Dinner time

In the evening, after fighting all day long, Oswald followed the great general, who observed them quietly from afar. They entered his private quarters, a table was set for dinner, it looked more like a date than a career meeting.

They looked at each other while eating roasted potatoes. The kid was very careful not making any eating noise, but the man in front of him was getting on his nerves. Poor Ozzy easily stuck pieces of food in between his sharp teeth, he was forced to use his tongue, fingers and lips to get rid of the inconveniences.

Engaging conversation was awkward, but staying silent was too, so the great general made the first step.

"Any thoughts you'd like to start with, major?"

"Thoughts on what?"

Oswald took a deep breath, he was a little bored but his nose caught up a flowery scent, however his eyes wouldn't lie to him, his mother had a touch with Henri as well. He choked on his bite and resumed his meal.