
'That's what Claudia and Risandro were looking for! A reaction to the cross!' Oswald thought, a finger on his friend's lips to quieten him. He covered back the symbol that seemed to blind Laurel and degraded the plank further to not have it trigger another bad reaction.

"What's with this? It's ridiculous! That's a mere carving and that's not even alive!" Laurel checked his hand for splinters or something similar, he was reluctant examining near the mark anew. He pointed at the other cross as well, he couldn't relax next to it until it was destroyed as well.

"I don't understand..." Said Oswald.

'The one looking like a 't' has the holy meaning and hurt him, whereas the other upside down should mean the oposite and still he can't relax next to it.'

"Will this worsen like everything else if I swallow the fang? I'm not ready for this at all."