The first day went pretty easy. We explained away his silence as him losing a bet with me. When he did talk he was only allowed yes or no answers and only to the teachers which Aizawa Sensei found more than amusing and allowed so long as he still did his homework. Our classmates kept glaring at me but I didn't give a fuck and Deku would just smile apologelically at his friends and motion to the ear plugs in his ears for why he didn't answer their questions which again made Aizawa Sensei laugh out loud. 

I didn't know he found Deku's seemingly endless chatter so annoying but I think it really was just the way the rest of the class responded like I was a villain, again. Well a worse one than usual anyway. That cuts deep though, not that I would ever let the extras know that they affected me that way or anything. 

"Not cool Bakubro, what was the bet about anyway?" Kirishima aka Shitty Hair asked during lunch. 

"That he couldn't make it through one fight without getting hit by a quirk," I took a drink of my juice, it was lunchtime and the whole class was sitting together because Deku was sitting next to me. Which was also a part of the bet. That he couldn't go a week without talking and I wouldn't believe it unless I saw it myself. A silent Deku was sitting next to me and I couldn't help smiling  and I actually leaned against the startled Deku. 

"This is going to be a great week," I kept smiling and I could see the shocked looks on all of our classmates' faces that I was voluntarily touching him without trying to kill him and the fact that I was smiling. If any of them knew I had a crush on him they would probably just die of shock. Again not like I would tell any of them that. 

We went back to class and resumed like normal. Present Mic actually forgot and called on Deku who didn't respond and was just looking at him as if he didn't say anything at all. Four Eyes reminded him of the bet and he laughed before calling on me instead. I answered the question with ease and went back to taking notes. 

In order for this to work I had to take extremely good notes and then teach him later using the Wonder language we made up as brats. At least he could still read and write so he could have some basic understanding of what's going on. The day ended with heroics and I silently repeated the instructions in Wonder making sure he understood what we were doing. Because of the bet All Might just sighed and paired us together for partner fights since we would have to be able to communicate and he was only allowed to talk to me using a code language that we agreed on for just that class. It was just Wonder but no one else needed to know that. 

We had to fight Pink Cheeks and Icyhot who were both glaring at me with some true hatred. I mean damn I didn't think either of them had it in them. Half way through the fight Deku is shouting in Wonder and I was responding as we adapted with ease. Honestly they didn't work well as a team but Deku and I on the other hand were performing flawlessly. We won the match with ease. 

"If I didn't know any better I would think that you two spoke in code your whole lives and not just today," Aizawa Sensei walked over having seen our fight. I smiled, actually happy, I got to spend all day with Deku and no one else was allowed to take him away from me. 

"Hmm," he narrowed his eyes studying me but Deku just yawned seemingly bored while I laughed. "Well go get dressed and return to the dorms, we'll see how well the rest of the week goes." I can see him smiling like he had me on the spot. But I just nodded and leaned on Deku's shoulder, shocking him again and I got to laugh at Aizawa's shocked face at the same time. I did not however miss the smile on Deku's face but I pretended not to notice. 

'Come on time to go home,' I say as if we were still speaking in code. Not that anyone would have noticed anyway. 

'Okay Kacchan, are we still going to go to your room to study?' He asked, still smiling at me. 

'Yeah, after I get dinner ready let's go before people figure it out.' He nodded and we both left for the locker room leaving two very confused teachers behind as well as the rest of our pissed off class in the process. 

We quickly cleaned up and changed before getting our things from the classroom and walking to the dorms. 

"Bro!" I stifle a groan but tell Deku that our classmates were coming and he put the ear plugs back in. He didn't have them pushed in so he would still be able to hear me if I said anything to him but everyone else could see them and thought he couldn't hear them at all. 

Their chatting aggravates my nerves and I feel Deku brush against my side and I look over only to see him smile back at me. Four Eyes was lecturing us about how unprofessional it was to make a bet while working as heroes but I couldn't give a rat's ass less about the whole thing. 

For at least this week Deku was mine, all mine and I don't give a fuck if Iida likes it or not. Then Shitty Hair was chatting about how I should let him off the hook for studying with the rest of the class. 

"Or not," I smirked at him and watch as Deku's dumb ass friends seemed to deflate like the balloons they were. I mean how can he even call them his friends? Four eyes just lectures him all the goddamn time and round face is too busy mooning over him to even notice when she is making him uncomfortable let alone anything else. Icyhot is the only one who seems to treat him with anything resembling respect but he is so emotionally void I don't really know if that counts and from what I've heard him talk about he was as boring as a wet napkin. The rest of the class seemed to like him but he tends to gravitate to these three. 

"Fuck off extra's or I'm not cooking," that got all of them to vacate real fast, considering I am the only one that knows how to fucking cook anything worth eating. 

Deku follows me to the kitchen and I set a crock pot to heat the food I made last night. Not that any of the extras would have noticed since they seemed to live off of junk food and not the food in the fridge. I quickly go over the homework with Deku using Wonder and tell him what our homework was and he worked on it while I prepped for tomorrow night's dinner answering questions as we went. 

'Kacchan?' He asked for my attention, I nod and he goes on. 'You seem so much happier now that I'm not talking. Does my voice really annoy you that much?'

I thought about his question trying to think about the best way to answer him. If I just said yes he will stop talking to me in Wonder too. 'It's not really that. It's hard to explain. Give me a few minutes to think about it?' Shit I was being nice, what if he notices?

I see him perk up nodding happily, 'Take all the time you need!' He went back to his homework humming a tune as he did and now that he isn't looking I let myself smile at the sight before returning to my task of cutting up vegetables and thinking. How do I answer him? I can't just tell him that I don't like his friends, or that I figured out that I was in love with him. That sounded stupid to me, I can only imagine what he would think about it. 

I was cleaning up, still trying to put actual words to my thoughts but it didn't really seem to be coming to me. How do I tell him? I mean I can't just tell him I love him, no that ship sailed when I bullied him so I don't have a chance in hell of that happening. Besides I don't even know if he is gay or not. Fuck I didn't know I was gay! 

Then I smiled to myself, okay I have this. I am Katsuki Bakugo after all. I can handle this. I turn back to Deku and knock on the table and motion towards the stairs there in the kitchen. No need to actually let the extras know I was done preparing dinner. They knew what time dinner would be served, 6pm just like everyday. 

Deku and I were halfway to the second floor when I heard Kirishima's voice and when I looked around the corner enough I could see he was standing at the Grape's room. Fuck what if he saw us. I waited not really caring about what they were talking about but happy when I saw them both walking down the hall and I grabbed Deku and ran across to the other side so that we could go up to the next floor. 

The third floor was empty and so was the fourth but I dragged Deku behind me quickly, my room was clear on the other end of the hall. We made it and I opened my door shoving Deku inside before slamming it shut just as the elevator pinged. Good they wouldn't be able to tell that I had Deku in my room with me, only that a door was slammed. 

'Is everything okay?' Deku asked, looking at me curiously. 

'I just don't like people in my room and if anyone saw me let you in here I would never hear the end of it,' I answered honestly. I see him nod and look around my room. I followed him inside and put my bag down at my desk. I checked over his homework to make sure he understood the lesson and found that he answered everything perfectly. Good but now what am I supposed to do?

'Kacchan?' I look up at my name and remember his question from before. I sat down in my chair and motioned for him to just sit on my bed which he does. 

'It's hard to explain but I'll try,' I see him nod at my words excited to hear whatever it was that I had to say. 'I don't like the way I treated you in middle school. I was a jerk, a villain." I waved off whatever protest he was going to give me when he opened his mouth because I wasn't done. 'It pissed me off that I was that way and it's hard to change. I wish I could go back in time and undo it but if I did would you still have your quirk?' I see his face drop at that question. There was no answer to that, there never could be an answer to that. 

'So now I see you with those extras all the time and at first I thought I was pissed because it wasn't me you were following anymore but that wasn't right either,' I kept going. If I'm going to do this I might as well be as honest as humanly possible right? Who knows maybe we could be friends again and not just rivals. 'The reason was simple, they are worse friends than I ever was. Four-' I cough a little at the glare he gave me. 'Fine. Iida is always lecturing you. Have you even once had a real conversation? One that didn't involve heroes or rules?' Deku stayed quiet, not able to answer my question with either a yes or an example. 

'Then there is Uraraka?' I freeze for a second and he nods telling me that is actually her name. 'All she does is hoover over you and drool, we all get it she is into you but I mean fuck that's all she does! Does she not have any hobbies of her own or is stalking you the only thing she cares about?' I looked back up at him and froze. Fuck did I mess up? Deku was bright red and he looked like he was near tears. 

'I shouldn't have said anything, they are your friends. It just pisses me off, not that I have the right or anything.' I turn back to my desk,  god damn it I was finally starting to make some progress. I'm an emotionally retarded ass!