Chapter 38

I synchronized Amber's phone to the car's Bluetooth and then called the police while I was driving home. I told them that there was a robbery in progress and that I was notified via app and that I have video surveillance to prove that I was being robbed. I give them my name and address and told them that I would meet them there.

When I got home there was three police cars in my front drive and a bunch of Neighbors watching my house I parked the van and went up to the nearest officer and gave him my name I then saw my Appa and ran to him and gave him a tight hug thats when the flood gates opened.

When I finally calmed down his shirt was soaked with my tears and snot, I can say that when I really cry I am a ugly crier.

The police came out with Namjoon in his boxers handcuffed and Tana in a white shirt I guess they were in the middle of sex when the police busted in.

the news crews were filming everything and everyone the police also came out with 8 bags of loot they were going to try and make way with.

Tana saw me and then went wild she got loose from the police and came after me, she knocked me down and started to whale on me with her hand cuffed fist.

It took Three police officers to get her off but not before she kicked me in the face I herd a crack and knew my nose was broken.

Appa helped me up and all I could hear was her screaming "when I get out your going to fucking die bitch. I will piss on your grave then what ever man you are with I will fuck him on it!"

Namjoon just gave me a death glare before entering the car.

I guess one of the police officers called an ambulance and a medic came over to me and started to look me over.

She had broken two fingers as well as my nose when she was hitting me I gave him a fiery look and said, "I dont want to go to the hospital just do what you must. He put it all back in place my fingers first then splinted them and then with a sickening crunch my nose.

I was so mad and hurt I didn't make a sound, This freaked him out a little.

Appa held my hand threw out the whole mess.

When I was done a officer Lee came over and asked, "You said there is camera's can I get a copy? I took him to the surveillance room I made a copy of everything he needed excluding the party and kwang Soo.

He gave me a smile then asked, "I know its a bad time to ask this bit can I get yours and your fathers autograph?"

I obliged him, Appa was on the phone with our board of directors and our lawers but he gave the officer a quick autograph too.

I called Shay and told her to come home she needed to be questioned.

Our house was a mess, electronics and computers were eaither damaged or on the couches my studio door was kicked in and I was happy they didn't find my music computer in the floor safe.

My room was ransacked and so was everone elses but Tana's there was food all all over the kitchen and broken appliances.

They had not hit the man cave yet but in the gym, the gym bags had been slashed open the treadmill and exercise bike looked as if they took a bat to them they cut the wire cords to the weight machine and broke all mirrors my garage was a mess they keyed all the cars leaving slurs all over them.

Both offices were ran scaked it looked like they tried to get into my fathers and I's safes were all the deeds stacks and bonds were along with other important papers and contracts.

They dumped black paint in both pools and hot tub and wrote slurs on every wall they could get too book cases were turned over shelves emptied on floors windows and mirrors smashed everywere. Things were broken with a bat left and right.

I fixed a up ruined chair and sat down and just staired my house now looked like how I felt inside all the time now broken.

A female officer came up to me and asked,"are you going to press charges?"

I looked up at her and asked, "would you? I loved him I wanted to give them both everything. I was giving them everything... Why would they do this to me?"

A single tear rolled down my bloody face.

"If I was you I would press charges and nail thier asses. What about his band members? They are innocent how will this effect them?"

Ambers phone rang and it was Jin I awnsered it with a hello.

"Anna! Amber told me to call her phone for you... We saw the news.. We took a band memeber vote and decided that we will back you."


"Nail them to the wall and then leave them to rot princess. We know you you're probably worried about us right now and trying to make a dicision that will not hurt us."

"Ok... I will do it." I said quietly and hung up the phone.

I looked at the officer and said," I will press charges, and if I will, my father will also along with Shay."

After a few hours of questions separately from Shay and my father I went upstairs to look for Shay she was in the middle of her room crying holding ripped up pieces of a picture.

I knew that picture it was the only picture her mother would give her of her father who was deployed in Afghanistan and died, I gave her a hug and said, "we will fix it. I am so sorry this happend to you."

She just gave me a hug and started crying to my shoulder all I could do was pat her on the back, and try and console heart as much as possible.

When she was done she said, "I knew she was jealous of you but I didn't think she hated me as well."

" jealousy makes the kindest of people do the worst things possible."

"But why take the one thing I loved form me?"

" because our friend is sick. jealousy is a sickness of the heart and mind. just remember that it makes it hurt a little less if you just think of her as sick."

" don't do that! Don't make excuses for her! She was going to kill you! I know she was going to kill you! she said it many times! Just get angry for once!"

I gave her a look of anger and asked, "oh, do you really think I'm not angry? I am pissed off! it just this is the only way I can keep from marching over to that Police Department and kick her ass! believe me I want to bad but I'm not going to let myself be lowered down to her level ever."

"Its just so hard to tell if anything effects you, you have this wall built around you, it is impenetrable. Though I guess now I see why its there to protect you from shit like this. Why is it that I am older yet your the one who is always cleaning everything up, and taking care of us?"

I gave her a hug and said, "I was built this way. Didn't you know I am really a robot here to take over the world one song at a time? And make your life easy?"

She laughed at this so I made beep boop sounds and said, "take me to your leader." In a robot voice.

She tickled me and said, "oh, wise Angel Bot you are my leader."

This is how Appa found us tickling each other and laughing.

He stood their with his arms crossed and said, " it's nice to see my lovely angels Spirits aren't down now we can't stay the night here they're going to post a couple police officers so there won't be any looters or looky-loos we can either stay in the guest house or I still have your apartment it's been fixed up and changed up a little bit we can stay there until the house is fixed what would you guys like to do?"

I looked between them and said, "what about option C? You both pack some clothes and come with me and watch me act a fool on running man? They still have me until Sunday..."

Shay smiled and said, "watching you make a fool of yourself is always fun... Where would we be sleeping?"

"I have some tents I rented and some are not being used..."

Appa just nooded and went to his room looking for some camping gear shay did the same with her walk in closet.

I went to my room and picked up all of the useable make up I could find and use a mirror shard to apply some to my already bruising nose I took a unsoiled handkerchief and cleaned up the blood and finished putting on my make up then went to my closet and rummaged for the running man shirt I kept from the last time I was on the show, and switched out my sweater for the t-shirt.

Before that I took the name tag off and a pice of golden paper with the word goose stamped out fell to the floor. I put it back onto the shirt and pulled the shirt over me I fixed my hair and made sure I looked ok. Then put all my makeup that I needed in a small makeup case.

I put on a new pair of ripped jeans that made my butt look amazing and pulled on some black hiking boots with black tube socks. I grabbed a couple of extra pair of undergarments and socks. You never know and went out of my room shuting and locking my door activating the alarm again.

I went down to my studio and got my Laptop out of its hidey hole and put it in its bag with the clothes.

I then went to the kitchen and opened the deep freeze and saw the ice cream was safe i grabbed 3 pints and some disposable spoons and went to the van and waited.

First to arrive was Shay who had 3 pints herself the Appa. holding some too seeing the trend I wordlessly went back and grabbed a cooler and dumped 30+ more into it and grabbed the whole pack of disposable spoons I rooled it to the van and the deposited thier ice cream in there as well I then got into the front passenger seat and turned on the GPS for appa.

We then started to drive in silence I was eating from my tub of ice cream and feeding appa at the same time. Shay was playing on her phone and eating from her tub along with us.

No one was in the mood to talk.

Right before we got there Appa asked, "did you take care of your music so no one can get it?"

We both tapped our laptop cases knowing that people would pay high dollar get our unfinished music and Pirate it for their own its why I encrypted my laptop with five passwords then password protected all files.

We found a parking space, and appa pulled the cooler behind him then we got out and started our way to the running man camping site.

When we got there everyone was looking at us with a mixture of pitty and amazement.

Joshua, Jihyo, Krystal, Big nose, Vernon, HaHa, Mark, and Kwang Soo, all had made it to the camp site to my astonishment.

I went over to amber and asked, "dose everyone know?"

She nodded and then we swiched phones. My volume was turned off but I could see message after message blowing up my phone I handed it off to appa knowing he would take care of it.

I pointed at the cooler and said, "it could be worse I could have not brought ice cream..."

Ambers eyes lit up and she dove into the cooler looking over all the b&j ice cream flavors.

I grabbed a random ice cream for myself and went and sat down apart form the group wanting just a little time alone to take in all of today.

At this moment the quiet serenity of the trees calmed and relaxed me, giving me the feeling that I could deal with everything later.

The sun was setting after awhile and people were starting to stir, a activity was most likely about to start.

Time to go to work the only thing that never fails me.

I gave Appa a weary smile and he gave me a thumbs up from his foldable lawn chair a bottle of soju in one hand and a fishing pole in the other.

It looked as if he found the gift shop, because I didn't remember soju in with the camping supplies.

If anyone needed to drink it was him my group was going to give him grey hairs or a stroke.