"Fucking Deku get out of the way!' I screamed as I came in with an explosion that looked like it was aimed exactly at the poor greenette. Deku dodged to the side after reading my movements with ease. We have been together since we were toddlers. It was only expected that we would understand each other right?

The explosion missed Deku by centimeters and blasted the villain standing directly behind him, saving him from being knocked out. "Thanks Kacchan!" Deku smiled before seeing something behind me and jumped behind me pushing me out of the way. There was a blinding flash of light and he screamed before landing on the ground. I raced and decked the guy using an explosion to blind him before my hand landed on his face with a satisfying crunching sound.

That was the last villain in the area I checked before dragging the villain back over to the other one and cuffing them together with erassure cuffs for the police who were having trouble getting to us, the area looked like a war zone from all the destroyed buildings and blown up cars. 

"Oi nerd get up," I growled at the greenette but he didn't move at all. "Fuck am I actually going to have to carry you? It's your own fault, I didn't ask you to take that attack for me!" I was getting angrier and angrier as time went on. But there was no movement from my childhood friend. 

I took a deep breath before letting it out slowly again. I squatted down and checked the boy over and found him breathing deeply but still not responding. I turned to the villain that did it and while walking over and setting off small explosions in my hand asked in the darkest most homicidal voice anyone had every heard before, "What the fuck did you do to him?" 

"I hit him with a language disrupter, he won't be able to understand people for a week." The guy flinched away.

My shoulders slumped in disappointment, "Is that all?" The guy nodded vigorously trying to scoot away. The police arrived and I passed the information on to them on what all happened. 

"Is he going to be okay Dynamight?" One of them asked motioning towards Deku. 

"Yeah, that guy just knocked him out with his quirk. I'll get him out of here no problem now that all the villains are taken care of," I sighed and they nodded. 

"It must be nice to have a partner that always has your back like that. You two even take hits for each other." The officer smiled turning away before my face morphed into a rage. I don't like Deku protecting me, I'm not weak!

I picked up the nerd like the little fairy princess he is and started making my way back to the school dorms. We are in the middle of our third year now but because the League of Villains wouldn't stop straight up harassing us by targeting the class anytime they got a chance we were still forced to stay in the dorms. Color me fucking pleased. 

We were only about half way there when Deku started to stir. "It's about fucking time you woke up," I hissed making the boy flinch at the sound of my voice. So much for him not understanding people guess it was too much to ask that he would actually be quiet for a week. I was actually starting to look forward to it. 

'Kacchan? What is going on? Where are we? Where are we going? Did we get all the villains? Kacchan?' I nearly dropped him. Why is he talking in our made up language from when we were kids?

"Oi nerd why are you using that language?" I asked normally to be sure but he just looked at me confused. 'Can you understand me now?' I asked using the same childhood language he had been. I really didn't need him to answer though because of course his whole face lit up like the fucking sun at my words. 

'I didn't even know that you remembered Wonder,' I groaned remembering the language like it was still a part of my soul. 

'Of course I do! My best friend helped me make it,' the way he smiled at that kind of pissed me off but suddenly he dropped the smile looking away. 'Well you were my best friend anyway.' 

'The attack you took for me disrupts your ability to understand languages so that would explain when I was speaking japanese you didn't understand a word of it.' I roll my eyes, debating on whether or not to just drop him. 

'Do you know how long it will last?' He looked at me with his eyes big with worry and I couldn't help feeling that old pain in my chest. How is it that he can hurt me just by looking at me? It's not guilt. I went through all of that already. This is different. I just don't know how. 

'A week,' I got to listen to Deku freak out for five whole minutes before I got bored of it. 'Relax we'll just tell the Aizawa sensei and everything will be alright.' I kept walking the whole time not really sure why I was still carrying him but I guess I wasn't ready to drop him yet. 

'NO! We can't tell anyone about this! They'll make me stay in the dorms and won't let me go out on patrols if they know!' He squirmed in my arms. 

'Oi! Are you trying to get me to drop you? Fucking Deku here I am actually beng nice carrying you back to the dorms after your dumbass volunteered to jump into an attack," I hissed at him and he froze and I adjusted my hold on him before walking forward again. 

'I'm sorry Kacchan, you really are the greatest. I don't know what I would do without you.' Again with those big eyes but now they were filled with tears. 

'No crying or I will drop you and walk away with or without you," I growled and he quickly wiped his eyes. 

'I'm sorry I can walk. I think you can put me down if you want,' damn that smile...

'Do I look weak to you?" I hissed glaring at him and he quickly shook his head no. 

'Kacchan is the greatest hero,' I could feel the pain aching in my chest again. 

'Good you finally understand now. You are my workout so sit still while I carry you. Got it?' I looked away from him quickly but not fast enough to not see the way his face lit up again. Dear All Might he is going to be the end of me. 

'So do you think that you can get away without anyone figuring out that you can't understand them?' I was more than happy with the way things are now. 

'Hmm, I don't really know. Maybe if you helped me but otherwise I will probably fail. But you probably don't want anything to do with it,' he sighed before looking up and flinching. 

I could feel my anger spiking again, 'Are you trying to say that I can't help you? Huh?' 

'What? Wait no! That's not-'

'Good then leave it to me shitty Deku. Unless you give yourself away there is no way anyone will figure it out.' I smirked, this could be fun and a great way to figure out if he actually does look down on me or not. 

'Kacchan you really are the best,' I looked down at his face again and almost tripped. It hit me like a ton of bricks, the only thing that makes sense at all for the pain in my chest or the way I react when he looks at me certain ways or says certain things. 

I'm in love with him. Well I'm fucked, there is no way in hell he could even feel the same way after all the shit I put him through.