Kill The ViC

"Have you lost your mentality? That man has more guards than you can ever imagine... someone like you... is not worthy of even facing someone like you... just give it in kid... it's best if London stays obedient to these crooked bastards." Hayase then stood and said to Batus

"Are you telling me that I should give up even though I had just started the revolution? ... Well I will tell this, I'm not giving up, someone like you has talent and he is making you as an example! Well I say no more to him, I'll do it by myself... with or without your help."

As Hayase left the shop, he encountered a group of gang members at war with another set of gang members, "Give it up you aristocratic meat, play nice and we can all survive this!" said the leader of the gang that wore black gauntlets just like Hayases.

"Are you hearing what I'm hearing? It's like some grandmas son wants to be the hero and try to 'cooperate' with us (laughs) Alright... we'll cooperate... in YOUR ...." as the boy was reaching out for his knife, Hayase jumped in and immediately killed him, which scared the others into running away, "RUN AWAY FROM THIS PYSCHO QUICK!!!"

Hayase didn't know what he just did but he knew that he was only going to draw attention so he ran in the same direction as the Aristocrat gang were going but one of the enemy gang members caught up to him.

"Come with us..." with no other choice, Hayase followed the gang into a pub where they pulled a chair for him and talked about what he must did, "I've got to say kid... you're quick with the blade... nice suit, wheres the blazer?" Hayase said he didn't want to talk about it.

"Anyway, thanks to you... we were able to capture some of the wave points around London, it was already hard to capture the last one but you made our job more easier.

What's your name kid?" Hayase replied with his name and the leader replied, "Hayase? That sounds... retarded... how about ... Jack? Yeah I like that... Jack Erzol, sounds like someone who kills women ... it was a joke by the way." Hayase... or better yet Jack told them about what he was going to do, "you can't be serious man, you'll be dead in an instant and we are barely able to walk by that area that he's currently in."

"Believe what you want to believe, but I'm going to stop this bastard and put an end to that mans reign of terror for good and hopefully... be able to give this city hope." Henry then left them by themselves while he planned on what he needed to plan.

"Pst Pst PST.... Oi mate, over here." Henry then followed the man who wanted to talk to him about something, "Is it true? You're the one that is going to put an end to this terror?" Henry replied with a yes, "Then I want to at least be of assistance, Edward Smith, I really shouldn't be here so I have to make this quick, unless you're someone who can buy me." Then a grumpy man shouted Edward's name, "COME... we have work to do you good for nothing!!" Hayase watched as Edward was being mistreated by that man and while no one was watching.

Immediately stabbed the man in the chest and left him lying, he then signalled Edward and a few others to follow him quickly but they were too late as the police witnessed what he had committed.

"Oi!! Get back here murderer!!!" Hayase ignored him and ran with the others as quickly as they could, Hayase then signalled them to go to Batus' shop while the policeman try to capture Hayase but he instantly sent him flying in the River Thames, thankfully he survived, Hayase ran back into the shop and saw Batus immediately getting to work ok making suits for them.

"Ah I see you brought me new customers... I look forward into... wait... I'm still charging them, I did your suit for free but for them, it's around.... uh.... £4,500 at best."

Hayase then pulled out at around £5,000 that he had looted from the Aristocrat gang member that he had killed, Batus was shocked on what he had and saw that he had blood on his clothes, "My dear, friend!! you've only had that suit for less than an hour.

And you've already gotten it dirty, I'll have to make a new one for you but I will charge you... oh that explains the £5,000 clever boy... you clever, please make yourself at home as I am glad that I'm.... 87.5% close in paying my debts back, Hallibarbra!!!"