I let out a groan, and tried to move, just to maybe turn over but I couldn't. Something has me trapped and I couldn't bring myself to even open my eyes to see what. Between the pain in my head and my gut I felt horrible but somehow not? I feel like even with the pain I couldn't really feel any better, I just feel so light and free and that feels amazing but I need to get up. 

I pry my eyes open only to see Deku curled up on top of me cuddled as best as he can be on such a small bed. I look around and see that I'm in Recovery Girl's office with the curtain closed around us. At least people aren't staring at me while I sleep. How can people feel no shame doing that?

"What is wrong with my son?" I wince at the voice of my old hag on the other side of the curtain. I really don't need the scene she is about to make but it's not like I can do anything about it even if I was standing right next to her. 

"From what I can see he managed to laugh so hard that he tore up his abominable muscles, it's not too bad but it will take a few days to heal even with my quirk. It also seems he managed to get a minor concussion but I'm told that he hit his head while laughing too hard. I can't believe I actually said that at all or that it was about Bakugo. I'm sorry I need a minute," I hear Recovery Girl sigh. Well I guess that explains why I hurt so much? 

"Where is Izuku? I heard someone accused his father of not actually being his father. He must be so upset," If only she knew it was All Might that they accused of being his dad. 

"Well he did seem excited about the whole thing, apparently a classmate of his has thought All Might was his father this whole time-." she was cut off by my mom bursting out laughing. I couldn't help smiling again but the pain both in my head and gut prevented me from laughing again. 

Several minutes passed with my mom laughing like this and I heard my dad and Aunty Inko come in asking questions only to hear them bust up laughing too. 

"Please God not again. What happened this time?" Aizawa Sensei asked and I heard other voices besides his. I'm so glad the privacy curtain is closed because Recovery Girls office had to be overcrowded by now. 

"Apparently Young Bakugo isn't the only one to find Todoroki's accusation to be humorous," Recovery Girl answered while my parents and Aunty Inko were not giving any signs of stopping anytime soon. 

"Wait I have to call Hiroshi!" I hear Aunty Inko cry and barely a second later I hear Uncle pick up the phone all groggy from being woken up, she had him on speaker. I listened to her explain everything to him only for him to start laughing as well. 

"Please tell me someone has this on video? Please oh my God I need someone to send this on video!" I heard him beg. 

"I'll see about getting you a copy of the class security camera footage," Aizawa Sensei sighed and the room seemed to explode again in laughter. At this point I look down and see that Deku is wide awake watching me with a small smile on his face. I smiled back down at him and he cuddled into my arms only too happy to ignore what all was going on outside of the curtain. 

I changed positions so that we were a little more comfortable and I relaxed. Even with our parents laughing just on the other side of the curtain I could feel sleep calling for me. This time my head is against Deku's chest and it just felt so right the way his arms wrapped around me holding me close. Sweet blackness covered my mind, yes I need to rest. 


'Kacchan?' I heard my name and stirred a little trying to ignore it, dear All Might my head hurts. 'Kacchan?' Wait is that Deku? What am I thinking of course it's Deku who else would dare call me that? 'Kacchan it's time to wake up.' 

'No, sleep!' I grumble trying to bury myself in my hard pillow. Damn it is hard too but so warm, I take a deep breath in letting it calm my nerves, sweet strawberries and cream. 'Smells so good,' I tighten my arms around my pillow just to hear Deku grunt. Shit I'm holding him aren't I? I wonder how long I can before it gets weird? 

'Please wake up Kacchan?' I stay quiet not wanting to get up yet. 'Kacchan please I don't know how much more I can take!' I look up groggily and confused. What is he talking about? I see his red face high above me and see that my arms are actually around his waist and my face is pressed against his stomach. 

'Damn and I thought it was your chest, abs like these should be illegal,' I grumble and see him turn a darker shade of red before I let him go and start to stretch wincing at the pain in my own stomach. 'Oi you wanted me to be honest didn't you?' I ask and see him nodding frantically. 

'You can stay if you want. You were just holding me too tight,' I nod sleepily and pull his waist closer to my body. This is wrong, he doesn't know what he is doing to me. It's not fair but at the same time I don't want to let him go. 

'What time is it?' I ask, yawning. 

'Four, classes ended a little while ago,' I nodded snuggling into him again. 

'Any idea when we can go back to the dorms? I'm exhausted and just want to go to sleep.' I feel his fingers massaging my scalp as his fingers already played with my hair. 

'Sorry no idea,' I nod, my face still pressed against his hot as hell abs. Fuck if someone told me a week ago that I would be nuzzeling Deku's six pack I would have blasted them but here I am doing exactly that. 

'Deku I haven't told anyone but Hound Dog about the things I've told you,' I let out a sigh looking up again to see his now much calmer face watching me. 'I know the quirk will be wearing off soon but please don't tell anyone?' I feel weak and like I should be setting off explosions but at the same time knowing that if I do Deku wouldn't stay, so I don't. 

'Of course not.' He watched me for a second before asking. 'Tell me what you're thinking about? Please?' 

'You'll laugh,' I close my eyes again not wanting to see the puppy dog eyes that I knew were facing me now. 

'Please?' he asked again and I let out a sigh. 

'I was wishing for something impossible,' I started talking, keeping my eyes closed. 'I was wishing that we could stay like this forever and the world would just leave us alone. I wish that no one would care that we are gay and we could just live our lives the way we want to.' I was drifting off to sleep again and wasn't paying much attention to what I was saying anymore. 'I wish I could love you and that you would love me back. But I know none of that will happen. I've been a real piece of shit for too long to ever be happy but you are willing to be my friend again and that is enough.' I snuggled into him again feeling when his heartbeat picked up but not really understanding why. My mind was dragging me under again and my body was gladly following it too lala land. Who knew I would be so tired? 


This time when I wake up Deku is asleep and I can see the sun setting out the window. Wait window? I looked around the room and saw the privacy curtain was open and Recovery Girl was watching me. I blink a few times before letting go of Deku and slowly scooting away before trying to stretch. 

"Fuck ouch!" I curse under my breath, grabbing at my stomach that felt like it was tearing open. 

"Yeah that's going to hurt for a while, no internships for either of you for a week. You too heal and him for hiding his condition from us," Recovery Girl pointed at each of us while talking. 

"Do I get a choice?" I ask her and see her glaring back at me. Deku and I were supposed to work our internships Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday's fuck we almost made it too. "Worth a shot." I lay back hissing at the pain and see Deku stirring in his sleep and froze. 

"You might as well wake him up. I'm about to kick you both out of my office anyway," I grumbled at her instructions but did what she said. Deku woke up smiling at me before looking around and seeing Recovery Girl tapping her fingers on her cane. 

'When I give the signal run,' he kept smiling as he waved at her. 'She is about to attack us with her cane.' I nod sitting up hoping to get a head start. I saw the woman smile and Deku shouted 'Run!' and we both took off out of her office, her cane coming at us and getting me in the legs and Deku in the gut a few times. 

"And stay out of trouble!" I heard her yell from behind us before I heard a door slam. I leaned against the wall trying to catch my breath, my stomach and sides screaming at me in protest as I did. Fuck this hurt! All this damage just from laughing? You can't be fucking serious. 

I see Deku come back and wrap his arms around me helping me up again before then helping me walk back to the dorms. I was panting when we finally arrived and that was with several breaks on the way. We walked into the common area and it was no secret that I was having trouble catching my breath. 

"What happened to you bro?" Kirishima ran over but Deku shouted for him to stop in Wonder but it doen't take a rocket scientist to figure out what he said. I start chuckling and wincing as I do. 

So instead I pointed at Icyhot, "His quirk isn't fire and ice like he says it is. It's to make people hurt themselves laughing. Fuck Icyhot I heard Aunty Inko actually called Uncle Hiroshi in America and he couldn't stop laughing either." I chuckle again, wincing as I do. 

"Recovery Girl said I tore my ab muscles and it will take a week to heal and I'm not allowed to go on my internship until it heals," I glare at him but end up smiling. "Fuck, it was worth it. Deku as All Might's secret love child. 10 out of 10 will definitely be laughing at it again." I stumble and Deku catches me and starts lecturing me in Wonder. 

'Kacchan! Stop your going to make it worse!' He pouted and I can't help grinning. 

'Let me sit on the couch for a while? I need a break before going up those stairs.' he agreed and helped me sit down still in my school uniform but I can't help that. I don't think I could make it to my room without resting for a little while. I lean back and feel someone nudging me and open my eyes to see Deku holding a stack of blankets and pillows. Just where did he find those so quickly? Wait did I fall asleep? Again?

I smile at him and he puts them down before picking me up, making me yelp in surprise. 'What are you doing?' 

'You need to change, don't worry it's my fault anyway because I asked you to keep it a secret and then lost my temper in class today.' 

"I feel like that should piss me off," I groan as I switch languages. But I don't fight him as he carries me to the elevator and back to my room. I change into a fresh pair of sweats and a black tank top before he picks me up and carries me back downstairs and puts me back down on the couch. 

'Well at least we don't have to hide in my room anymore,' I sigh trying not to explode at him for moving me every which way using pillows to prop me up. I could feel my face twitching at being watched by our classmates as Deku was literally pushing me around. 'Deku I'm about to lose my temper,' I growl and he quickly backs away his hands up. 

'Sorry,' he laughed nervously and I just tsk looking away. Why does he have to be so clueless? I didn't want to hang out with these extras. I just needed a break. I sit still fuming in my seat glaring at our classmates who were watching like I was some kind of show. 

"Quit fucking staring at me! There is a TV right there, watch it!" I huffed fuming, stuck in a pile of pillows and blankets. I tried to keep calm but I could feel the small pops in my hands. 

'Kacchan?' I look up and see him twiddling his thumbs and looking down before fidgeting some more. 

"What?" I shout before taking a deep breath and repeating in the correct language. 'What is it Deku?' I rubbed at my nose trying to release some of the built up tension. 

'Can I still sit with you? In your lap like in your room?' He asked fidgeting more. 

'Is that what you want to do?' I was a little surprised but a little happy too. I see him nod looking at me and I notice that he was practically vibrating from nervousness. I take another deep breath. 'Then come here ya nerd.'