The Minotaur Shall Fall

Hayase then jumped out of his hiding space in a panic and stabbed Minzor in the next, yellow blood then started to spread rapidly as Minzor was getting weaker, "YOU UNGRATEFUL WRENCH!!!" Minzor then grabbed Hayase and immediately tried to RIP out of his eyes out but thankfully Bork stepped in and prevented it from happening while the soldiers just stood there and watched as Minzor was in deep pain, "Should We?" said one of the troopers but they all replied in unison, "Nah!" and evacuated before anything else could happen. "YOU traitors.... the gods shall eat your flesh away as they know you have disobeyed them." They all turned around and immediately shot him 30,000 times in the chest, Minzor's body started to turn to stone and the next thing they knew... he vanished after that incident. Hayase couldn't believe what he had done but thankfully he was able to kill Minzor but he didn't have the faintest clue on what he needed to do next. "Congratulations Hayase... you've completed your first challenge and now you must be ready for what is yet to come." Barbatus appeared once again and Hayase immediately tried to kill him again.

"You know this might be the best moment in my life because I get to have someone trying to kill me when I am a demonic being that is willing to kill Humanity... oh what am I saying? It's not like you will ever return home. " when Barbatus said those words, Hayase wanted to know what they meant, "Since you are being trained to become an Assassin, Netroit is nothing more than a .... nuisance to your purpose as an Assassin." Hayase then asked Barbatus this serious question, "If freeing Netroit isn't my real purpose then what is? And that is ... I dont want to know... I'm going to protect my home from the likes of those that are willing to destroy it." Barbatus smiled and replied, "Well let's see where your journey will take you." Barbatus then teleported Hayase to a different world but not before saying goodbye to Bork, "It was nice meeting you Hayate... and please do visit." Hayase woke up to find himself in the middle of nowhere but he then saw Minzor in his brutally slaughtered state and he saw him grow rapidly into Minotaur like blob, "I ... shall ... kill you!!!!" Hayase couldn't believe what he was seeing but he knew one thing and that was that Minzor now became a huge bitch...

Minzor immediately went to attack Hayase but he was able to dodge it before he came into contact to the good that was surrounding him, "You're nothing Minzor, all you care about is not being alone when you can't even show signs of kindness, you murdered an innocent village just to prove a point... that you are and always will be a pathetic man." Minzor then let out a giant roar that sent Hayase flying in the sky, "Who's pathetic now?!!!" screamed Minzor but he then couldn't find Hayase but saw him as he was coming directly at him from the sky, he pulled out his hidden blade and was swallowed by Minzor, he was disgusted that he was in his organs but he knew that he could find what he was looking for, "there you're are... asta la vista Minzor." Minzor then spit Hayase out and started to evaporate into nothing, the drool around Hayase too was starting to vanish until Hayase watched as Minzor said his last words, "FREEE...." Hayase thought on what he had just said, "was he trying to say Freedom?" he thought to himself but then Barbatus ruined it with his appearance that distracted Hayase from the fight that he had just dealt with, "If this is one of your tests then it's doing a nice job of pissing me off because that was just awful." Barbatus laughed but got serious when he heard about the incident, "That's strange... I never sent you here... it's like as if someone else was trying to get to you as well... I have to put it into more thought, right now you need to rest and be prepared." Barbatus then teleported Hayase to where he sent him while he examined the room that Hayase was just in, "That's strange.... no one knows nor has ever set afoot in this realm for more 10 Millennials, it's like as if... there was someone that wanted Hayase to fail and be trapped here... it can't be them..."

"Oh but it is."

"I should have known... you Zaish still have no respect for the world and what people like I do."

"You're right on all of that but there's one thing that we are actually interested... and that is Hayase."

"Dont you dare even taking him."