Productivity growth

Adelmo's eyes looked both left and right, at the same time. His wry smile and closing eyes accentuated the malevolent thoughts he had for Oswald.

But how? How was it possible? Since when did he touch the bottom of the barrel? There was no way he failed to control his thrust, he was no alcoholic man.

Now observing his wife and the boy, he noticed he was shorter than him. He chose to act normally despite the wine stain that painted his clothes pink.

"Have you eaten a mountain or don't you ever stand straight? Man, I can't gauge your height." He said, hoping his wife would notice the difference in height he told her about.

"That's what happens when you work hard, you get some muscles on your bones." Replied Oswald, flexing his biceps in front of Tina.

The couple ignored the rough remark, well, Adelmo rolled his eyes while Tina carefully looked at the detailed musculature. Although it was nothing alarming to her, she did notice how big the boy became.