"I told you!" I heard Kirishima shout and I immediately went into a defensive position ready for whatever attack. This was only to see our class staring back at us with both All Might and Eraserhead with them. I relaxed again and looked around, what's going on? I just waited and Deku who was following my lead was studying everyone around us as well, but otherwise everything looked normal. 

"So where have you two been?" Aizawa Sensei glared at us and I looked at the clock. It was only 7:30 curfew was 8 so what's wrong? 

"Well today was our internship day so we are allowed out until 8 so what's the big deal?" I asked instead glaring right back with Deku looking back and forth between us. 

"Yes, I heard all about that. I got a phone call asking me what I did to get you two to get along so well." He never let his glare leave me. 

"We are just fine as you can see," I grumble making my way to the elevator only to hear Deku yelp and I spin around to see Sero taping Deku up trapping him. 

"What the fuck? Let him go now fucking Soy Sauce!" I hissed setting off explosions only for Kirishima to grab me from behind trapping me. "Let me go Shitty Hair!" I roared and when no one was listening I shouted at Deku in Wonder. 

"This is going too far Eraserhead they are just children." All Might to the rescue but it was already too late.

"Stop this instant this isn't what I meant!" Aizawa Sensei yelled but no one seemed to listen.

'Deku use your quirk, they don't believe it's actually you!' He nodded and let his green energy coat himself before ripping the tape apart and running at me and knocking Kirishima off letting me breathe again. 

That's when Hound Dog decided to show up, UA's student councilor. "What is going on here?!" I hid my face knowing that I was starting to tear up. Fuck why did it have to be Hound Dog? He actually knows about my nightmares and how I feel about being trapped. He knows everything...

"Are you two okay?" He bent down to help me and Deku up. 

"Yeah I just got something in my eyes that's all!" I hissed glaring at him, begging for him not to tell anyone what was really happening. I was starting to cry all because I was held back a little. I'm so fucking weak I feel sick sometimes. 7:45 I had my weekly meeting with him, in the kitchen usually when I prepped dinner for the next day at least that's how it was on Wednesdays. Everyone thought it was anger management but it was actually for my PTSD from being attacked and kidnapped so much. 

"Go ahead and get cleaned up and we'll have our meeting in the kitchen if you still want?" He asked and I shook my head. 

"They can feed themselves tomorrow. Can we just have the meeting in my room?" I looked down hating them for putting me on the spot like that. 

"That's a little inappropriate for a teacher to go into a students room alone," he sighed. 

"What if Deku was there? What then?" I asked hoping for any kind of out and I saw his eyes light up. Shit he thinks I'm opening up. But am I? Am I really? 

"Of course! It's about time we brought in a friend or family member anyway!" He smiled at least I think he did. I can't really tell because of the whole, he has the face of a dog thing. I just nod and grab Deku by the arm glaring at everyone on my way to the elevator. 

What was all that even about? Why did they attack us? What did we do wrong? I went to Deku's room and told him to get enough things for the next few days and he nods happily that I'm actually letting him stay with me. I helped him carry his laptop to my room and we put away his things in my closet. I found another meditative track and told Deku I needed to calm down before Hound Dog got here and he nodded. Willing to get the door for me when he got here. 

I let myself sink into the light music, my body relaxing and my explosions going off in small pops in my hand. It was only a 15 minute track but it helped and when I opened my eyes I saw Hound Dog sitting at my desk with Deku sitting next to me on the floor. I take a deep breath letting myself relax in front of them which didn't go unnoticed. 

"So you're willing to let yourself relax in front of Deku now?" He asked curiously. 

"You can't repeat anything we say right?" I asked and saw him sigh before nodding in agreement. "Deku was hit by a quirk and hasn't understood anyone since Sunday night. Well anyone but me but only if I talk in a language we made up as brats." I explained how yes we have gotten closer and how we have been helping each other the last few days and he just listened not interrupting as I talked. 

"So you're saying that right now he can't understand anything we are saying?" He asked and I nodded. "Would you be willing to translate what I say to him then?" I nod slowly unsure if I will really want to. 

"Good tell him thank you," I translated without thinking as he talked. "It's great that you two are finally getting along. I'm only sorry it took this for you two to see eye to eye. The reason for downstairs was that they thought one of you was an imposter because you never get along. They saw Bakugo using his quirk and assumed it was Midoriya who wasn't real but then he used his quirk as well." 

'I wish we could have talked like this before now too,' Deku smiled at me and pointed at Hound Dog, I groaned and translated. 

"So how long have you been meditating? You have never brought it up in our sessions before," I frown at his question but answer anyway. He made a few notes and we continued the session with both Deku and Hound Dog using me as a translator. But I didn't really mind. It was nice to be able to talk without filtering what I said. I even let myself cry when Hound Dog asked how I was holding up after being trapped even for such a short amount of time. 

"It felt like I was suffocating, like at any moment a knife was going to cut me open again." I shuddered. 

"How would you feel about telling Deku that?" He asked and I looked at him and then at Deku. I guess it would be okay? I nodded and told Deku who wrapped me in a hug throwing me off balance and I tipped over on the floor where I was still sitting. At first I wanted to explode but after a split second I relaxed and let my own arms wrap around him, the flood of tears breaking the dam completely as I did and Deku just held me and told me it was alright. 

'I am here Kacchan. I will always be here,' his soothing words were like a soft balm to my fucked up mind and soul and I started to actually feel the peace I searched for while meditating. 

After we were all done crying and our faces were washed again Hound Dog got up and stood at the doorway. "I think it goes without saying that you have taken tremendous leaps and bounds towards recovery, towards healing. I hope that you continue to do so and maybe next time Deku can join us without you acting as a translator?" He looked at me curiously. 

I let out a sigh and asked Deku, 'Would you come to next week's session with me? After the quirk wears off?' He nodded too fast his hair was bouncing and he hugged me again knocking a little of the air out of me but I hugged him back anyway. I can get used to this.

"He said yes in case you couldn't guess," I was still smiling when I looked at Hound Dog. 

"One more question, does he know that your gay?" I take a deep breath letting the anger out in one long slow breath. 

"Yeah and he doesn't care," I smile again sleepily before looking back at him. "He said he was gay too, well actually he said it first and I don't know I guess I just feel better knowing I'm not the only one?" 

Hound Dog nodded and after thinking for a minute asked, "Are you two dating? How did the conversion come up?" I explained the situation and that no we are not dating but I did admit to having a bit of a crush on him which was awkward considering he was right there even if he couldn't understand at the moment. 

"He is just really clingy and a crybaby. Has been some we were brats," I smiled happily. Deku hasn't let me go, he seems almost as starved for affection as I felt. 

"Be careful then, I'm glad you're healing but if you two don't work out I don't want it all to go to waste because he isn't in your life." I hug Deku closer who was more than happy at the affection regardless of why and I see Hound Dog sigh. "Having said that, I can't help but wish you the best. Even before today I thought you had a special bond I just didn't know how special." 

I agreed and he walked out of my room and I looked at Deku. 'Snacks?' I asked him. I don't know if I want junk food or nibble food but the way he lit up told me he was feeling the same way I was. I feel starved even after eating way too much pizza. Maybe we can find healthy snacks?

We raced downstairs ignoring all the people in the common room only acknowledging Hound Dog, who was currently telling them off for attacking students without any kind of proper proof or reason, before we ran into the kitchen. I see Deku go for the fruit bowl and smile, healthy snacks it is! I open the fridge and find cucumbers and carrots and broccoli and turn to see Deku already cutting up a couple apples after peeling an orange. 

I grabbed a big bowl and after we sliced up all of our snack food, the baby carrots being the only things we didn't actually have to cut I grabbed some salad dressing and a small dipping sized bowl and put it in the middle of the big bowl now that it was full. 

When we walked out of the kitchen our mouths were full of vegetables while trying not to choke, laughing. My smile was gone as soon as I saw our classmates still standing around. I try not to let my anger show but of course Dunce Face couldn't let well enough alone. 

"We all heard you laughing so why are you acting all mad now?" I really want to blow his face up but he already doesn't have enough brain cells as it is. 

"Easy I was having fun, then I saw a bunch of people who literally attacked me for no other reason than I wasn't angry or fighting. I would have thought you all would have been happy that we are trying to get along but instead you're making it out like I'm a big bad villain." I kept walking to the elevator not caring to hear their excuses. "What a group of heroes?" I seethed before the elevator door pinged open and we walked inside. 

When the doors closed I felt Deku lace his fingers in my free hand taking me by surprise. I smiled and before we reached my floor he let go grabbing the bowl and racing out of the elevator to my room. I follow smiling again.