I wake up to my alarm going off again but reach over and turn it off. We don't get to go to our work study anyway so we might as well just rest. I turn over searching for Deku only to find an empty bed next to me. What the hell? I sit up and see my door left open. Deku wouldn't leave my door open, I start to panic but remind myself that won't help anyway. I crawl out of bed and even while panting make my way to the door using anything I could to help me from my bed to the chair to just leaning against the wall. 

I look out into the hallway and it's deserted, fuck. I use the railing and stumble and pull myself towards the elevator hitting the button and get in and go to the second floor. I don't plan to get out unless I see the nerd but it's just an empty hallway so I hit the button to take me to the ground floor. This time when the doors open I see Deku tied to a chair with quirk erasing cuffs and the room is a mess. 

"What the fuck!?!" I screamed, getting all of their attention. The class was surrounding Deku and he looked furious. 

'Kacchan they don't understand what I'm saying! Don't let them get you too, I'll be fine,' Deku screamed which only served to piss me off more. 

"That's it!" I pull out my phone and take a picture and send it directly to All Might, Aunty Inko, Uncle Hiroshi, the Hag and my old man. 

Before anyone could do much of anything after that what felt like wind started whipping around the room and Deku looked at me horrified. 

'You didn't!' He looked at me and I nodded. All Might came in the door and just like that the wind died down and a white light filled the room and Uncle Hiroshi stepped into the room. 

"Who the hell tied MY son up?" Hiroshi Midoriya's voice boomed around the room. The man was literally on fire but walked like it was any other day which for him it was except for the fact that Deku was tied up. 

'Dad! Wait don't they are my classmates and you're not licensed in Japan anymore!' Deku cried out trying to get his attention. 

'Izuku why are you tied up? Why does Katsuki look like he is about to keel over and why if it's not that bad did Katsuki contact me?' Deku gulped and it wasn't until this moment that the intruder alarms started going off. 

'Uncle you remember the joke about Deku being All Might's secret love child?' I waited and he nodded no longer amused like he was yesterday. 'Well it's fucking dumb but I managed to tear open my ab muscles from laughing so hard. I'm useless. I can barely stand while leaning against a wall,' I was fighting the tears but it wasn't really helping. 

'Katsuki relax the rest of the adults got hurt the same way.' I looked up smiling at him before he walked over to Deku and broke the cuffs off of him. Deku didn't waste a second to hug his old man and I slid down the wall relieved that he was safe. 'Katsuki take my hand. I think the three of us are going to spend the weekend in America. If that's okay with you?' I look up and see him holding out a hand to me and I smile taking it, a flash of white light and we were sitting in his office in St. Louis, Missouri USA. 

I felt dizzy but after a few minutes he put Deku down and pulled out his phone and using the same group chat I just created to send the picture, and told my parents and Aunty Inko that he had us and would keep us for the weekend. I looked at my phone and saw that it's 7 pm here so that means it was 10 am tomorrow back home. 

'Deku let's go back to bed for the love of All Might please?' I groan and hear Uncle Hiroshi laugh. 

'I'll have my aid heal you while you sleep and you both know where my office bedroom is.' I nod only too happy when Deku helps me up and we walk to the door. Thank All Might, Uncle Hiroshi helped us create Wonder or Deku would be crying that he couldn't understand his dad. We are the only three people to know the language, it was our code, our secret from childhood. 

'Goodnight Uncle!' I call out behind me and Deku and I leave making our way to his room. 


"Stop!" I cry out waking up in the dead of night. I look around to see Deku asleep next to me and the woman who was Uncle's aid sitting next to the bed. Wait, I'm sitting up? I feel my stomach and sure enough there isn't any pain at all. 

""Sorry Rainbow, I didn't mean to scare you and thank you,"" I tell her in perfect English. 

""It's okay get some sleep you had to have been through a lot for Dragon to just go and get you like that,"" she smiled at me before standing up and leaving the room. 

I stretch for a while and without really thinking about it roll over and pull Deku back against me in the bed. I didn't mean to wake him up, I really didn't. I just needed to hold him, to know that he was safe. I had woken up in the middle of a nightmare and it wasn't good.

'Kacchan? What's wrong?' He asked me while rubbing at his eyes. 

'Just a bad dream don't worry about it,' I whisper and like magic his arms are around me. 

'If it's Kacchan I will always worry. I know you hate it but it's true. The world is nothing without you,' he is mumbling to himself sleepily pulling me closer again. For the first time ever I don't feel angry at that. The world means nothing without me? At least to him. A warm fuzzy feeling spreads through me relaxing my tight muscles. 

He was already asleep again but nuzzled into his chest only too happy to feel his warmth, 'I think I love you.' I close my eyes again and drift back to sleep again warm, safe and finally understood. 


'Good morning boys!' Uncle sang out opening the curtains to the one window in the room showing us a view of the St. Louis Arch and we wince at the sudden brightness. Did we really sleep until morning? 

'Dad!' Deku yelled jumping up and hugging the man known as Dragon in the U.S. I follow and Uncle gladly pulls me into the hug too. 

'Boys I have the weekend off and I was wanting to take you both out to see the sights. What do you say?' I can't help smiling knowing he says that everytime I come here but it's been so long since the last time I can't help cheering with Deku. 

We spent the weekend running all over town going out to eat and seeing the sights. We went up to the top of the arch and to the science center and the city museum which surprise is actually a huge jungle gym for adults that went several stories into the air. We went to the zoo and various other places and Uncle and I spoke English when we needed something but otherwise we stuck to Wonder so that Deku wouldn't feel left out. 

Our social media pages were filled with pictures and posts from our adventures not that any of our so called friends would see them. I don't think any of them even knew our usernames. 

'My boys are finally 18. I just can't believe you have grown so much over the years.' Uncle was laughing with us over dinner. We had to go back home after this and basically stay up all night because of the time difference but it was worth it. 

'Say when were you two going to tell us you were dating?' I choked on my soda while Deku choked on his spaghetti. After we managed to clear our airways and breathe again I looked up at Uncle. 

'We're not dating Dad!' Deku was so red that Kirishima's hair had nothing on him but mine probably wasn't any better. I could feel myself practically glowing. 

'We're just friends,' I mumbled looking down at my food picking at it now. 

'But you love each other?' Uncle asked and I froze looking up at him very slowly. I felt like the blood drained from my face so fast that I was dizzy. I see Deku glancing at me before looking at his dad, his mouth opening and closing again and again but nothing coming out. 

'I see. Well in that case let me just say that you both have my blessing if you do decide to go on a date,' he winked at me. He actually winked at me! 'Now finish your dinner I'll have to send you back if you're going to have time to get ready for classes.'

The rest of dinner was spent in awkward silence with Uncle watching us amused when we finally finished dinner. He sent us to go clean up and he sent us back home to Monday morning 9 am right in the middle of class. 

'Uncle!' I yell back at him only to hear him laughing before coming over himself. We all stood in the middle of classroom A and everyone's eyes were trained on us. 

"Oops, looks like my timing was off," he turns to see Aizawa Sensei currently standing at the front of the room while he ignores the fact he was on fire again. The fact he can breathe fire does not mean he is fire proof but at the same time he likes the feel of his flames against his skin. He says his own fire doesn't burn him, I think he is full of shit but who am I to really say? 

"Nezu! Old friend surely I don't need to tell you what will happen if my boys get put into a situation like that again now do I?" Uncle asked, his fire only seemed to grow as his anger grew with each word. 

Suddenly Nezu popped out from behind Aizawa Sensei's back on his shoulder. "Of course Dragon, it should never have been a possibility in the first place. But you know if you were a teacher here I'm sure that they would all have been on their best behavior even if it was someone else?" Wow he really is a con man, or rat. 

"Nice try ya rat." He laughed and Deku and I just sighed. I guess we are attending classes in suits from dinner, curse Uncle's taste for fancy Italian food. Uncle turns back to us, his arms wide open and Deku and I both run into them. 'Seriously we all agree. We will support you regardless of if you two come out to the public. Do you understand?' 

Why does this old man have to know exactly how to make me feel shit? I try to act tough like normal and see him smile at me. "Good, now hugs and kisses I need to go back and you know how Rainbow gets when she uses her quirk for too long." Deku and I shudder. The sweet old lady was terrifying when she was tired. We give him hugs and a kiss on the cheek ignoring our classmates gawking at us. 

"Bye Dad!"

"Bye Uncle!" We called out and he disappeared in a flash of light. 

I look at Deku and groan, "I don't think he accidentally got the time wrong after over a decade of doing this." 

"Me neither but do you want to argue with him?" He looked back at me. 

"Do I look like I have a death wish Deku?" I glared at him. 

"..." He gave me a look telling me I knew exactly how I just fucked up. But thankfully he didn't holdit against me. Fuck if I know why.

"Let's just sit down? We have a long day to get through," I yawned following Deku to our seats. We sat down still in our suits before there was a flash of light and our school bags dropped on our desk. We got out our school things like it was any other day.