I didn't have to wait because Deku practically tackled me and I couldn't help grunting in pain when he hit my stomach. I was cursing a mix of both languages but no one said anything as they watched us interacting together. Deku curled up in my lap looking up at me apology after apology for hurting me streaming out of his mouth as he looked at me with those big green eyes of his. 

'It's not fair for you to look at me like that! How am I supposed to be mad huh?' I growled at him only to see him smile before pulling my hand down from his eyes so now it hid his smile and I chuckled again only to cringe at the pain in my stomach. This is going to be a long week. 

I lean back now using my hand to play with his hair before closing my eyes ignoring our classmates. I could feel sleep tugging at me again. Damn how much did Recovery Girl use her quirk on me?

"Bakubro?" I was in the middle of yawning when I tried to shake the feeling away looking up at Kirishima waiting to hear whatever it was he wanted to say. When he stayed quiet I lifted an eyebrow starting to lose my patience but he finally decided to go on. "What happened? I mean we get the whole Midoriya got hit with a quirk bit but what about you? You're never this calm." 

I let my face revert to my usual scowl, "Wrong. YOU never see me this calm. Why the fuck should I show my good side to a bunch of extras who are always playing me out too be the villain?" I close my eyes again but you know what why the fuck should I let them win? 

I open my eyes again and start letting it all out, "You all have been the same since we started almost three years ago. You claim to be the Bakusquad but do any of you know the first thing about me? Anything at all?" I see Kiriahma start to open his mouth but I beat him to the punch. "What's my favorite color?" 


"Favorite animal?"

"Dogs," Kirishima answered, smirking and happily pissing me off more. 

"Favorite food?"

"Chili, but not spicy!" 

I shake my head, getting sad at this point, "Who is my idol?" He had to get at least this one right. Right?

"Endeavor!" The smile on his face told me that he was completely serious and I lost all of my energy as I let out a long sigh. 

"You got every single one wrong. You claim to be my best friend but you literally don't know anything about me." I looked down at Deku who was watching the exchange silently. 'Can we go back to my room? I'm not hungry tonight.' 

'Kacchan, you didn't eat lunch though?' He looked at me worried before looking at Kirishima again. I can easily see his face tighten a little angry but I ignore it. 'Let me make you some spicy curry first? Then we can go and I won't say anything else. Please?' I nod relieved that at least he knew me. 

'I wish I never pushed you away all those years ago. I-,' I don't even know how to finish the thought but Deku put his hand on my mouth before smiling at me. I nod his hand still on my mouth making me smile a little. He hopped up and helped me up, ignoring the painful gasp from me. Yes only Deku actually knows me. I put an arm around his shoulders and he helps me to the kitchen and I sit down at the island and watch him rush around the kitchen. He threw the food we prepped last night into the oven and went about throwing ingredients at me along with a cutting board and knife. 

He went about setting up the stove and washing the rice while I cut up the ingredients including a ghost pepper from my secret stash, damn he knows me so well. My stomach is throwing a fit and the best thing to settle my stomach was the spiciest pepper in the world. Easy to say we would not be sharing with the class. I could see him setting up the dishes for all the leftovers and he started cooking. 

'Extra pepper please, I haven't had any in way too long?' Deku looked back at me and I grinned and held out a hand and he threw another pepper at me. When we were done our classmates that came into the kitchen and watched us in awe were looking horrified at me when Deku reached back and I gave him all the peppers at once. 

Several of them had tears in their eyes just being in the same room as the fresh cut peppers when Deku threw them into the pan and the spices mixed with the aromas in the air. A few ran out already trying not to throw up just at the smell but for me and Deku it was nostalgic. The best smell by far but we weren't able to eat it because it could ruin other people's stomachs to the point of being hospitalized. 

When we were done Deku handed me a large plate and set another across from me and I waited for him to grab us a couple black cherry sodas. We opened them and clinked them together, toasted and took a drink before eating. I have no idea how he knew I needed his spicy curry but it was a god send. 

'This is my favorite food,' I moan. 

'Haha of course it's your favorite food, who wouldn't know that?' He looked confused smiling back at me. 

'Don't worry about it. It's nothing important anyway,' I smile at the fact that everyone was finally leaving us alone at last. We enjoyed our dinner, 'Another plate? We did skip lunch after all,' Deku laughed before dishing us both up another plate. 

"What the hell is that god awful smell?" Aizawa Sensei came in covering his nose and I can see our classmates behind him in the doorway all of their faces covered as well but most were still crying. 

"Our dinner, what do you want?" I ask around another mouthful of food. "Come to accuse us of being villains again?" I glare at him before taking another bite. 

"No I came to tell you your punishment for lying to us all week." He narrowed his eyes at me. 

"I don't remember telling you he could understand you or that he wasn't hit by a quirk. In fact I remember saying that our bet was that he couldn't go through one fight without getting hit by a quirk. And since he lost that should have told you he was in fact hit by a quirk," I pointed out enjoying another soda and continuing with my dinner. "Besides Recovery Girl already grounded us both from our internships for a week thanks to Icyhot, my abs are shredded and in the not so good way." I finish my food and start yawning again. I was already sleepy but now with a full stomach all I wanted to do was sleep. 

'No! Spicy curry means dessert!' Deku lectures and I perked up. 

'You have some?' I asked and saw him smile at me. "You have some?" I asked again in the wrong language but he knew what I asked, knowing why I was so excited. We never get this unless we have Deku's special spicy curry. 

'Oi when did you get some? We haven't had spicy curry in forever?' I asked him accusingly and Aizawa was watching us talk without a clue as to what we were saying. 

'I picked some up yesterday with the ghost peppers, it's been so long I thought once couldn't hurt?' He smiled before walking to the freezer and pulled out a bag of frozen peas and held a finger to his lips and opened it showing me a tub of the sweet treat. Lemon ice cream, he pulls out a couple small bowls and dishes it up for us before hiding it again ignoring Aizawa altogether. Most people just look horrified at us when they find out our favorite ice cream was lemon. No not lemonade just lemon and yes there is a big difference.

Deku hands me a spoon and a bowl and we clink our spoons before taking that first bite, moaning in harmony at the sweet tang of the cream and smooth texture of the now whipped treat. Deku, by hand, used a fork and whipped the ice cream into a sweet fluffy cloud. Fuck and I thought it couldn't get any better. 

"Now what are you eating?" Aizawa was eyeing our sweet treat suspiciously and I guarded it from him. 

"Don't even think about it, it will cost you your life. If you think I'm an asshole wait until you try taking either of these from Deku. That or breaking one of his All Might collectibles. You won't live to see morning." I turn away and go back to enjoying my dessert and chatting with Deku. 

'So what were you all talking about in the common room?' Deku asked, licking his ice cream from his spoon. 

'Shitty Hair was trying to claim he was my best friend again so I decided to test him with dumb ass kid questions.' I saw Deku lift a brow at me so I repeated the questions and he answered them all correctly and was horrified with the answers Kiriahma gave. 

'Really he thought Endeavor was your idol and orange? Really? Kacchan you hate dogs because Aunty says you act like an angry pomeranian all the time.' Deku laughed thinking I was joking. 

'I told you none of them know me. They pretend to but they don't.' I shake my head licking my spoon again. We learned to make this treat drag on forever, it was a special flavor after all. 

'Well when the quirk wears off I'll prove to everyone they are dumb. Kacchan you are the best.' 

I shake my head smiling sadly, 'Nah they aren't worth the effort. They have all had almost three years if they wanted to know me they would.' 

"If Midoriya was hit by a quirk that disrupted his ability to understand us then how can you understand him still? Or for that matter talk to him? What language is that anyway?" Aizawa Sensei started in on the twenty questions. 

"It's called Wonder and we found out that the guy's quirk only disrupts languages he knows. And since I'm not teaching any of you fuckers Wonder does it really matter?" I glared at him and continued to ignore Iida who immediately started lecturing me for cursing at our teacher. "Shut it Four Eyes, you all lost what little respect you could have had from me a long time ago." I stood up grimacing at the pain and Deku quickly helped me stand up better after cleaning our dishes. 

"By the way don't touch the fucking curry you'll just put yourself in the hospital," I eyed Aizawa Sensei trying to let him know I meant it. 

"What pepper did you even use?" He insisted on asking. 

I smile at him with all the evil pride that I can, "Ghost peppers and yes we do have the special license to buy them so don't ask." 

I motion for Deku to go ahead and we both ignore the shocked horrified face of our teacher. We were almost in the elevator when I heard Aizawa Sensei screaming, "Don't you dare touch that!" I chuckle and Deku and I enter the elevator. Once inside I sent a text telling Momo in the class chat.

Dynamight: Oi Ponytail the rest of you extras dinner is in the oven and it should be done now. 

Creati: Thank you I will take care of it now.

Deku helps me into my room and we lay down and get comfortable again.