Mill's mercy

"My mom said I'd soon be able to go play outside anew, once I'm all healed up. She doesn't want any infection to spread on my wounds."

'The ones she inflected, of course.' He thought before asking. "How bad are they? I couldn't tell the other day, I was a little too tight in my clothes."

Boldly, Ruth lifted her dress up above her head. The girl's green aura spread in the room with a blood-stained stench.

Her small body had undergone the worst treatment it could've sustained. From knees to her elbows, hundreds of burns. They followed the exact same pattern as Stan's body, except they pointed at the same direction as the crosses on the house's walls.

The middle of her tummy was darkened by the many wounds, the endless flow of pus and the many dry bubbles that developed when her body tried to heal.