We walked up the stairs and into my room no longer really trying to hide since Aizawa Sensei and Kirishima found us last night and told everyone. As soon as the door was closed behind us I started undressing again walking over to my sweats before hanging up my clothes properly. 

'Kacchan?' I freeze forgetting for just a moment that he had come in with me. 

'I'm just tired, I'll stay up until your homework is done so don't worry.' I yawned. I slept so well last night I don't understand why I'm so tired now, maybe I slept too well? 

'Can I sleep in here again?' He looked at me with those big green eyes of his. Fuck that feeling in my chest is back. It's like my heart is swelling and aching all at the same time. Fuck. 

'Yeah,' I threw him the pants from last night and he changed too, hanging his clothes next to mine again. There is something wrong with me. Why do I like the fact that he is hanging his clothes next to mine? It's just clothes! I turn ready to help him with today's lesson and see him bending over searching his bag. 

'Fuck, that ass though,' I whisper to myself and see him jolt. Why did I say that in Wonder? Why did I say that out loud at all? Fuck it's like I'm trying to ruin this, whatever this is. 

Deku turns to face me, his face red but his ass still in full view because instead of straightening up like a normal person he just turned his head towards me. I close my eyes and turn away, 'Sorry I just wasn't expecting it.' I coughed clearing my throat as I did. I could feel the heat in my face but like hell I was going to let him see me blushing. 

'Sorry I forgot you said you were gay too. Do you want me to change? Or leave?' His voice was low and laced with disappointment. Wait what the fuck does he have to be disappointed about? 

'God no, I can control myself just fine. It's not like I'm going to molest you or some shit.' I cringed, why did I have to put it like that? I basically told him that I wanted to fuck him but that I wouldn't. I have to be the worst person ever. 

'I don't think it's rape if the other person wants it,' I nearly got whiplash hearing that. My head snapped back around to see Deku now setting up his notebooks on the bed and I notice that he is muttering which means he doesn't realize that he said that out loud. 

Does he... Like me? Why? How? I stared at him for a while but when he looked up smiling that megawatt smile of his again waiting for me to go over today's lesson with him. I snap out of my very weird thoughts and go over the lesson. He was actually able to keep up really well and his homework was done in a very short time. I set up my phone and sit down crossing my legs before hitting play. 

A deep meditation soundtrack started playing and I closed my eyes trying to focus on inner peace and all that bullshit. I don't know if it actually helps or not but I do feel better after I'm done. So it's not hurting anything right? About half way through I feel tiny explosions going off in my hands like a sparkler firework and I feel my tension start to melt. Yeah it feels good. 

I hear something like a light buzzing near me but I leave it alone. It's not that important anyway. I hear the track coming to an end and still relaxed. I open my eyes to see Deku sitting next to me, covered in his own green lightning. I wonder why his quirk does that? All Might never had green energy surrounding him so why does Deku?

I let the meditation play out my quirk fizzling out as it does and I see Deku following suit. 'I've never done that before. How long have you been meditating?' He looked at me, his eyes soft with that still almost numb meditative state look. 

'I guess it was after the sludge attack? It used to keep the nightmares away but now it just helps me focus my quirk. It's like I can regulate my body better. I guess I should have warned you before doing it.' I shrugged. Why didn't I think of that? It's an almost everyday habit yet I didn't even think about it. 

'Can we do it again? I want to make sure I was doing it right.' I blinked at his question more than a little surprised. 

'Sure I'll help this time.' I turn on the next track and instead of closing my eyes I focus on him and the way he was sitting. I helped him fix his posture whispering corrections and directions as I do and it's not long before he is covered in his quirk again. 'You know they say you can actually heal yourself if you focus your energy enough and with enough practice. I wonder if your quirk could heal your bones considering it is energy all by itself?' I asked and saw him smile. I think he likes the idea. 

'Well if you like the idea then direct your attention to a single part of your body and feel your energy flow towards it,' I whisper guiding him slowly. I watched the green energy fade but I could still feel the energy hum in the air. The scars on his body are the only thing giving off a faint green glow now. 'Go slow, feel it warm up, like you under the covers on a cold winter day drinking a cocoa.' I listed things I knew he would like. Things that he would find relaxing and a couple of the already faded scars on his upper shoulders disappeared and a few more down his arm faded some. Damn who knew that would actually work? 

The track stopped playing and he was panting now exhausted. I look down and notice that I'm covered in sweat too. We should shower and eat before sleeping. I tell Deku as much too. 

'Yeah I'm starving but I don't really get why. It doesn't really look like it worked any.' I started choking on air at his words. 

'Deku what are you talking about? I watched several of your scars disappear and even more fade! You didn't really think you would get them all now did you? Fuck I didn't think it would do more than fade them out say best.' I actually took one of his arms inspecting one of the now really faded scars and looked up his shoulder to see smooth skin where there used to be more. 

'Fuck we should do that again. Do you think you have enough energy for one more time?' I look up to see his shocked eyes and notice just how close I am. 'I mean...' I start to pull away and he grabs a hold of me keeping me where I was. 

'Yeah maybe it will help if you're closer? It seemed to help with you just whispering. So maybe if you touch the scars I can focus better?' He was turning a bright red as he rushed talking making it difficult to hear what he was saying. He wants me to touch him? He wants me to touch his scars? But aren't those sensitive? 

'Are you sure?' I ask him, my voice coming out a little deeper. I'm getting so turned on will I even be able hide my boner until I get to the shower?

'Yes, please?' He was begging me and my heart just couldn't take it. A part of me wishes I didn't figure out I was in love with him. Then I could have just stayed angry. 

'Sure,' I pick up my phone again and pick a slightly longer track that lasted 45 minutes and hit play before turning back to him. I watched his breathing deepen and soon enough his body was covered in his green energy and then it faded only humming around his scars. His right hand was by far worse so I started there with the more faded ones at the top. I kind of expected the energy to zap me or at least sting but instead it was warm and felt nice. 

I traced my fingers along the scars watching them heal as I did. Moving from one scar to the next and when that arm was done I moved to the other. The track ended but the next one started on its own and I just kept going. I saw the scars on his back side and abs. Dear All Might, what am I thinking? I let my fingers trace the ones on his back moving to his side and then his front. Once all the scars were gone I just stared at him he was panting but concentrating all the same. 

'All done,' I whisper not realizing just how close to his face I was. He opened his eyes looking exhausted and fell forward into me. 'Shit. Maybe we shouldn't have done that many.' I catch him, his sweaty body against mine. Come on shower first then food.' I pull him upward and grab some clothes for us before making our way out the door. I ended up having to help him, he wasn't walking straight and the way we were we looked like we just had an intense workout. Good thing we don't have classes tomorrow because of our internship and that started a couple hours later than classes.

"Bakubro! What happened?" Of course Kirishima had to be right outside my door when we came stumbling out of my room. 

"What does it look like Shitty Hair?" I grumble to myself about how fucking stupid everyone is before making my way to the elevator and hitting the button. Deku and I managed to get to the shower and finally get cleaned up. Our shower also helped to wake Deku up so he could walk properly. 

We went downstairs and ate our food as well as some leftovers from the night before before taking the elevator back to my room and crashing. I set alarms to get us up and we both crash on my bed, not even bothering to get under the covers. 



I wake up to my alarm going crazy and find that it's my last chance alarm. Fuck. I wake Deku up and we both get dressed in our costumes and run downstairs and grab an apple before we run out the door. No one tried to stop us seeing us race out like that. Two days in a row? This is going to have to stop, that's for damn sure. 

We ran into headquarters slightly sweaty but with time to spare and high five catching several pro heroes by surprise because we are normally fighting. But I don't give a rat's ass one day I'll be the number one hero and they will all be looking up at me. 

We check in and are given our orders for the day by a confused and almost scared receptionist. A pro walked up stopping us, "Were you two hit with a quirk? You're acting differently." 

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Can't we go one day without someone starting a fucking fight?" I let my anger out and tiny explosions popped in my hands. 

"Geeze forget I asked. We just aren't used to you two getting along," he shrugged walking away. I grumbled leaving headquarters and once we were out of sight I explained what happened to Deku who laughed. 

'Well you know we are usually fighting all the time. So I don't blame them but I'm glad we are getting along now.' He smiled at me, his dark green hair taking in the sun making me want to fluff up his hair but his glittering eyes held me captive. 

'Still, they didn't have to call us out like that.' I grumbled some more only to hear him laughing at me. We met up with some nobody hero at the park and followed him around. We haven't met this guy before but but apparently his quirk was speed but unlike cheating Iida he didn't have actual fucking engines in his legs. 

We followed him around and I found out he wasn't much of a talker and preferred to walk a little ways behind us. So Deku and I were able to talk freely in Wonder while we patrolled. The day passed by pretty uneventfully we signed a few autographs and caught a purse snatcher. Even without talking, Deku was able to roar and shout getting kids to cheer and I shouted instructions and like a book he could read with ease he did what I needed. The kids loved us. They loved my explosions and they adored Deku's full cowling. The pro with us only watched and I swear I saw him smiling but whatever. 

After the long day we went back to headquarters to clock out for the day and that's when the Speedy decided to voice his thoughts. 

"I was told you two were like oil and water with a match. But you both performed excellently and even worked as a team." I frown at him but signal for Deku to smile which he did. 

"Thanks I guess. We grew up together so a lot of people just don't understand us," I try to explain and see him smile back. 

"I see so what someone else sees as a no holds fight is probably just an argument to you?" I shrug at his question. I guess, of course all we have ever done is fight so I don't really know. It's all my fault anyway. 

"Well it was nice working with you," I give him a half hearted salute that Deku takes as his sign to bow respectfully and we turn to leave having already clocked out for the day. 

The dumb ass was not quiet however and we could easily hear him talking about how easy his day was to the other pros. "I can't believe you told me it was a nightmare to work with them! I've been dreading it all week but today was great." 

"Are you sure you took Dynamight AND Deku with you? Those two are always fighting," I heard another nobody hero ask him, making me roll my eyes as I pushed the door open for us to leave. 

'Dorms to change but then how about we go out for dinner? I think we deserve a treat?' I looked at Deku who agreed happily and we hurried back. I told him what the hero had said about us and he laughed. We ended up going to a pizza place and enjoying ourselves. We walked back and when we entered the dorm common room I was still laughing.