In the depths of a frigid winter, Oswald, a mere shepherd, fights for survival alongside his pregnant mother in a war-torn world.
His life takes a sinister turn with the arrival of a mysterious traveler who claims to carry an urgent message for the royals. An opportunity bearer but at what cost?
As night deepens, Oswald uncovers a shocking destiny that goes beyond mere survival. His night wanderings are no mere sleepwalking; they are tied to the dreadful beast that haunts his village. This wolf-like creature prowls the valley, bringing dread as the specter of war looms closer.
Blood will flow, loyalties will be tested, and Oswald must face the beast within as he strides the perilous path between humanity and monstrous power.
So at the start i was little confused because of the dream sequence but later i understood it clearly. There were little errors but overall the plot was good and that is what matters. So if you are new reader then give it a try. It is really an awesome work. If i have time then i would love to keep reading.
This is quite an interesting story although I had quite a hard time understanding its beginning, the more I read the clear it got. I am quite attracted to the mother-son relationship which seems to be of love and hate, and the mother's personality is something quite unique. As for the main character, I really like his honest views they are very satisfying to read😆 Good Work!
hey just wanted to check up on you, your ur doing great with the constant uploads. and also wanted to ask if you would want me to point out things you can improve in in chapters, I'm no editer but I can help with the obvious things so ppl can have a better reading experience,I loved the novel so far and wanted to help out
This has been a great read you are creating a compelling world to keep the readers engaged in the story keep it up! Just don't stop writing!
Good first read, I may continue, seeing as it's a romance with tragedy involved, also your descriptions are very well done, with believable character dialogue, so keep it up.
Some points which I have already mentioned in the chapter and I found that the material in your opening chapters is a bit blurry. I had a hard time distinguishing between Oswald's dream and reality. But after 8 chapters I understood and connected from there. In addition, there are a lot of words that I found interesting and new. There are the different types of readers on WebNovel, some readers like to hook from the start and some readers will wait or give your book some time, so I guess everyone has a different point of view. Don't worry keep writing. Still a small suggestion from me that if you write any new book in future just try to make your story interesting with your opening chapters, it's really important. keep writing and your story isn't boring.
it was enjoyable, a great time killer but i had trouble understanding the story, i can't say much about world-building since i only read 50 chapters character development was also good if a bit stiff. the only thing that i found odd was him going after a married women with two kids but its the olden times so what evre