Faint smile

"Where are we going?" Asked Chloe, hardly sitting on her stead.

Gregor turned his head and gave her his most sincere smile. "My home! My father is waiting for me!" He could feel the shackles of the camp letting go of his ankles. He could feel the weight of the many lives that perished under his sword ascend to the sky and leave his shoulders, his duty was done.

Sweat drops rolled down his neck, something was obviously wrong, but he couldn't pinpoint what it was.

The woman spoke louder than the heavily galloping rides. "Wasn't this what you wished for?"

"It is, but I don't understand... Why me? Why now? Can you imagine a soldier being let go of the camp this lightly? Being dismissed without consequence, for him to live a better life? That's a first! It's fishier than the river! All of those who managed to do the same ended up six feet under, and people spat on their graves saying they were traitors, deserters..."