It's Time for a Revolution

Hayase woke up to find that he was discovered by a young man who asked in a British Accent, "Beg your Pardon sir, Are you all Right?" as Hayase rose up, he found himself a crowd that gathered around him, he looked like as if someone has never seen someone like him.

"Please move aside!!! Give the boy some space!!! Ihm do beg your pardon young man but... are you a resident here?" Hayase looked puzzled and replied, "I guess you can say that... I must have nodded off again... it happens... my apologies if I had done any damage."

The police officer then laughed and said, "Damage? ... oh how silly is that? ... dont worry about it... you're a member of Mister Batus are you not? ..... because you have MR Batus' badge and that means that you work for him." Hayase looked at the badge that miraculously appeared and was surprised to how it was able to stick since his clothes were destroyed.

"I might have to leave immediately before he gets even worried about... well farewell..." the police officer then stopped Hayase and offered to take him home, "No, no it's not necessary!" The police officer replied, "Bollocks it's the least I can do."

The crowd then watched Hayase as the police officer escorted him to this 'Mr Batus' and he had a feeling that he was going to come across Barbatus in some way, the officer then stopped and showed him the shop that Mr Batus was working in.

He bid Hayase farewell and left to carry on his duty, Hayase went inside and saw that there was a lot of clothes lying on the floor, someone shouted, "Who is it?!!" Hayase replied, "Uhm I am trying to ... look for someone, is Mr Batus around?"

The door then opened and when Hayase saw Mr Batus, he saw that he looked familiar to Barbatus but he was more ... Victorian and he looked smart, differently to how Barbatus wore some Greek armor like he was Hades or something, "Ah Hayase is it not? I am Eric Batus but you can call me Batus.

Oh where are my manners? Please ... come in ... my apologies but you must've been attacked by dogs... silly little sods... please allow me to get you something new to wear, consider it on the house, let's see... there and there and perfect! I have just the suit for you my dear chap."

As Batus went to get the suit, Hayase looked around his house to see that he had a lot of debts that he was unable to pay back, says that there was more than £30,000 put into the business and it hasn't been paid in 2 years.

"Here we are! Please do try it on." Hayase then left Batus to put on his new suit but the only thing he refused to wear was the blazer which Eric saw was fair, as he put it on, Hayase turned from a poor man to an estate agent.

"This is... comfortable, and this time really suits me... the blazer... wasn't a nice improvement to say the least." Batus clapped with glee as he liked the suit, "May I ask a question?" Batus then allowed Hayase to say his question, "Who is WD Korton?" Batus then snapped and dropped his tea.

"Oh how clumsy I am... so sorry but I can't answer that and you must go... good..." Hayase but his foot on the door as Batus was about to close the door, "Please tell me... I'm willing to help." Batus let Hayase inside and explained who Korton was.

"Many words can describe that bastard of an abortion... he makes decent deals but in the next few months, he raises the price at every day that passes by... he is the reason why my shop isn't going as smoothly as it was before... you should have seen it...

It was nice and friendly and I had many customers pleased by my work but the day that he arrived, people wanted to stay as far away as they could from my store and it was hard m having to pay my employees, so I had no choice but to fire them one by one.

After that the business wasn't getting any better, I had increased bills from that man and all he has caused was entering and being threatening towards me and my customers, not even you... a child is able to go against him... he along with other people have London at their mercy."

Hayase couldn't believe what he was hearing, if WD Korton had no right to be ruining Batus' business and this only made his blood go cold, "Well then there's only one thing that can be done, I have to prepare .... for a revolution."