week at a spa resort no boys allowed. And Jongkook gets to put you two threw workouts that entire time you will be filmed also."

"Ooooh... You drive a hard bargain but I accept the challenge."

We shook hands and went back to our partners we relayed the agreement to our partners Jungkook he's an evil smirk then said, I've been trying to get kwang Soo too do one of my extreme workouts maybe it will be fun to watch you pretty boy friend doing one also. Lets win this first try."

I liked his competitive spirit.

We got to the starting line one we had a crowd surrounding us behind the tied off sections for our program they were screaming our names cheering us on. One of the crew put a safty helmet on our head attached a gopro.

On a megaphone we herd a crew member count down.





We were off like lightning I made sure I was going a steady pace not overly exerting myself just enough speed to keep up with Jongkook we got to the ropes and I was thankful for the gloves one of the crew members handed me, the ropes dug into my hands but I climbed up as fast as possible.

Looking down Kwang Soo was giving mark a boost.

I smiled to myself and got to the top and helped Jongkook the rest of the way up we smiled at each other then hauled our rope over to the other side and just propelled down one by one.

We hit the ground running I shimmied up the pole first landing on a platform that could hold 3 grown men, a crew member put a safty harness on me then put one on jongkook he than clipped us together us facing each other.

The crew member then said, "you both hold onto the bars do not let go if one of you do before you both touch ground you have to start over."

We nodded at him and grabbed ahold I let a squeal of excitement as I felt the wind hit me before I knew it my feet was touching the ground.

"Have to do that again before we leave that was fun."I said excitedly.

He looked at me like I had grown two heads and said," your eaither carzy or an adrenaline junkie which means you are crazy."

"Mama always said a all women are crazy you just have to find the level of crazy you can live with."

He laughed and asked, "is that why I am still single I haven't found my perfect crazy."

"Yup" I said poppping the p at the end.

A crew member hurried and took our harnesses of and told us to run to the swan boats.

We were off no need to tell us twice.

Once we got to the boats a crew member hands us life vest and said, "grab the flag then come back and run back to start to finnish the course.

We nodded to him and got into swan number 1.

  We got in and I noticed that the cameras were already mounted.

I looked at him and said, "I think we need to take it slow and steady so as not to wear out before we finnished."

He nodded and we peddled to the red flag.  I grabbed it off the buoy, Jungkook had to hold me by the waist so I didn't fall in because we got the boat a little too far away.

  I got a little embarrassed because my butt was literally in his face.

I sat back down and we peddled back passing Kwang Soo and Mark I waved at them and we peddled harder once we got to shore we threw our life preservers to a crew memeber and was off followed by our camera people trying to catch up.

We made it to the finnsh line with a deafening cheer from the crowd.

   A couple of minutes later Kwang Soo

And mark made it to us they were both sweating and panting.

Mark flung himself onto the ground

Panting like he had ran a 20k marathon in full sprint mode.

Saying between my laughter, "I-I... Win."

He gave me a dirty look too tiered to reply.

I layed down next to him and started to look at the Cumulus clouds were pretty to look at their white puffiness a stark contrast to the azure sky.

It had been awhile since I just sat still and looked at the sky in all of its beautiful vastness.

I was enjoying the warm sun on me and the watching a puffy cloud that looked like a bunny, when I was thrown into shade.

Looming over me was kwan Soo his face drenched and his clothing sticking to him from sweat.

"Yes, Oppa did you need something?"

"How did you get so much supplies?" He said this while panting.

"I asked your producee if it was considered cheating if I bought supplies and he said no so I did."

"Really you mean we could have bought what we needed this whole time?"

"Its funny how it takes a woman to ask..."

He slicked his wet hair back out of frustration and the collapsed next to me.

Jongkook came up to us saying, "Anna your break is over lets get going I already have our things in the van."

He held his hand out for me to help me up, he pulled too hard and had me crashing into his chest.

Kwang Soo and Mark said at the same time, "I ship it!" Then high fived each other, while kookie and I blushed we let each other go quickly afterwards.

Jongkook made a pivot and started to walk away his ears really red from behind.

I followed him keeping a slight distance so as not to upset him.

When we. Got to the van I got in quietly and buckled up.

He was the first to break the silence and asked" are you excited to camp tonight?"

Still a little embarrassed and a little scared of him since he is bottling his emotions and pretending to be ok I gave him a non verbal yes with a nod.

  I was worried that the top will pop and I will be in the cross fire of his emotional explosion.

He then asked, "are you ok? Did what the guys say make you upset?"

I looked at him then tentatively said, "I am more worried about you, honestly..."

"What do you mean? I am fine."

"It just seemed like you got upset earlier but just bottled it up and it scared me because I have seen people do that before and then just explode in very violent ways."

"Oh yeah that stuff really dose not bother me anymore it use to and I would lash out now I just get slightly embarrassed but I walked away so that people wouldn't get the wrong impression about you since there was so many fans lingering around I know you have a boyfriend."

"You know my favorite part of this show watching as a fan is when they make fun and you go all sparta on them. I was looking forward to seeing some Sparta moments in real life."

"Oh, I just thought I should be a little kinder around you since I am a fan of yours and have read about the violence you have lived threw I didn't want to scare you off. You know before we really got to know each other and I was able to sweep you off your feet."

I blushed and said, "well please if someone needs a good headlock dont hesitate on my account." I had ignored his sweeping off my feet comment completely and gave him a smile.

"Oh I left the tents for Kwang Soo and mark since where we are going they have them."

I nodded and said, "thats good. I have never been to any of the parks here. If its ok with you I am going to turn on some music and get hyped up so as to get ready for our next challenge."

"Thats fine it will help me relax a little and have fun."

I got into my purse and grabbed my clutch inside my clutch I got my aux cord and phone and set it up I went into my music and selected my party mix the first song that came up was turbos

Bbaji Go.

I started to dance and Jongkook laughed then sang his parts while I did his members.

The next song had him laughing so hard he pulled over just to laugh I guess twist king had that effect on him the crew that was following us parked behind us and one member came up to the window making sure we were ok.

I turned down the music and Jongkook wiped a tear from his eye and said to him, "this kid here has my old music in her party mix file can you believe thos american kid is listening to twist king?"

The camera man who looked to be in his 40s started to laugh to shaking his head then asked, "why do you have stuff from the 90's when you were just a baby when it just came out?"

Just as I was about to explain myself Billy Ray Cyrus's Achy Breaky Heart came on they both raised an eyebrow at me and I shrug my shoulders and said, "well I guess I'm just a paradox that you guys need to figure out one of these days"

They shook their heads in amusement and the crew man went back to his van laughing.

I looked at jongkook just smiled and started driving again we both sang along to the rest of the music his English waa perfect when my American Music came on.

He turned it up when BigBangs fantastic baby came on and we rocked out.

When we got to the park it took us awhile to find a parking spot it was crowded here as well. I grabbed my pack stuffing as much as I could in it and Jongkook did the same we each grabbed the coolers handle we left the stove but I clipped the cooking things to our bags and we went to the main office and rented some tents as far from everone else as possible I paid for them and the crews tents along with the surrounding tents making sure we had privacy and a place to store equipment.

When we got to our campsite and was done setting up I finally asked Jongkook," i know you are probably tierd of people asking you to do this but will you sing December with me i will do Jung - nams part I have the music on my phone?"

He smiled and said"ok but you have to sing trouble maker with me afterwards."

The crew surrounding us camers pointed on us and one camera man was mobile we sang December I was proud of myself for nailing it.

Then I swiched to troublemaker and asked "do you know the dance?"

He gave me a smile of a professional who was asked if he was new at singing.

I turned the music on and got into position he was go and very nimble on his feet despite the fact that he was so muscled.

I then asked do you know the English version of "Taeyoen's I?"

He smiled and said, "I bet I can figure out the guys part easy enough."

I smiled and said "prove it."

We did songs left and right translating English songs to korean and vice versa for and hour. It was a fun game.

While I was preparing dinner for everyone I was singing cheer up by twice, I was so engrossed into what I was doing that I didn't notice that I had a crowd just watching me until I swiched the song to Bigbangs Blue when it came to cutting up the meat and fish.

As I got to tops part I made eye contact with Amber not realizing that more cast members were showing up. I smiled at her and she came over to me and said, "where ever you go you are always singing as if you cant help yourself."

She then started to help me cook, Jessi joined as well we started to sing Little mix's Power togather. I started off and Jessi and amber swichedting off the rap parts and vocals with me.

I then did little mixes salute, we ended our cooking in a fit of giggles.

The guys helped bring the food to the tables.

Se Chan and Jae Suk were having fun watching us girls trying to out sing each other amber messed up on a couple of lyrics of Jessi Js who is laughing now, so she just started to watch Jessi and I try and win, I fumbled on Laim Payne's Strip That down because I had only heard it once.

  The guys clapped and Jessi took a bow I high fived her saying, "you rock now when can we do a collaboration?"

"I will have my lable call yours."

We all ate having small talk here and there every once in awhile a joke was trown in the boys cleaned the dishes and picked up while us girls took the fishing rods and went fishing for dinner.

While we were sitting together Amber asked, "how are you and NamJoon doing?

I took out my phone and sent her a message saying by the end of the week I will be free dont react to message.

Than said verbally, "we are great, I didn't know I could love a man this much before."

She nodded after reading her phone and said while playing along, "you two do make a cute couple and the way you look at him gives me goose bumps."

Jessi chimed in asking,"didn't he cheat on you with that one exiled trainee than got her on his lable?"

"Whats in the past is in the past he is totally a good boy now."

"You are too much of a saint to put up with something like that. He would have been dumped in a second and I would have broken a couple of fingers on his face."

Amber then injected, "thats our girl she can't help be forgiving and loving. Putting others before herself."

"Don't worry Jessi I put the fear of an avenging Angel into him. But he earned my trust back slowly now we are great. I love him so much... I fould see us getting married and have like 5 little monsters and Angels."

I gave her a small smile while blushing she didn't need to know that I was gagging internally.

"How about you and working with psy? Is it fun?"

"Honestly yeah it is but I am just starting out with him."

"I know how you feel me and a couple of my members just left SM its a scary new adventure but I am having fun."

I looked at amber when she said this she looked determined.

A couple of hours and a game of girl truth and dare we didn't want to include the boys, my phone went off stating that someone was in my room since I installed a separate security system for my room I access the security through an app on my phone and watch the videos who entered I was happy now that I installed three cameras when each Closet in one in the bedroom.

I was surprised that Tana was in the room than I noticed that she wasn't alone she was with a man.

When Jessi and amer noticed i2 was quiet Jessi asked, "whats wrong?"

"My rooms alarm went off and I am now watching a life feed of said room." I looked at the camer people and said "no you may not film this or have a copy."

They backed off and stopped filming.

Jessi and amber sat on eaither side of me and we watched my phone.

"Isn't that one of your members Tana? Who is that she is with?"

Before I could awnser her he turned hes face and we saw Namjoon thats when I wanted to cry but I was frozen.

We watched as Tana and NamJoon had sex on my bed then start to steal all the jewelry and watches from each closet and put them in my pillowcases she also stole anything that was of value.

I didn't realize I had silent tears rolling down my face.

Jessi wiped my tears away and asked, "what do you want us to do?"

"Just stay here and do this have fun I will be back."

I went up to one of the production team members and said, "I need to go home for a little bit there is an emergency but I will be back when it is delt with."

I went and relaid the message to Jongkook he ask if I needed him to come with me I declined.

I then went to Amber and asked, "will you trade phones with me for a little bit I will give you the codes and you can follow whats happening threw the app it has all camera angles threw out the house."

She gave me a nod and I looked at a camera crew member that was lingering near and said, "if you film anything that has to do with my phone or this you will be in breach of SBS's confidentiality contract with me, and I will sue."

He gave me a nod and backed off quickly.

I grabbed the van keys from Jongkook and left.

I then used ambers phone and called my father and told him what was happening he told me that he would meet me at home.

My second call was to Shay "hey our house is about to be very hectic why don't you stay at JYP and practice or lay down some new tracks in my studio. I will call you when its all over ok?"

"Ok but what is going on? Do I need to call Tana?"

"No you don't its about Tana she is not hurt but she is in alot of trouble and if you call her now she will be in more and she will drag you down with her."

"Ok, I hope you kick her ass Anna I don't know what it is about but knowing her she deserves it."

I had finally reached the van when I hung up with her.

sitting in the drivers side I took a minute of deep calming breaths and headed home.