'No,' I turn at hearing the word to see Deku crying sitting on my bed. Fuck what do I do? I stand up and sit next to him unsure if I could or should offer him a shoulder or hug or whatever over sappy things people do in this kind of situation. 

He saw me and took it out of my hands though pushing his face against my chest and wrapping his arms around me. I froze for only a second before letting my arms surround him. This has to be the first hug we have shared since we were toddlers, since I got my quirk. 

Deku kept crying as he started talking, clinging onto me now, 'Kacchan, you're not wrong. I just don't know what I'm supposed to do? Iida is a nice guy and he truly wants too help that's all so I can't bring myself to lecture him myself. And Uraraka? I don't even know where to start! How do I tell her I'm gay without hurting her feelings? What if I tell them and neither of them want to be my friend anymore?'

'Hey there is nothing wrong with being gay! I'm gay and anyone who has a problem with it can just fucking die!' I growled a little, a few tiny explosions pop in my hands to show him I was serious. He looked at me shocked and it took a minute for me to realize what I just said. Fuck I just outed myself. I haven't even told the hag yet and she insisted that we talk all the damn time. 'Don't tell anyone, I still haven't told the hag and she will kill me if she finds out you knew first.' I rub my neck and turn away embarrassed. 

'You're the only person I've told too. I don't think Mom will be thrilled by it either. She keeps talking about grandbabies one day,' he laughs nervously. 'How am I supposed to tell her that will never happen?'

'Don't you know there are people out there with quirks that can make men pregnant? There is a whole family of them and they do good business.' I shrugged at his confused look. 'The hag was having the talk with me and brought it up. I think she knows but she isn't forcing the issue. She wants grandbabies too.' I shake my head. 'Is that all we are good for? Giving our parents more kids?'

I look at Deku and we both stare for a second before laughing. I realize that my arms are still around him and his are around me too but I try to push the thought from my mind as I pull him closer and lean back at the same time making us fall over with him on top of me. This way if he wants to get up he can, I won't be forcing him or anything. 

'Thank you Kacchan, that helps so much. And thanks for listening. I didn't know you were watching out for me.' He actually cuddled into my chest and I used a hand to play with his fluffy curly hair. This is nice, I have no fucking idea how we got to this but it is nice. I lay my head back and hum a bit letting him know I heard him before closing my eyes. 

I didn't even know when I fell asleep, only that my phone's alarm was going off on my desk. 'No sleep,' I groaned snuggling into the soft warm pillow in front of my face. I hear a soft giggle and froze. What? My eyes snapped open and all I see is dark green hair. Wait green hair?

I pulled away to see that I was holding Deku while cuddled up in my arms. Fuck that's right we were talking on my bed. I start to pull away only to have him grab and hold onto me tighter. 'Stay please? I have missed this so much,' he buried his face into my chest again and I let out a low hum. 

'Let me turn off the alarm and tell the extras that the food is ready. I'll come back.' I whisper not wanting to get up at all. 

'Promise?' He asked, looking up with his big eyes still full of sleep as he begged. 

Oh All Might I don't think I have ever seen anything so cute before! Wait cute? Yeah cute. 'Promise,' I agreed and he let me go. I quickly did what I said I would. 

Dynamight: Foods ready to eat without us. 

I put my phone on the bedside table before taking my shirt off. Only to hear Deku stuttering, 'Kacchan I told you I was gay! Why are you getting undressed?' I looked up and saw a bright red Deku. 

I smirked tossing the shirt in the dirty clothes hamper, 'And I told you I was gay. But I usually sleep in a pair of sweatpants, not my uniform.' I look down his body seeing him still in his too and he followed my gaze. I coughed ignoring my thoughts about what he looked like under his clothes. 

'You can borrow a pair if you really want a shirt. I can find an old one? Maybe a tank?' I offered and saw him smile. Good he isn't going to point out that he could just go get his own clothes. I found the clothes I needed and thankfully he declined the shirt because oh my All Might those abs should be illegal! His skin was surprisingly darker than mine but not by much and he was covered with scar tissue all over his arms. I both hated and loved it. I hated that he got hurt but loved the way it made him look so bad ass. Stupid brain stop right there! There isn't a chance in hell so just stop while you still can! 

I watch him tighten the drawstrings around his waist before hanging his uniform up next to mine. Damn it all he has hips too? My sweats were too big on him in both length and around the waist but that ass was clearly defined. You know what fuck it I'm not exactly known for being subtle anyway. 

'Damn Deku I didn't know you had such a fine ass,' well that was a lie. I knew exactly how good his ass looked in his hero costume. I just didn't expect it to look this good in my clothes. 

'Hehe yeah sorry I guess. Is it too weird to sleep together now?' I felt my heart pound at that question as my face heated up hotter than the sun. I hid my face in a hand and turned away at his confused look. He is innocent, far too innocent. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. 

'No but let's get under the covers properly this time,' I motion to the bed and he happily crawls in before me and against the wall. Good just like when we were little, at least some things don't change. I lay down next to him and without thinking pulled his waist to me again, his hair in my face again as I breathed in his warm, sweet scent. What is that smell? Strawberries? Does he still use the same strawberries and cream shampoo from when we were kids? I let myself relax. I hear him giggle a little and I guess I must have tickled him but when I pulled away he leaned back so I was back to where I was. 

'I like it, please don't stop?' I wrap my arms around him after hearing him say that and nuzzle into him. Fuck what have I gotten myself into? I hear him talking quietly thanking me again and I just hold him closer. Shit I almost forgot. 

'Oi Deku if I scare you it's okay to defend yourself okay? I've been having nightmares for a while and the hag says I act like the devil is after me,' I whisper in his ear not expecting him to stay after hearing it. 'It's okay if you would rather stay in your own room if you want.'

He turns around in my arms and wraps his arms around me snuggling into my bare chest. 'I'll stay, maybe it will help? You seemed fine earlier?' I nod relaxing against him again. I don't know why I thought he would leave. He is Deku after all. He has broken bones just to help someone, he is a true hero. More than that he is my hero, but before the thoughts could really form in my mind I was dozing off.



I wake up to knocking on my door and Deku wrapped around me. My alarm clock read 2:13 am. Who in the fuck is knocking on my door at this time of the morning? I untangled myself from Deku and got up to answer the door, the bright light of the hallway was on and Kirishima and Aizawa Sensei were standing at my door waiting when I opened the door. Just why?

"What the fuck happened now?" I grumbled while trying to rub the sleep from my eyes, grumbling as I did. I will never be able to get back to sleep now but to be fair I have slept more tonight already than I do most nights. At least since camp from our first year when I was kidnapped. Those nightmares never seem to end.

It was Aizawa Sensei who started talking, "Bakugo I know it's a long shot but have you seen Midoriya? He seems to be missing and-"

I cut him off still grumbling, "He's sleeping like I was before you came banging on my fucking door." 

"What? Where?" Aizawa Sensei demanded and I opened the door a little more so he could see my bed and Deku laying on top of the bunched up covers next to the wall. 

"You let him sleep in your bed Bakubro?" Kirishima asked, looking at me just as surprised as Aizawa Sensei. Fuck why did he have to look in too?

"I'm not so much of an ass to make him sleep on the floor. Fuck how much of a prick do you think I am?" I glared at them but they remained quiet. "Fuck this I'm going back to sleep." I start to close the door only for Kirishima to put his foot in my doorway blocking it. 

"Wait! Why will you let him come into your room but not anyone else?" Why is Kiri so fucking insistant?

"Why would I let the guy I was literally running around in fucking diapers with in my room? I wonder why?" I scoffed before setting off an explosion in his face. "It's not like we grew up together or the fact that our mothers are best friends or anything. It's not like I haven't been forced into every god forsaken embarrassing situation there possibly is with him or anything. For fucks sake do you even know us?" I roll my eyes and close my door, locking it as I do. 

I crawl back into bed and Deku turns over cuddling into me again and I pull the covers back up and over us again. 2 in the fucking morning! It's the middle of the night! I am only working myself up but that quickly disappears when Deku snuggled into me with his head on my shoulder. I take a deep breath of his sweet strawberries and cream scented hair and drift back off to sleep again. I could get used to this, not only was I sleeping but I was sleeping deeply, like before the sludge monster attack in middle school. 

Peace finally...