
Reaper's POV

"How's your leg?" I asked

"It's fine, I can move well." replied Doc

I took a seat on the edge of his bed and patted his shoulder.

"I'm uhh I'm surprised." I lied

"Surprised?" questioned Doc

He had his mask off so I could see his face.

"To be honest, the reason I was so strict on you was because I can't bear losing someone I care about again." I confessed, "After losing Keegan I didn't want another squad that's why for two years it was just Kraken and I."

"Oh I understand that." replied Doc

"Sorry, I just didn't want to lose you because of your decisions and because of me. I can't take care of you all the time." I said

"I understand, I'll do my best no matter what." said Doc while giving me the determined look, "I'll make sure you don't have to worry about me."

My eyes widened and for some reason my blood started to heat up around my cheeks. My heart started thumping really hard and my chest started throbbing.

'What is this feeling?'

"Yea, I'm sure you will." I replied

I pat his head and he seemed to get a bit childish with it. He smiled as I pat his head and for some reason I found it quite cute.

"Get some rest, you and I might have a mission. Just the two of us, and it's a might." I said

"Oh, okay ma'am I'll-"

"Just call me Reaper." I interrupted

"Oh okay Reaper, I'll rest." he said

I was about to leave when Doc stopped me.

"But I have a question." he said

I turned and looked at him.

"The day you and your father went on the mission to kill the man who killed Keegan, how many men did your father exactly kill?" asked Doc

I sighed and looked at him.

"407 soldiers were there that day. He killed all of them in 20 minutes." I said

Doc's eyes widened in surprise and shock.

"H-how's that possible?" asked Doc

"Don't know." I sighed

"Well I have another question." asked Doc, "Well, if he could take down a country in less than 30 minutes, why didn't he do that during the war?"

"I don't know, I asked but he never told me why." I replied

It took some time for Doc to let that sink into his mind.

"Okay, thank you can go now." he said

I nodded and left the med bay where Tower, Bullseye, Astra, Specter and Dynamite were waiting outside.

"How is he?" asked Astra

"He's doing fine, you can check him right now." I replied

"Tower are you coming?" asked Dynamite

He grunted and I tilted my head in confusion.

"How do you communicate with him? I don't remember him grunting." I said

"Oh, he's just quiet." said Bullseye, "During camp he was just quiet."

"Didn't the instructor make you yell?" I asked

"Yea only talks when he needs to." said Specter

"Tower, do you mind talking just this once?" I asked

"Yea." he replied, his voice was deep, he sounded tired

"Okay thanks." I replied, "We might have a mission but it can also just be me and Doc."

"Oh really?" questioned Specter

I nodded and everyone began snickering.

"Is there something funny?" I asked

"No it's nothing." said Bullseye

They all entered the med bay leaving me confused so I just shrugged and let it slide.

Ghost's POV

"Here listen to this." I said

I played the recording on my phone and Emily listened. After she listened to everything she sighed and shook her head.

"Is Kit doing something about it?" she asked

"They are but they can't seem to track him down." I replied

Emily stayed quiet for a while before looking at me.

"Do you think it's Eren?" she asked

I sighed and shook my head.

"I don't know." I replied, "Same height as a human but his titan form looks different and his eyes are brown."

I gripped my steering wheel.

"If it is, I just hope I get the chance to talk to him. I don't want to lose that chance again." I replied

I then felt something behind me. I looked at the rear mirror and I saw a car following us but he was way too close.

"Is someone following us?" asked Emily

"Yea." I replied

Emily pressed a button on the car and the compartment opened. She pulled out a handgun and cocked it.

"Doesn't have a plate number, windows are tinted..." I commented

I wanted to make sure so I drove a bit faster and the car behind us stayed right behind.

"Whoever is behind us are amateurs." I said

"I can tell." replied Emily

I switched gear and drove faster and the car behind us tried to catch up with us.

"Wound them, don't kill them." I said

Emily nodded so I switched gear again and did a 180 turn and began driving reverse. Emily stuck her gun out the window and shot once hitting the driver. The driver swerved around but suddenly a lightning bolt hit the car and I was blinded by a bright light. Once the light died my eyes slightly widened when I saw two titans running after us.

"Shit..." groaned Emily

She looked at me so I nodded. She pulled out a wakizashi and pulled it out of the scabbard.

"Be careful." I said

"I will." she replied

She opened the window and climbed onto the top of the car. I slightly slowed down a bit and Emily jumped onto a titan. I looked at the rear mirror and I saw Emily slice the first titan's nape with ease. She jumped off the dead titan as it stumbled and fell on the road. Emily shot both of the titan's eyes blinding it.

I pulled out my katana and moved to the side of the road. I stuck the katana out the window and stomped on the brake. I held onto my katana tightly as it sliced one of the titan's legs. It fell on the road and Emily sliced the nape killing it off for good.

"Thanks for the help." said Emily as she did a flip and landed on the road.

I got out of the car and sighed.

"Let's call Sentinel, we'll go home." I said

Emily nodded so I called Kit and explained what happened as I drove home.

"Uhh can you check on Riku? She's not responding sir." said Kit

"Is she home?" I asked

"Yea, I'm worried something happened." replied Kit

"I'm on it. I'll let you know afterwards." I replied

"Got it sir." replied Kit

I ended the call and drove faster towards Kit's house.


1 hour later

Ghost's POV

"Something's not right." I said

I got in front of his house and something felt terribly off to me. I approached the door and kicked it open. The door blasted open and went flying through the living room. I swiftly entered the room with Emily behind me.

Some of the furniture was broken, at first I thought it was from the door but I noticed that the kitchen was messy, a bunch of pots and pans were on the floor. I also noticed blood on the kitchen tiles. I suddenly heard a thud above us so Emily rushed up the stairs. I followed her through the hallway and she kicked open the door.

"Riku?!" gasped Emily

She was on the floor all tied up. Her body was bruised and there were a few open wounds. Her forehead was bleeding and her mouth was gagged. Emily picked her up and helped her sit against the wall, I cut the ropes and removed the gag from her mouth.

"Riku what the hell happened?" I asked

"He was here, Prophet." she said

Her voice was raspy, Emily grabbed a water bottle from the floor and gave it to her. Riku gulped it all down and took a deep breath afterwards.

"Why was he here?" I asked

"He wanted me to tell him about the codes." replied Riku

"What codes?" I asked

"The codes to the nuclear silos." she replied

Emily's eyes widened.

"How long has it been?" I asked

"3 hours." she replied

"Shit, he's long gone." sighed Emily

"He came out of nowhere. I tried my best to fight him but he got one good stab with a needle that made me feel drowsy. I was able to fight back but he was able to regenerate every wound in his body. His blood also evaporated so there's not a single DNA left here. His nape was also well protected so I couldn't get him. He was a good fighter." said Riku

I got up and called Kit.

"Get over here now with the forensics team. Prophet was here." I said


30 minutes later

Kit's POV

"Riku!" I called out

I ran into the house with Spartan team behind me. I entered and Riku, Ajax, and Emily were in the living room.

"Logan..." whispered Riku

"Riku are you okay? Why was he here?" I asked

"I'm fine." she replied

I checked her wounds and let out a sigh of relief when I saw that none of them were fatal.

"Mom." called out Specter

"Ellie I'm glad you're okay." said Riku

"I was more worried about you." said Specter

"No forced entry..." whispered Ajax, "I checked every corner of this house but it looks like he didn't break anything to get in here."

"Gather evidence, anything is good. Fingerprints, blood samples-"

"Logan it's pointless, his blood evaporated." said Riku

"What about fingerprints?" I asked

"He was wearing gloves." replied Riku

"Dammit." I groaned, "But why did he hurt you? Why did he try to kill you?"

"He wanted the codes to the nuclear silos." replied Riku

My eyes widened but then my heart began to fill with anger.

"You don't know anything about that. If he wanted to know then he should have taken it up to me not you." I growled

"Logan calm down." said Riku

"Sorry." I sighed

"Emily stay here, I'm going to go home." said Ajax, "Reaper come with me."

"What's wrong?" asked Emily

"I need to check something." he replied

Reaper and Ajax got in their car and drove off.

"Logan there's something I need to tell you." said Riku

I turned to look at her and she seemed disturbed.

"Prophet threatened me with Ellie's life." she said

I clenched my fists and grit my teeth.

"Whatever you do, please take care of her. I would make her stay home but I think she'll be safer with you." said Riku

"I will, don't worry. Prophet will not lay a hand on her." I said

Reaper's POV

"Someone was here." said my dad

"How's that possible? Wouldn't our security systems have detected that?" I asked

"Prophet must be a tricky one." replied my dad

My dad opened the front door but everything was clean and still in its place.

"Are you sure someone was here?" I asked

He nodded and he went upstairs and when he entered his room my eyes widened. On the wall, words were spray painted on the wall.

"TMO?" I questioned, "NHEO?"

I looked over to my dad and my eyes widened when I saw my dad's expression. He looked pissed and a bit confused from that.

"Dad what is that?" I asked

"How are they back?" growled my dad

He took a deep breath and held it in for a few seconds before letting out a long sigh.

"TMO and NHEO are the two organizations that were part of the titan project. Remember I told you about it." he replied

It clicked in my head and I was slowly getting a bit scared.

"They're back?" I whispered

My dad took a few pictures and sighed.

"Dad, do you think Prophet is that Ares guy?" I asked

"I highly doubt it. If it was him he would have raped Riku." replied my dad, "Or he didn't because he didn't want any evidence of him left."

My dad turned and sighed.

"How did he even get in?" questioned my dad